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Dating Tips: Motivation and Mindset

how your mind affects your dating, dating and motivation, dating and mindset

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Your Mind Dictates Your Reality

Your mindset and motivation control your dating.

It is also the often forgotten thing what decides whether you will fail or become successful.

Something you never pays attention to.


Because your brain controls your perception of reality.

Sometimes you create certain habits or rituals around things you do daily like brushing your teeth or combing your hair.

It bothers me when you don’t give these things many thoughts.

Did you know that it takes 5-7 days to develop a habit?

It does.

We all have routines and ceremonies around everyday things that we have developed over the years.

We might believe that these are necessary for us to function properly.

But they’re not.

Another thing you might do is to remain passive when you, in reality, should become active and actually do things.

Let me ask you a question:

Are you watching YouTube-videos or reading books on how to find love?

Did you know that one of the biggest secrets is that the brain controls how you fall in love?

It is a combination of endorphins, adrenaline, cytosine, and a bunch of other chemicals that your brain must be flushed with so that you can start feeling an attachment and chemistry between you and another human being.


Your brain does not just control your reality. It also controls who you are falling in love with.

It is all about sequence.

It would help if you got the chemicals released in the right sequence to attract another human being.

It is also about frequency.

The more frequent you can do this, the better.

You see, I recently found out about this myself.

I had the privilege of participating in a real life-changing event.

It was a summit that hosted some of the world’s greatest minds.

One of them was Bob Proctor, and he discussed paradigms and how our preconceptions form our lives and thoughts.

Paradigms are our mental programming.

We are all taught this when we are very young.

No one ever gives this a lot of thought.

But it all made sense to me.

We can also reprogram our brain, if necessary, to adapt to changed circumstances.

Our reality is reflected by the paradigms that we already have.

It is controlled by our brain.

But this is nothing we are born with. This is something we are taught by our parents when we grow up.

Your Mindset and Your Dating Success

If you have been on several dates but never have been able to find Mr. or Ms Right, it all depends on your mindset.

Somewhere, deep down in you, there is a tiny little voice that tells you:

You will never be able to get a relationship with this person.

This tiny voice is something you should ignore.

I know, it is not easy.

If you want to be successful, no matter what you want in your life, I have good news for you.

It only takes 6 minutes a day to achieve it.

Think about this for a while…

42 minutes per week isn’t much since you probably spend more than 40 hours every week at work.

Now, I’m not an expert in reprogramming your brain.

By no means, but I was impressed by how little it takes to change your life around completely and be able to get success in your life.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your professional or personal life.

You can change anything and everything if you invest the time needed.

42 minutes a week, that is.

To get the relationship you want.

All you need to do is the motivation to do it and the willingness to invest the time needed as well, of course.

Should you do it?

I can’t make that decision for you, only you can.

At the end of this article, you will get an opportunity to get coached by Bob Proctor himself.

Your Motivation Matters Too

Of course, you need to be motivated too.

If you are happy being single, you don’t want to change anything.

But if you read this article, the chances are that you are not satisfied in your personal life right now.

Remember that quite frequently good things happen when you decide to take action and do them.

Life never happens to you. It happens because of you.

If you want to change your life around, nobody but you can make it happen.

I can’t do it for you.

Only you can do it.

It would be best if you decided whether you want one of the world’s leading transformational coaches to be your coach.

If I were you, I wouldn’t need to give it much consideration.

I would jump on this opportunity right now.

But that’s just me.

I also know that he is planning to do a live seminar in October.

The best thing about both this seminar as well as his weekly coaching is that you can do it from the comfort of your home.

You do not have to leave or take time off from your life!

If you are reading this, it means that his offer is no longer available, but the information above is still valid.

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 22nd of August 2018.

It will discuss when I wasn’t scammed on popular social media.

Have a great week,


About the author: Rickard Is The Head Blogger Of Chi Rho Dating Since Summer 2015 And Is Also The Dating Coach Of The Dating Website ChristianDatingInternational.Com.

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