Dating Is For All Ages (Part 3)




ways of communication


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In this blog post, I will discuss communication and whether or not it is age-dependent.

What most people seem to fail to recognise is that there is a generation gap in today’s dating world.

Younger daters are more tech-savvy than older ones.

Read more below…

Preferred Communication When Teenagers Or Young Adults Date

Are You Missing A Boyfriend Or A Girlfriend?
How You Date Is Different If You’re Young…

When people that are young adults and teenagers date, they prefer to use text messages.

No wonder, it’s cheap (and this group isn’t often very wealthy) it’s fast and you can get to know a person within a couple of minutes.

They are often fast in texting with their cell phones too.

So it makes sense that young people prefer this way of communication.

I recommend this not only to young singletons but also to everybody who does not have a lot of money.

The main principle is that it’s cheap and it’s fast.

Preferred Communication When Older People Date

What’s wrong with an old-fashioned telephone call?

The answer is; Absolutely nothing.

If you’re older and prefer to call someone you’ve might have met online there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Love Really Has No Age Limits
… or old.

However, I recommend a more modern approach called video chat that is offered on dating sites like

This is only offered in the monthly paid subscription because it costs a lot to maintain the technique.

This is also something I recommend for all singletons who wish to let others know that they are serious in their dating.

Sure, it costs and it’s not cheap but it’s not expensive either.

The best part of it is that you will see the other person’s face and the other person will see your face too, so you can see how you react to what the other person is saying.


It goes without saying that you date differently when you’re older or younger especially since the younger you are the more tech-savvy you are.

There are of course exceptions to this rule.

Generally speaking, I recommend text-based communication to teenagers and young adults mainly.

For those who don’t have a lot of money or are unwilling to spend money on dating, I also recommend any means of text-based communication.

It should be added that the chances of success are less at least compared to more expensive forms of dating but that is totally up to you.

As long as you are aware that this will have a negative impact on your results.

If you don’t want to spend a fortune on different dating apps or membership websites this is an acceptable method to use.

This is entirely up to you and it’s you who should make the final decision. After all, it’s your life and not someone else’s.

Next blog post

My next blog post will be published on Saturday the 23rd of April 2016.

It will be about how you can date online or offline successfully.

See you then,

About the author

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