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In this article, I will discuss one aspect of international dating that comes with a lot of unfortunate and racist stereotypes, Asian girls.
I have myself dated quite a few Asian girls myself and faced my own ideas of the pleasing Asian woman stereotype. One of the girls I dated, was quite the opposite to that and I thought it was liberating.
Because she was just as unconventional as any white girl I dated.
Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t consider myself to be a racist and I despise all kind of racism since I think it says more about your own preconceptions and limiting ideas than it says about her.
In this article, I will try to debunk as many myths as possible but also share some tips on what to do if you really want to be dating Asian girls.
Let me start by debunking one myth right here:
Asian women are not more eager to please a man than a Caucasian woman.

But where does this idea come from, anyway?
Let’s dive right in and answer this question with another question:
Why Do Asian Girls Like White Guys?
This question stems from a racist stereotype that I debunked above.
It is an unfortunate stereotype that evolved during the 19th and 20th Century from women in the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand especially being forced to serve as prostitutes as victims of trafficking.
In fact, there was an entire network of these brothels in Japan after the Second World War and in South Korea in 1958 after the Korean War.
These women were forced to serve on brothels near American naval and army basis up until 1946 when General Douglas MacArthur prohibited them, which was pointed out to me in an excellent article by Audrea Lim.
So no, Asian girls do not like white guys more.
In fact, I do believe it’s the other way around.
No matter which kind of girl I’m dating, I would always treat her with the utmost respect.
Her parents and family would be treated equally respectful, never force her to do something she’s not up for, and if she said no, I will and I will always do this stop it as a sign of respect to her.
This is just how I would treat any woman.
Now, if you despite this, still want to date an Asian girl or woman, I do have 5 tips for you:
- You have to learn how to eat with chopsticks. Yes, this is something you must do. If you have never eaten with chopsticks before, start practising now and do some research.
- You must be prepared to eat everything. Forget eating filets all the time and be ready for some culinary treats like chicken heart, pig elbow, and tofu skin. Yum!
- You must be ready to drink tea. Just as eating different things, you must spoil your taste buds and sending them to the spa by drinking tea.
- You must eat what her parents offer you. Yes, no matter how grouse and distasteful you might find it, get over it, eat it, and tell them how much you appreciate their cooking.
- You must pick up a few words of her native language. This is just considered being polite according to most of the world. Even if you speak English fluently and that is the lingua franca of the world, try to learn some courtesy phrases like Hi, Thank you, and You’re welcome.

Now, guys, there are many ways you can learn these languages, and I will cover this in greater detail in November but for now, I can inform you that the best way is to learn languages online.
No matter if it’s a European language or an Asian language, you need to try to pick up some words at least.
But all the details will be covered in my later articles about languages.
For now, just remember that learning a language is like learning about a new culture and another way to look at the conditions of human life.
No matter which culture your date belongs to, it is always advisable to:
- Respect her, her culture, and her family. There are many different ways to show her this but this is the main key to your dating success.
- Show her that you’re a decent guy. Words are cheap, right? Let your actions speak for themselves and show her that you’re an honest guy and that you don’t try to fool her in any way.
- Make her smile. No matter if it’s a funny joke or a grimace that makes her smile, do it. This will release endorphins in her brain, increase her well being and make her more relaxed around you.
- Tell her about your life. This is one of the keys to creating that all-important “connection” women always talk about. Tell her about a day in your life. Use a lot of adjectives to describe your day in minute detail.
- Talk about her life too. Let her describe a day in your life. Listen to what she has to say. Don’t share your well-meaning “advice” with her unless she asks explicitly for it.
- Tease her and intrigue her. Use the entire HIT-formula to create rapport as well as a connection with her.
- Do things together. Another way to create that all-important connection is to actually do things and experience things together.

The tips above are general ones, if you want to date Asian girls or women there are a few other ways which I discuss in the next paragraph.
Date Attractive Asian Women
If you want to date attractive Asian women, besides from following the steps that I described above, you might also like to get more details on how to date an Asian woman.*
Please note that the links that are followed by an asterisk (*) are affiliate links. If you purchase the product featured in these links, I will get a kickback from your purchase. This is how I use affiliate links.
In that book, you will discover the nitty-gritty details on dating attractive Asian women that will help you avoid many mistakes.
We don’t do them intentionally, but just getting them explained so we can avoid them will be beneficial for both you and the Asian woman you’re about to date.
I wished I knew this back in 2016 when I was dating a Chinese woman.
Without getting into too many details I can inform you that it would have helped me a lot back then.
I would have been able to avoid some of the misunderstandings we had between the two of us and I would have realized the one thing that matters the most to her.
One of the things I would have benefitted from was what she would consider being the perfect gift and what I think it would be.
Since there are many different cultures in Asia, just as in the rest of the world, there are different expectations that she and her family will have on you as well as you should have on them.
How to date an Asian women explains some of them too.*
Since Asian girls live everywhere, you may find them across the world or in your own neighbourhood.
Isn’t this amazing?
Just remember the 5 common rules of conduct that I shared above and you’re good to go, these are experiences I learned myself.
One of the great things this book does is that it debunks myths.
If you want to get more of this and a lot of other valuable information as well, have a look at how to date an Asian woman and start dating hot Asian women tonight.*
Next Article
My next article will be published on the 22nd of October 2018.
It will discuss how women can become irresistible to men.
Have a great day,
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