Avoid These 7 Things When a Girl is Staring at You




when a girl is starting at you,


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When a girl stares at you, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. From personal experience, I know how it felt when my first girlfriend started to do it; I felt a bit nervous and excited at the same time. Knowing how to handle this situation confidently and poised can make all the difference.

I recently watched a video on Youtube that made me remember all the mistakes I did in my first serious relationship as an adult, and for I will share a few comments on the things that I did wrong so that you can avoid doing them, hopefully.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into what you must avoid when she is staring at you, but also share what you must do to make her more attractive.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

The 7 Things to Avoid When a Girl Is Staring at You

Here are seven things you should avoid to ensure you make a positive impression:

1. Avoiding Eye Contact

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to avoid eye contact. Looking away can make you appear insecure or uninterested. Instead, meet her gaze confidently and slightly smile to show you are approachable and self-assured.

I remember how we started looking at each other when the other person wasn’t looking. Of course, we both knew that the other person was looking, so it was a bit of fun, innocent flirting that went on for a while before I approached her.

How to Act: Maintain eye contact and offer a friendly smile. For example, if you’re at a coffee shop, look up from your drink, make brief eye contact, and then return to what you were doing.

How Not to Act: Constantly looking away or down at your phone. This makes you seem disinterested or insecure.

young woman looking at a young man

2. Overthinking

Overthinking the situation can lead to awkwardness and hesitation. Stay present and relaxed rather than getting caught up in your thoughts about why she’s staring. Keep your body language open and natural to convey that you’re comfortable and in control.

I was constantly overthinking and second-guessing myself throughout the relationship. In retrospect, I wished I acted quicker, but my overthinking was due to inexperience.

How to Act: Stay calm and be yourself. If you feel like approaching her, say something simple like, “Hi, I noticed you looking over. How’s your day going?”

How Not to Act: Fretting over every detail of what to say or do. This can make you appear awkward and nervous.

Click here for tips on how to have a more confident body language that attracts women.

young man thinking

3. Ignoring Her

Pretending not to notice her can come off as rude or dismissive. Could you acknowledge her presence with a nod or a smile? This small gesture can go a long way in showing that you are polite and considerate.

I always said “Hi,” acknowledged her presence, and smiled whenever I looked in her direction.

How to Act: Acknowledge her with a nod or smile. A casual wave can also work if you’re in a group setting.

How Not to Act: Pretending she doesn’t exist or intentionally avoiding any form of acknowledgment.

4. Approaching Too Aggressively

While it’s important to acknowledge her, approaching her too aggressively can be intimidating. Take a calm and measured approach if you decide to start a conversation. Respect her personal space and be mindful of her reactions.

How to Act: Approach with a casual and friendly demeanor. For instance, if you’re at a bar, you might say, “Hey, I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room. I’m [your name].”

How Not to Act: Marching up to her with overly intense energy or invading her personal space immediately.

Click here to read my article on how you can attract women in a better way.

Frustration, Online Dating Failure

5. Acting Cocky

Confidence is attractive, but overconfidence can be a turn-off. Avoid acting cocky or boastful, as this can make you seem arrogant. Instead, display genuine confidence by being yourself and showing genuine interest in her.

How to Act: Display genuine confidence by politely asking her about herself. “What brings you here tonight?” is a good example.

How Not to Act: Boasting about your achievements or making it all about you. Avoid statements like, “I bet you’ve never met anyone as interesting as me.”

Click here to read up on how you can boost your confidence without acting cocky.

6. Being Distracted

When a girl is staring at you, giving her your full attention is crucial. Being distracted or preoccupied with your phone or surroundings can signal disinterest. Could you show that you are fully engaged and interested in the moment?

How to Act: Show full engagement by putting your phone away and focusing on the conversation. If you’re in a group, include her in discussions.

How Not to Act: Continuously checking your phone or looking around the room signals disinterest.

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7. Being Obnoxious

Loud or obnoxious behavior can quickly ruin any chance of making a positive impression. Maintain a respectful and pleasant demeanor, and avoid making inappropriate jokes or comments. Your behavior should reflect maturity and consideration.

I was pretty loud, but that was just the way I used to talk, which unfortunately did end the relationship.

How to Act: Keep the conversation light and respectful. I want you to please be sure to remind her genuinely and avoid sensitive topics early on. For example, “You have a great smile” is a safe compliment.

How Not to Act: Making loud, inappropriate jokes or comments. Avoid remarks that could be offensive or taken the wrong way.

Click here to read my advice on how to make a lasting impression on her.


Handling a situation where a girl is staring at you with confidence and respect can create positive interactions. By avoiding these seven behaviors—avoiding eye contact, overthinking, ignoring her, approaching too aggressively, acting cocky, being distracted, and being obnoxious—you’ll be better equipped to make a great impression and navigate social situations effectively.

For more detailed tips and advice, watch the full video by Teaching Men’s Fashion here.

when a girl is staring at you infographic,

To your success,


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