A Woman’s Got to Kiss How a Woman’s Got to Kiss




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It’s April D. Long here with yet another guest blog post.

Before I begin, I want to give you a quick reminder that some of the links in this article are sponsored and that I will get monetary compensation if you purchase through them. For more information, please read the affiliate disclosure.

Today I will continue and teach you more about kissing and reveal how a kiss can help you to get him to chase you.

abstract background a new married couple doning romance Gy kO9o L

This is not a kissing school. I already assume you know how to kiss. It’s more the way you kiss.

I discussed the different kinds of kisses you can use to get him to want you in a previous blog post.

After you’re done reading this, you have got a sneak-peak into the man’s psyche and know how to exploit it to the benefit of your relationship.


Do you know that men love to chase women and feel like he has “deserved” or “won” her to be his woman?

This is true, and you could do it all with a kiss.

I will prove it to you in a minute but just let me say that I, too, was skeptical at first.

Men are raised not to show emotions, while women are supposed to show emotions the entire time.

We should always stand behind our man and let him be the star of his own reality show.

I don’t know about you, but I was sick and tired of this. So one day, I told my husband, Aaron, that enough is enough.

So one day, I told my husband, Aaron, that enough is enough and went to see a relationship counselor.

We had always been good at kissing, but since his infidelity, it had changed.

Surely, I put the techniques Heather told me, and they did work like a charm, don’t get me wrong!

But as I told you, the spark in our relationship was gone, and I wanted it back. I wanted to keep him in the relationship.

I found a male counselor because I didn’t want history to repeat itself once again.

Very well, as I told you before, I bought the same course as my friend Heather did after finding it and using it.

The counselor actually gave me the idea to tell her about it. Luckily for me, Heather was okay with the fact that I bought it

but a bit mad at me for snooping around her computer, but she was generous enough to forgive me when I confessed it to her.

The counselor couldn’t really do much for Aaron and me except charging us heavily for his time, of course.

Everything changed when I discovered an email from renowned relationship expert Michael Fiore.

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The Email That Changed Everything…

… for me. Would you dare to open it?

I did, and after I’ve read it and took action, everything became a lot better between Aaron and me.

I can’t show it to all readers, so I will only show it to those who really want to take action.

You have two options:

  1. Don’t click and don’t take action, and nothing will change.
  2. Click on the image below and read it on your device.

Which route will you take?

how to kiss a man banner

This Is The Best Advice I’ve Ever Got…

For a fraction of the cost of a counselor, I might add.

I really hope that you read the email and take the same action as I did.

The results are amazing. You can learn more about them here…

P.S. I’ll be back with more results tomorrow…

P.P.S. The writer of this article will receive a small monetary compensation if you purchase the featured product in this article.

Have a great day,

April D. Long

April Doris Long
April D. Long

About the author

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