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I will now share five questions to ask on a first date.
They are written from a male perspective, but they do work just as well for women.

I have chosen to write these questions in descending order.
You might also want to read my article First date etiquette for men after reading this.
5 First Date Questions
Here are my favourite five first date questions to ask her.
These are based on my personal preference and is not a complete guide on questions to ask her.
If you like to ask her other questions, you can do it.
However, if you do not have any clue on what to ask her, these questions might help you get the conversation going and avoid the awkward silence that may occur when you’re meeting someone for the first time.

5. How Would Your Friends Describe You?
This question reveals a lot about how she is perceived among her circle of friends that she usually is spending time with and love.
You will also get to understand how many friends she has.
To clarify: I mean real friends here and not followers on any given social media platform.
Another question, which is a great follow-up question would be:
How many of your friends have you known for more than a year?
This question will also help you understand if she gets friends easy or sticks with whom she has n for a long time and trust.
4. Do You Enjoy Your Work?
This question only works if she does have a job, of course.
I know that you’re a smart person already by reading this blog post, but if her answer surprised you, you might want to read my “plan B”-question for these situations.
If she is currently unemployed or a student, this question should be altered to: What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
It is never wrong to have hopes and dreams.
There is nothing terrible about asking about them either, but if she likes what she is doing, she will probably not suddenly quit her job or move away from you.
3. What’s Something You’ve Always Wanted To Try?
This question will inform you about her personality.
It is essential and will help you understand if the two of you will be a good match or not.
If she is more adventurous than you and wants to do bungy jumping, skydiving, or any other risky things and you’re a cautious person, the two of you might not be the best of matches.
However, if that is Something you would like to try, to challenge yourself, please do so.
It is your life and your decisions. The choice is yours and yours only!
Get her to talk about her hopes and dreams and see if they will match yours or if you could consider doing it.
Click here to understand why her dreams and desires are essential.
2. What Are You Looking For In A Relationship?
One of the most common reasons why singles usually go on more than one first date is because you have set your expectations way too high or unrealistic.
It usually happens when you are uncertain if the person is the “right” person for you or not.
By asking this particular person, will not only save you from a lot of heartaches but as a bonus, it will give you an idea whether you have the same expectations in a relationship or not.
I will give you an example right now:
If you are looking for a serious, committed relationship and your date isn’t looking for that, at least not right now, the two of you will have a very different set of expectations.
If You Know This From The Beginning, You Might Move On And Go
Out On A Date With Someone Else. It Will Also Save You A Lot Of Time,
Since You Will Avoid To Spend More Time On Someone That Does Not
Want The Same Things As You Do.
Now, There Is Only One Question Left And This One Is My Personal
Favourite To Ask On A Date, Namely…
1. Where Did You Grow Up And What Was Your Family Like?
Yes, This Is My Personal Favourite. Why Is It So?
Well, Simply Because You Will Learn A Lot About The Upbringing Of Your Date
And If The Childhood Was Happy Or Not.
If It Wasn’t Don’t Expect Your Date To Tell You Everything About It,
Just Make Sure That The Person Has Some Insight About What Was Wrong
About The Upbringing, Especially If He Or She Grew Up In A Cult Since
That Cult Might Have Some Deviant Practices Or Questionable Theological
Standpoints From General Christian Faith.
Best First Date Questions
The 5 Questions Above Are My Personal Favourites. They Are By No Means
A Complete List Of All The Questions You Could Ask Your Date.
There Is, Of Course, One Other Thing You Could Do If You Have Met Each
Other On An Online Dating Website And That Is To Check What Your Date
Is Giving Away About Him- Or Herself In Their Profile.
By Doing This You Will Avoid The Awkwardness Of Asking Questions
What Has Already Been Answered Online?
If You Do It Anyway, Your Date Might Wonder If You Have Read
His Or Her Profile And If You Are Seriously
Interested In Him Or Her.
If you are running out of things to discuss, don’t worry.
I got you covered, and all you need to do is to click here to get 45 other conversation starters that will work well on first dates as well.
I Also Want To Say Straight Away That If You Buy This Book, I Will
Get A Small Amount From Your Purchase. It, Won’t Be Much, You’ve
Probably Spent More Money On Coffee This Morning Than I Will
Get From Your Purchase.
Next Blog Post
My Next Blog Post Will Be Published On The 16th Of July 2016.
It Will Discuss The Most Important Thing For A Successful First Date.
See You Then,
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