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How to Make Him Text You – 3 Foolproof Steps to Get Him to Text You First

Foolproof Steps to Get Him to Text You First

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Do you want to make him text you more?

If so, here are three foolproof steps that can help you get a response from your beau. With the right strategies and techniques, you’ll be able to get your one-on-one conversations going in no time.

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man texting and smiling
Texting Is One Of The Ways You Can Ask Her Out on a Date

The Three Foolproof Steps to Get Him to Text You First

As I already shared, there are three simple steps to get him to text you first.

These steps are:

  • Send subtle hints
  • Engage in conversation and hold his interest
  • Build up the anticipation of further interactions

If you want some other tips, you might want to read “How to Make Him Text You” after you finish this one, or better yet, watch the video below and then read that article. The choice is entirely up to you!

Video goes here

Send Subtle Hints.

If you want him to text you first, it might not hurt to drop some hints.

Start by sending a few well-timed emojis or an intriguing meme to spark his interest. Also, don’t forget to let him know when something related to him happens (without going overboard).

When he responds, it might be the perfect opportunity for him to start texting more!

If you want to know how to subtly convince your love interest and understand the sneaky message he can’t resist, click or tap on the image below, and watch the video (it opens in a new window).

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Watching the video is free; I think it will be enlightening.

If you purchase the entire program, and I don’t see why you shouldn’t, you may assume that the article writer receives monetary compensation, but without any extra cost.

Men are a bit dumb about heart matters since they aren’t mindful of their emotions.

Engage in Conversation and Hold His Interest.

Another great way to get him to text you first is to engage in conversations that interest him.

He’ll likely reach out if he knows you’re engaged and eager to talk!

Ask meaningful conversation starters and follow up with some other questions. The most important thing, though, is to show genuine interest in the topics he brings up.

This also helps give the impression that you’re interested in more than just his looks and that you care about what he has to say.

Keeping him interested in you and retaining his attention is easy.

Another way to do it is by boosting his ego. Since most men’s ego and self-confidence are higher than most women’s, you’ll be able to retain his attention for you as long as you want.

He anticipates hearing from you again.

man chasing woman

Build Up the Anticipation of Future Interactions.

Another fantastic way to boost his chances of texting you first is to build up the anticipation of future interactions.

That will encourage him to send you that initial text.

You can achieve it by giving compliments, talking about your plans together, and showing him how excited you are for upcoming dates or events – this will make him eagerly await the next time you two get to talk!

Let him know that it’s not only acceptable but also highly anticipated that he sends a “what’s up?” message once in a while, and he will be more likely to reach out.

By giving him these subtle hints, he will do it sooner rather than later.

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The 3 Foolproof Steps to Get Him to Text You First and Why They Matter

You can’t go wrong with the three steps I discussed throughout this article.

They are easy to implement, and if you have a crush or are in love with him, you shouldn’t hold back but encourage him to do it.

Of course, if you send him a text first, there’s nothing wrong.

Some men will enjoy it when you take the first step so that he doesn’t have to be the one who is always initiating things. Sometimes it can get quite tiresome for men.

The three steps you must take to encourage him to send you the initial text are:

  1. Send subtle hints.
  2. Engage in the conversation.
  3. Build up anticipation of future interactions.

When you do these three things, he should feel safe enough to send you that initial text message.

Most men are insecure about how to approach women, even if they pretend they’re not, and if you encourage them to start taking action, they will be more than happy to send you a text.

After he sends you that initial text, the most important thing is to reply to him.

The worst thing you can do is not reply and let him wait. Even if that can feel quite powerful, you still don’t want another woman to get out on a date with him. Do you?

There’s no right or wrong here. I advise you to answer him within 30 minutes after he texts you.

If you wait for a while, he will appreciate you as a high-quality woman, but if you wait too long, he will assume that you have lost interest and move on to the next woman.

You might want to send him this text when you reply to his text.*

That text will make you irresistible to him, and he will appreciate you for the unique and wonderful woman that you are.

Watch that video to understand why that text works so well on men.

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Watching the video is free, but if you purchase through the link, I will earn a commission at no extra cost.

I hope you understand why you want him to text you first and why you should care.

To your success,


About the author: Rickard Is The Head Blogger Of Chi Rho Dating Since Summer 2015 And Is Also The Dating Coach Of The Dating Website ChristianDatingInternational.Com.

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