Dating In Real Life: Dating Is For All Ages (Part 2)




what age difference is acceptable in dating, what age difference is acceptable when dating, what age difference is social acceptable in dating


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In this blog post, I will continue the blog series I’ve started this Wednesday to try to answer the question of the age difference.

Who should be older and who should be younger, is there any “ideal” age difference to “grant” a long-lasting relationship?

Let’s begin by asking a simple question: What does science tell us?

Find out the answers below…

A Cute Couple
What The Socially Acceptable Age Difference For Dating Is Varies Between Countries.

What Is Socially Acceptable Age Difference In Dating?

There is a rule that says that if you take your current age divides it with seven. You get the minimum age of how old your date should be. To get the maximum age is simply adding seven to your own age; however, scientific studies have revealed an interesting fact:

This rule is only applicable to men for the minimum age of how older women should be, women do not follow this rule, and neither gender follows the rule about the maximum age.

I can by my own experience, say that this is true.

I would not date a woman that is seven years older than I am, but I would, of course, consider dating a woman seven years younger than me.

The “equation” of 7-your current age+7 was stated as a fact before, but it’s not applicable in most cultures since there are always people who deviate from the norm. There are also cultural, religious, ethical and coming of age differences between countries.

In most countries, 18 is the age of consent, but there are some countries like the USA where in some states the legal age is actually 21 and other countries like Sweden where the age of consent is 15, although it should be added that you cannot get married before the age of 18.

Is There Any Ideal Age Difference Then?

The short answer is: No.

A longer answer would be: Scientific studies based upon real life-studies have shown no real age difference that guarantees a “happily-ever-after” fairy-tale ending to a relationship.

Many scientific studies have revealed that men are often older than women in a relationship (the other way around seems actually to be more likely to cause divorce but also not so commonly widespread than we might think if we read about in the newspapers).

Another interesting fact is that women are looking for financial stability and are thereby more likely to choose older men since men earn more money as they get older while women often don’t.

I’m just stating the facts here.


I want to make the following conclusion:

Age is not just a number; it’s an indicator of maturity.

Women are more likely to be more mature than their male counterparts, especially when they are younger and are also more likely to choose an older man that can provide for themselves and their future offspring.

Next blog post

My next blog post will be published on the 20th of April 2016.

It will be about great ways to communicate with someone (no matter your age).

See you then,

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