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In this blog post, I will discuss what you absolutely should not ask a woman on a first date.
Of course, I will also suggest some things you could and maybe even should consider asking her.
Keep on reading below…

What Not to Ask a Woman
Many questions can make a date awkward, I have been to some of them myself and some others that I’ve read about.
Below I will cover what you should not ask a woman you are dating.
Remember this: It is OK for you to be silent and listen, the first date is after all about the woman you are dating and not yourself.
Here are some questions you should avoid on a first date:
- Everything that has to do with the area below her waist or how experienced she is indifferent sexual techniques. Don’t ask her about that just yet. There will be a time and a place for them, but it’s not now!
- How many children she wants to have with you and what their names should be. Please don’t push it! You want to have something to talk about when your dating evolves into a relationship.
- The weather. Seriously, don’t talk about that! It is never good to discuss when you have so much more to talk about. This is something you can talk about later on. It’s only OK if the weather caused you a delay and then it can be your opening line.

Do Ask Her Questions Like
I don’t just want to share with you what you shouldn’t say. So here’s a list of five topics that you may use if you run out of questions yourself:
- Which hobbies she has and why she enjoys them.
- What she likes to drink (coffee, tea, drinks, etc.) or eat (Italian food, Chinese food, etc.).
- Where she would see herself in three, five or ten years from now.
- What she thinks about different things (politics, religion and so on).
- Which countries she likes to travel to and why.
I’m sure that you can think about a lot of other questions to ask her, right?
Feel free to comment it. I always love to read your comments.
Next blog post
My next blog post will be published on Saturday the 11th of July 2015.
It will be about what you can do to win a woman’s heart, so don’t miss it, guys!
See you then,
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