Funny Texts for Her




fun texts for her, funny text messages for her, fun text messages for her


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As promised, I will cover funny texts for her in this article.

This is, by far, the easiest, most natural way to turn a female friend of yours into your next girlfriend.


Because positivity attracts more positivity into your life.

When I did my research, I came across many different articles covering the topics of funny texts that you can send to her.

For this reason, I will give you 19 texts here, but I will also allow you to get all 55 texts that my research helped me uncover and that you can get at the end of this article.

Most of the texts are great, but one article really stood out from the rest.

It wasn’t the article that listed the most texts, had the best quality, or even the funniest texts, but it had one thing that made it stand out from all other articles that I read when I researched this article.

It explained something important about the human mind.

Read the article here if you’re curious and want the best texts to send to a girl.

I have listed 19 fun texts that you can send to a girl below.

If you want all 55, I will tell you how to get them at the end of this article.

Also, if you like these texts and got value from this article, please share them on your favorite social media platform by pushing one or more on the buttons located on the top or bottom of this article.

As always, you are welcome to leave a comment and share what you got from this article or something else you want to share.

All comments will, of course, be read.

19 Fun Texts for Her

As promised above, I will now share 19 fun texts with her.

I have primarily used three websites and my own creative mind to give you the best fun texts for her, so some are unique to this article, while others have been around the Internet for years.

You can use them free of charge, at least to the best of my knowledge, and the sites that are my sources are credited after the list.

Without further ado, here are 19 funny texts that you can send to her:

  1. I sent an Angel to watch over u while u was asleep but sooner than expected the angel came back and I asked why the Angel said Angels don’t watch over an Angel.
  2. Is your name Global Warming? Because you just made Antarctica melt.
  3. It would be a perfect crime if I stole your heart and you stole mine<3
  4. Is your name Angela? Because you look like an angel.
  5. A guy’s mind is like an abstract painting. They’re deep, complex and mysterious. They know what they want and who to love! They´re everything that a woman loves!
  6. Was it an earthquake or was it just you that shook my world?
  7. I really don’t think any clothes could make you look more beautiful than you currently look, honey. 🙂
  8. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
  9. Is it just me or did your smile just warmed up my entire world?
  10. I am happy that I have ears. Because without them, the smile you put on my face would go from my mouth to my neck. 😉
  11. I know you’re a thief because you stole my heart. I will allow you to keep it on one condition: Marry me.
  12. I want to make you feel like a real woman, so I am thinking of doing something stupid, so you can yell at me and then kiss you for the rest of the night.
  13. You are so sweet so I could just kiss you. Come over to my place and let’s make it a reality.
  14. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I fell in love with you.
  15. You really need to stop hitting on me. It’s not an attractive thing to do to an innocent guy like me just because you’re hot.
  16. I would like to make you giggle like a little schoolgirl every time you look at me by tickling you and kissing your entire beautiful body.
  17. Is your last name Hitter? Because you’re always hitting on me.
  18. Are they actually using heaters in here or is it because the hottest girl in the world just entered this room? 
  19. You look like a supermodel to me.

Sources: HowToTextToAGirl.Com, RocketParents.Com, and TextYourLove.Com

These texts are meant to put a smile on her face.

Because when you smile, you release dopamine and endorphins, which causes you to be overwhelmed with a sense of well-being and at peace with yourself, making it more likely for her to respond to your texts.

You may want to mix it up with these funny texts to send to her and make her smile.

graphicstock young beautiful woman on the phone at the coffee HlXbBK lZWant to make her smile? I have shared 19 texts above, but you can get all 55 below.

Do You Want to Get All 55 Fun Texts for Her?

As promised, I will now share how you can get all 55 fun texts for her.

You see, I have put together a little ebook for you that you can get at a discounted price today.

The price will be increased soon because I am giving it away to you for a fraction of the cost it took me to produce this ebook, but I did this because my goal is not to become rich but to help guys like you.

I know how hard it is to struggle with getting women out on dates.

Of course, I also remember what a hard time I had, just sending her a text, how I would be rambling about my own life and send her long texts.

I did one thing correctly, however, but…

I never got why girls never wanted to date me until I finally understood one thing.

The one thing that literally changed my life.

Get the full story here and an opportunity to get 55 fun texts for her.

But why should you get my collection of texts?

Here are some of the benefits of using these texts:

  • 55 different texts that are proven to work on real girls/women
  • Texts that creates an emotion in her to like you instantly and associate a text from you with laughter and well-being
  • Increases your chances to get her out on a date and turn her into your girlfriend
  • Increases the chances of her answering your text messages
  • Decreases your chances to merely become her “text buddy”

Does this sound like something you would want?

Wouldn’t you like to become the guy women naturally are attracted to?

Do you want to use funny texts to turn her into your girlfriend?

Click here to grab your copy of the 55 fun texts for her now.

Now you can finally be the guy who women flocks around.

The guy who is the envy of all your friends and all men.

It doesn’t even care if you’re a complete loser, a virgin, a nerd, or whatever excuse you have made up for yourself for not getting any girls.

It is finally your turn to get the girlfriend you deserve, right?

The girlfriend who no one understands how you could attract?

Because all it matters on is one thing, and it’s not looks.

Click here to get the one thing she wants to become your girlfriend.

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 29th of April 2019.

It will discuss alpha male secrets.

To your success,


About the author

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