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In this article, I share how you can flirt with a guy over text.
More specifically, I will share some of the best texting tips that have worked on me whenever a woman has flirted with me over text.
You might think that subtle is the way to go when you’re texting a guy.
Then, you’d better THINK AGAIN, since most guys are unfortunately pretty stupid when it comes to emotions and doesn’t “get” your subtle hints.
Trust me, as a man myself, I know what is going on in a guy’s mind.
For that reason, I strongly suggest that you share this article with every woman you know.
In this article, you will discover:
- How you can flirt with a guy over text
- Flirt with a guy over text – how to do it the right way
- Subtly flirt with a guy over text – why it doesn’t work, and the text you should send to him instead
Just tap, or click on the button below to read the full article.
How You Can Flirt with a Guy Over Text
When you flirt with a guy over text, you can be more courageous and outspoken about your feelings than if you meet him in real life.
There is a reason that you can be more open to him, which I will address.
You feel a lot safer “behind” the screen of your phone than if you would start to talk with a random guy IRL, don’t you?
The guy you are texting with will feel the same way.
Below, I will list five best practices to flirt with him over text that has worked on other guys and me.

5 Best Practices to Flirt with a Guy over Text – How to Text Him the Right Way
There are many tips and best practices on text flirting with a guy you will find on different blogs, forums, Youtube videos, and magazines, making it confusing.
I mean, who should you trust, and why should you listen to that source?
For that reason, I decided to collect the best five best practices for text flirting with guys known to work on most men.
Text Flirting Tip #1: Get His Attention
The first tip that I want to share with you is probably the most important one as well.
First, you need to get his attention by sending him a short text.
The text must be short since most men find long texts pretty boring, and that is not a feeling you want him to associate with you, right?

Most of us use text messaging as instant messaging.
We send short texts to someone, and interacts with that person, and keep the conversation going.
But, what should you text him to get his attention?
Here are five attention-grabbing texts that will get his attention and start a conversation.
The next step is to create the right emotions in him.
Text Flirting Tip #2: Create Instant Attraction in Him
Now that you have his attention, you need to keep it by creating instant attraction in him.
You do it by sending him texts that put him in the right mood.
One of the best ways to create the right emotions in him is to follow up your attention-grabbing text with a fun text.
It is scientifically proven that laughing will make you more relaxed.
When you send him that kind of text, you will make him associate you with being fun and easy-going.
That will make him want to spend more time with you naturally.
You see, humans and men especially want to be around people who make them feel good about themselves.
When you spend enough time with a person who makes you feel good about yourself, who seems to be easy-going, and fun to be around, you will begin to love that person.
Here are the funniest texts for him that make you more attractive to him.
Remember that it is an internal emotional process that occurs naturally in every human being.
Keep reading if you want to know more about how Elisabeth did it.
Text Flirting Tip #3: Follow These “Rules” to Get Him to Fall in Love with You
Are there certain “texting rules” for women that you must abide by?
I have seen many of this on the Internet lately, and I just wanted to take a few moments and share my thoughts about it.
There is only one rule to follow when you’re texting him: Be yourself.
However, if you want to make him fall in love with you, you might want more in-depth information on which rules you should follow.
For that reason, you might appreciate this article on the rules to follow when you’re texting him, which will increase your chances of getting him to fall in love with you.
Of course, these rules are not set in stone, but you can follow them to create the right emotions in him.

Text Flirting Tip #4: Make Your Texts Worth Reading
Nobody wants to read a boring text.
If you want to make a guy fall in love with you, you should never send him boring texts.
Make your texts worth reading instead.
There is an easy way to make your text worth reading to a guy, and that is by asking yourself the following question:
If he would send me this text, would I read it?
If the answer is no, then don’t send him that text unless the answer is “Yes, I would definitely read it.”
I refer to this as the “golden rule of texting.”
[Tweet “When you’re texting a guy, ask yourself: Would I read this text if he would send it to me? If the answer is no, then don’t send it. This is the #goldenrule of texting. #DatingTips #DatingAdvice”]
If you want any help on what to send to a guy to make your texts worth reading, you may want to send him this text now.*
There you will get the best text you can send to a guy.

Texting Flirting Tip #5: Send Him the Right Text or Lose Him Forever
As you probably have noticed by now, there is more to texting than most people think.
Texting is a great way to start flirting with him over text.
It helps you get him in the right mode, evoking the right emotions in him, and to make him think about you in other terms than a friend or sister.
Texting is psychology.
If you want to do more than subtly flirting with a guy, you need to send him the psychologically addictive text that you will find below.
It will help you make any man fall in love with you if you follow the instructions that Amy will share with you in the video that will begin to play once you tapped or clicked on the image below.

Subtly Flirt with a Guy Over Text – Why It Doesn’t Work.
As you probably realized, being subtle will only make him think of you as his long-lost sister or friend.
He will NOT think about you as his future girlfriend if you are subtle.
It is subtly flirting with a guy who works best IRL, but it doesn’t over text since he can’t see your face or body language.
You can be as blunt as you want with him.
It would help if you never texted him something that will give him the wrong impression of you.
If you try to flirt with him over the text subtly, you risk being boring.
There is nothing more boring for a guy to read a long text or be locked into a boring conversation with a very dull person.
He will think that your texts are reflecting your personality.
So, if you send him a boring text, then it will only be logical to assume that you are a very boring person, right?
For that reason, your texts should not be boring.
Remember that texting should be:
- Short messages that are
- Fun
- Engaging
- Emotional
- Interesting
- Teasing, and most importantly, texting should be
- Building trust
If you can do that, you will not only have more interesting conversations when you flirt with a guy over text, but you will also increase the likelihood of going out on a date with him.
Here are some examples that make him curious.
You can use them as inspiration or send them to him as they are written in that article.
That is your choice.
But, if you want the psychologically addictive text that he can’t resist, you need to watch this video and listen to what Amy says.*
I hope that you now see the benefits of text flirting with a guy.
If you do it the wrong way, you will completely ruin your chances with a man, but you can get an amazing relationship with any man you want if you do it the right way.
That is the true benefit of texting.
To your success,
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