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The Information You Find In This Article Is Very Important
In this blog post, I will discuss one of the most underestimated yet highly-valued aspects of dating: Respect.
This is one of the keys that can make or break your chances on a date, especially if you want to have more than just the first one.
Respect builds trust and trust is one of the cornerstones that relationships are based upon. So this post is a must-read for all you guys out there that wants to have a relationship.
Find out more below…
Respect Is Essential, Always Remember This!
Respect is one of the essential things when it comes to dating, whether it’s online or “offline”.
This is one of those skills that are hard to write about since respect can mean different things in different cultures.
When I write about the respect I am talking about three things:
1. Show him/her respect by holding up doors, pulling out chairs etc.
This is a very Western (as well as American) way of showing respect, especially to women, but it should be considered.
Men do this as a sign of respect but don’t expect them to do so.
Say “Thank you” and be polite if they do these things.
If they don’t you have to decide if that person is someone you would like to start a relationship with or not.
Please read my article “How to Behave on a Date” for more tips on behaving your best.
2. Being polite, even when (or rather if) you talk about your exes!
It is a bit like the last paragraph, saying “Thanks!” and be polite IS a way of showing someone respect, as well as you, have manners.
If you talk about exes, don’t call them names or cursing at them for what they did to you or someone else.
This is not OK of course!
Surely, it can be very painful even if some time has passed since you broke up with your ex. It might have put a thorn in your side, quite understandable.
Just don’t take it out on your date! Never calling or cursing at your date is another way of showing respect.
Want more tips? Then read the article What to Discuss on a Date, please.
3. Communication skills and body language!
I’ve written it before and I will probably write it many times again but your communication is very important.
Remember to think about your body language and think about not what you are saying but also how you say it!
Your body and even eyes might tell a different story than the words coming out from your mouth do!
Guys, you should also talk with a low voice to make your date feel comfortable.
Ladies, talk about all the things that interest you but take some time breathing.
If your date doesn’t hear what you’re saying it’s not of any use that you speak a lot!
Do this in a higher pitch than you normally do.
This will make you appear more friendly to your date and might be a deal-maker.
Respect the people working at the place where you are having your date.
Don’t be rude to them, that might be a deal-breaker!
Show your social skills and the best version of yourself that is possible!
Don’t flirt with the staff either; that isn’t nice for your date!
One of the best ways to show your date is to ask your date questions, and here are some that will help you get to know your date a lot better.
Respect Is What Builds Trust

If you are following these simple advice, you have increased your chances to have at least another date with the same person a lot.
As I’ve shown above, communication and how you behave matters and if you are following the tips I have given you, these signs of respect builds trust.
Trust is one of the cornerstones of a relationship, both a romantic one but also a friendship.
If all humanity would trust each other, the World will undoubtedly be a better place. You can do your share by following the advice listed above.
Trust, communication, honesty and maybe also humour are the four cornerstones of every relationship we have.
Everything is based upon these things and that is what really matters to all humans. In a Christian relationship, your relationship with God matters too!
As a Christian, you ARE NOT perfect and you know it!
We are all sinners but saved through the blood of Jesus Christ by an unselfish act from God Father Himself that sent His son to atone for all of us on a cross at Calvary and gave us His righteousness and grace, just as Paul, once a persecutor of Christians became an apostle by the same grace when he saw Jesus!
This is not a fifth cornerstone for Christians, this IS the cornerstone of the relationship with God and also how we relate to other human beings.
I just wanted to add this since it is what differentiates a Christian life to other lives.
Next blog post
My next blog post will be published on Saturday the 15th of August 2015.
It will be about some happenings during this autumn on the website!
See you then,
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