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If you want to know how to turn a hot female friend into your next girlfriend, you want to read this article until the end.
If you know of another guy who needs this information, please share it with him.
All it takes are three easy-to-follow steps, and the first one is the toughest, but bear with me, and I will share the details about it in just a second.
- Be yourself
- Create the right emotions in her
- Say these exact words to turn her into your next girlfriend.
In the complete article that continues below, I share all the details with you.
Step #1 – Be Yourself (It’s the Toughest One)
I already told you that being yourself can be pretty hard.
It can be challenging if you don’t like yourself, but the truth can be quite the opposite for most men, which I experienced when dating.
Most of us don’t know ourselves and what we’re really like as a person.
However, if you want to get more details, here is my best piece of advice to get to know your true self better and start to love yourself.
It’s the best piece of dating advice for men that I can think of, simply put.
Since I know how hard it is, I have shared a lot of information about it since 2013, from different angles, since we’re all individuals, and some of the things I say today might make you understand it better than if I use other words.
Step #2 – Create the Right Emotions in Her
One of the most significant discoveries that I got back in 2018 was the importance of emotions.
Women are more emotional than men, so it is crucial to create the right emotions in them if you want to get her number, get her out on a date, or even get in the bedroom with you on the first date.
My attraction formula, which you can read about here, will help you do just that.
Since I have discussed it, I will not go through it in much detail here, but I want to briefly mention that the best way to create emotions in her, at least according to my experience, is to make her laugh.
However, that’s only the starting point.
To get the entire formula, you can read the article above or by clicking on the image below, and you can read that article.

Step #2a – Storytelling Might Also Help You Get a Hot Girlfriend
Since women love to chit-chat about everything, it is good to create the right emotions by telling her stories.
If you know how to tell a good story, you might use an account to make her laugh, but you need to become one fast if you aren’t.
It’s how we humans build a bond and establish a connection with each other. Women love stories as much as you do, and they don’t have to be dirty, just interesting.
Without stories, the world would be a much duller place, wouldn’t it?
None of the things you probably enjoy, like watching TV, watching different streaming services, or reading books, would be as entertaining as it is without stories.
All humans love them, so if you’re not a great storyteller, you need to become one to entertain her.
Stories also help create that vital connection in a woman, which is another essential thing you need to be good at that I have discussed on my blog.
However, there is a better way to turn a hot female friend into your next friend.

Step #3 – Say These Words to Her Now
The best way to turn a hot female friend into your next girlfriend is probably by either following my tips, that I know work, or watching Marni’s video.
As I shared with you above, it isn’t hard to get women once you know these steps.
It will be so easy to turn a hot female friend into your next girlfriend that she would never know what hit her until the two of you make your way to the bedroom.
If that is something you want, then you should watch Marni’s video below.

If you don’t believe me, here is what I did to get my girlfriend into my bedroom on the first date, and how you can do it too.
Of course, I can’t guarantee that you will get the same result that I got.
However, it will be the best option for you if you want to turn your hot female friend into your next girlfriend as soon as tonight.
Can I Turn on a Woman with Words?
Yes, you can. If I, a pretty shy, well-behaved guy, could do it, so can you.
You probably are suffering from self-doubt and low self-esteem right now, and it is okay to feel this way since you are afraid of leaving your comfort zone.
It happens to all of us, and it only means that you’re a normal human being.
The best part of using the words that Marni shares with you in her video doesn’t only work exceptionally well, but it also makes it unbelievably simple to turn a hot female friend into your next girlfriend.*
As I probably have mentioned to you before, watching her video is free.
However, if you decide to make a purchasing decision, I will earn a small commission from your purchase without any additional cost.
Those words will take her from looking at you in contempt to saying “Yes, please” in a second.
To your success,
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