Do Soulmates Have to Be Lovers?




do soulmates have to be lovers,


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Do soulmates have to be lovers?

It is not as straightforward as it seems at first glance since the answer will depend on who you are asking and their experience and personal beliefs.

I recently asked Falak Shaikh this question in an interview, and her answer was no.

As she explains in the video, your soulmate might be a parent, a friend, a family member, or even your children. However, there is one kind of soulmate who will be your lover.

Your connection with that person will define whether they are your soulmate.

It is in that moment when you feel an instant emotional connection the moment you meet that person that you have found a soulmate or asked for sure signs.

You can watch the entire video on Youtube and discover how to manifest your soulmate.

In the video, Falak talks about why you will see signs indicating whether the person you are currently with is your soulmate or if that person is not your real soulmate, and she also shares a couple of examples with you.

Keep Seeing These Numbers

If you want to know how you can find your sexual soulmate and whether your soulmate is male or female, as well as the different soulmate types you will encounter, please continue to read this article.

Here are a couple of articles you might want to read after you have finished this one.

Is My Soulmate Male or Female?

We all have different preferences and sexual orientations; however, there is one thing that will be helpful to understand and will help you determine what sex your soulmate has.

You will naturally be attracted to people on the same vibration level but with a different energy level.

The vibrations you send out to people around you and, more importantly, your energy level will determine who you are attracted to regardless of their energy.

Suppose you have a high vibration level with a lot of forceful energy.

In that case, you have a power that is traditionally described as masculine energy and will therefore attract people with feminine energy.

Sometimes we are drawn to people of the same energy level for various reasons.

People with feminine energy can still have a high vibration level, yet they tend to have a lesser degree of force, making them more attracted to people with a high degree of energy.

You need to be intuned with your destiny to understand if your soulmate is male or female.

How Destiny Tuning Can Help You Find Your Soulmate

At some point in life, you might be more attracted to one sex, and then it might change, or you might be attracted to only one sex your entire life. It is all about the level of energy and vibration you feel.

Destiny tuning can help you discover who that person is.

If you want to know how destiny tuning can help you find your soulmate, regardless if that person is male or female will help you, consider reading this article, where I go more in-depth into what destiny tuning is and how it helped me discover my soulmate.

Now, I will discuss whether or not soulmates always have to be lovers.

happy african american couple

Are Soulmates Always Lovers?

Soulmates are not always lovers, as Falak states in the interview.

I agree with her that soulmates do not always have to be lovers, but there is, of course, still a possibility that they are.

Your friends or family members can be your soulmates too.

It is pretty odd, but when you meet the person who is your soulmate, regardless of gender, they will appear in front of your eyes, and you will know it.

So, do soulmates have to be lovers, then?

The answer to that question is no, but it is still a bit more complicated than the simple question conveys.

What Are the Different Soulmates?

The different kinds of soulmates, and here Falak and I are in absolute agreement, are:

  • Your lover or significant other
  • Your current boy- or girlfriend
  • A family member
  • A friend
  • Your immediate family

We all go through life, and we meet different kinds of soulmates who will help us discover our true meaning and purpose, helping us pursue and achieve our goals.

A sure sign that you are with your soulmate now is that you keep seeing certain things.

It can be a butterfly, a red ball, recurring numbers, and other subtle signals indicating something has changed or will change quite soon.

Keep Seeing These Numbers

Sexual Soulmates

Sexual soulmates are people we will have sexual intercourse with; they are our future or current boy- or girlfriend.

These soulmates must be lovers since they will help us fulfill our relationship goals.

You will realize instantaneously whether a person is your sexual soulmate or not the second you will start to see sure signs appear in your life.

It can be as easy as you wake up at the same time a couple of nights for no obvious explanation.

When it happens, you need to realize that your soulmate is thinking of you, is in tune with your vibration level, and wants you, even if you haven’t met them yet.

You will be surprised the first time you sleep with your sexual soulmate.

Your soulmate and you will function well inside the bedroom together. Every touch will feel right, and you will have the most incredible sexual experience ever.

Non-Sexual Soulmates

Most soulmates you will meet are of the non-sexual kind.

It can be one of your biological parents, one of your family members, or a friend you will ‘click’ with in a way you aren’t used to or have ever experienced before.

It can be overwhelming, and you will enjoy spending time with that person.

You know you have found your soulmate when you feel a deep sense of belonging and an instant emotional connection with that person.

Conclusion: Do Soulmates Have to Be Lovers?

In this short article, I have discussed whether or not soulmates have to be lovers.

The short answer is no, but nothing is conclusive since the level of energy and vibration determines whether you will be sexual soulmates.

Throughout the article, I have linked three videos to help you determine your soulmate.

I have also discussed my interview with Falak Shaikh and how she defines the concept of soulmate, which is different from my view in some cases but still quite enjoyable.

Before I interviewed her, she wrote a blog guest post: How do you know you found your soulmate?

Please consider reading it if you want more insights into who your soulmate is and why you must start looking today.

Your soulmate is waiting for you to contact them and get in tune with your destiny.

How Destiny Tuning Can Help You Find Your Soulmate

You are bound for awesomeness,


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