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Today, I will discuss something that I am very bad at myself and I’m guessing most guys are.
What I will discuss is giving compliments to women.
Below I will share the 65 best compliments women can’t resist.
I will present them without any particular order.
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Compliment Her the Right Way
There is a way to compliment her the right way and there is a wrong way.
Telling her that she looks ugly might work if you have a peculiar sense of humour or she does know you pretty well.
But if she doesn’t know you, like, if it’s on a first date, you want to avoid that kind of jokes because you might end up hurting her unintentionally.
Here are other things you should avoid to do on a date as well.
Compliment her too much will raise suspicion in her too.
She might be thinking that you’re just sucking up to her to make her sleep with you.
As with everything in life, to achieve success, you need a balance between compliments, questions, and just plain and simple listening.
If she told you that she has a hard time or doesn’t feel too good about herself, it is a perfect time to compliment her by telling her that she does look particularly pretty tonight.
Become her greatest supporter and help her to build up her self-esteem and self-value.
[Tweet “Become Her Greatest Supporter and Tell Her That She’s Beautiful When She Has a Tough Time. #DatingTips”]
She will return the favour and do the same thing for you when you need it, I promise!
By being supportive you will “tell” her that you are not a
This is one of the main keys to success in dating.
Now, after I have shared this piece of valuable information, I will share the best compliments, as promised
Just remember to not share all of them at once, keep them for other dates.

65 Compliments She Can’t Simply Resist
Now, as promised, I will share my 65 best compliments you can say to her:
- You look very beautiful tonight. A super simple yet powerful statement.
- I miss your smile. A woman always loves when you tell her something about her that you love and that you find her smile particularly attractive.
- I love making you laugh. Another way of telling her that you find her smile attractive.
- You’re my queen. Make her feel like a royal so you better treat her as if she were a real royalty.
- I’ll always have your back. Makes her feel safe and protected which is a huge turn-on for women.
- I love your style. If she loves to dress up for every occasion, this is powerful.
- You’ve got a sexy personality. Women do love to feel sexy as well as we men do. Tell her this to give her confidence and boost her ego.
- I miss you even when you haven’t left. If you tell her that you miss her, she knows you’re thinking about her when she’s not around and that you are feeling attracted to her and maybe even begun to love her.
- I can fully be myself with you. This will tell her that you relax around her and that you are acting naturally when you are hanging out with her.
- I feel lucky to be around you. You tell her that you appreciate her and that you know that she could ditch you if she wanted to. Big confidence booster!
- You’re complete everything I want in a woman. Are you in love with her or what? You basically tell her that you would never ever look at another woman because she’s everything you want!
- You’re even more beautiful in the morning. If she doesn’t feel great in the morning or if she thinks she’s unattractive use this to boost her ego.
- Your lips always look kissable. No comments here.
- You always know how to make me feel at home. Tells her “Where you go, I will go, where you will be, I will be”.
- Your mind is as sexy as your beauty. Women want to know that you find her attractive, not just her looks but her mind as well.
- I wouldn’t mind growing fat and old with you. You tell her that you’re not afraid of committing yourself to her and can see the two of you getting married.
- You’re even sexy when you’re bossy. This tells her that you like her, even if she bosses you around.
- I could kiss you forever. Women love kissing and do feel that there are many things to it.
- You make me feel that I can touch the sky. The sky is really the limit and she helps you reach it.
- I could have sex with you forever. Women like sex just as much as we men do but they would never confess it to you publically.
- You have the sweetest heart. Tells her: You’re a sweetheart.
- If we were in the Stone Age, I would kill a mammoth for you. Tells her that you would go the extra mile to make her satisfied.
- You make me happy. Awww!
- I’m always looking forward to our next adventure. You feel like she’s adventurous and likes it!
- You taught me the difference between a girl and a woman. Translation: You don’t want any other female than her.
- Even when you’re grouchy, I love you. Katching!
- When I’m with you, it feels like I won the jackpot. Wow!
- You’re a (hidden) gem! Great compliment for first dates.
- I’d walk a mountain for you. Going an extra mile!
- You have all my respect. Tells her you respect her and it’s important as I have discussed previously on this blog.
- You’re my family. This tells her that you’re considering her your family and that you feel a special connection with her.
- Your cooking is amazing. Telling her that she’s good at a practical skill and that you appreciate it a lot.
- I love looking at you. Wow! All the time she spends in the bedroom has really paid off. You love her!
- You light up my life like nobody else. She is special to you. Great compliment even at the end of a first date!
- I feel most alive by your side. Yes, she is your everything.
- Every time I talk about you I smile. She’s the ONE for you, even when you talk to others about her, you smile.
- If you were a piece of furniture from IKEA, you would be called ATTRAKTIV. You show off your foreign language skills, which a lot of women are turned on by as well as calling her attractive at the same time!
- I always learn so much from you. You are getting a lot of valuable information from her. WOW!
- I trust you. Trust is important and here’s why (in case you’ve missed it it’s one of the T’s in the HIT-formula).
- If I would be without your company, a piece of my heart would surely die. This tells her again that you share a special bond.
- You are my passion. No comments.
- You are even more beautiful on the inside than on the outside. Once again, tells her that you are head over heels in love with her.
- I want to hug you and never let you go. You are in love, man!
- I want to kiss you like you never have been kissed before right now. One of my personal favourite compliments to use on women. Works best if she’s over the age of 24.
- That colour looks great on you. No matter if it’s her clothing or it’s a new lipstick she wears for the first time, this is a great compliment.
- I never thought I could be on a date with such a beautiful woman as you. A great compliment for any woman on any date or even in a committed relationship.
- If I would look up the word beautiful in the dictionary, there would be a picture of you next to it. You tell her in a subtle way that you think she’s beautiful.
- Your voice is magnificent. To acknowledge a personal trait, rather than a body part is a great compliment to give to her, right?
- Babies and small animals probably love you. She is a caring person and this is something you have noticed and want to commend her for.
- You’re an angel in disguise. No comment needed.
- You are smart AND sexy at the same time. Women want to feel sexy but not just sexy. By combining sexiness with smartness you are telling her that you like her a lot and find the combination attractive.
- Is it hot in here or is it just because I see the most beautiful woman on planet Earth that I’m heating up? Sucking up? You bet!
- There’s ordinary and then there’s you. Translation: She is something special.
- You are the sunshine in my life. No comment needed.
- Your smile lights up my world every time I see it. As I have told you before, appreciating something physical about her, without being offensive is a great way to compliment women.
- I can’t wait to see what kind of plans you have for me tonight. Creates anticipation and relieves some of the pressure you might feel.
- What is a rose? It’s a flower but you are like an entire bush of roses and you smell like them as well. Basically, you tell her that she smells amazing.
- I treasure every moment I spend with you. You really appreciate spending time with her and you want her to know it.
- I love your quirky ways because – it’s so you! She might not be perfect and you have noticed it but are okay with it.
- Let’s make an appreciation day just for awesome people like you. Another way to tell her that you appreciate her.
- You’re even better than a unicorn because you are real. Translation: She’s really something.
- Roses are red, violets are blue. I am great and you’re awesome too. Many women love poetry and this is a fun way to tell a woman that you think she’s awesome, right?
- You’re more fun than bubble wrap. Everybody knows that bubble wrap is fun, right?
- You’re so thoughtful. Awww! No other comment needed.
- I’m never bored when I’m with you. Another way to say that she’s fun to be around.

There you have them, all 65 of them.
If you like them or you have others you would like to share, make sure to leave a comment below.
I would also appreciate if you would share them on social media.
Help spreading the word! Let’s make compliments great again!
Next Article
My next article will be published on the 13th of October 2018.
It will discuss a very important thing in dating that many guys need to know.
Have a great week,
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