How to Become Irresistible to Women




become irresistible to women


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If you want to become irresistible to women, you have come to the right place.

You will discover the three-step blueprint that no woman can resist, and let me tell you from the start that it is NOT about:

  • How much money you can spend on her or how wealthy you are
  • Your looks (you can be skinny, bald, or fat)
  • The size of your genital
  • Your wit
  • How you start a conversation, and pick up a hot woman as easy as ordering a pizza

PLUS the myth that destroys your chances to get a woman inside of your bedroom tonight.

If that is something you want to know more about, keep reading (or click on “Continue reading” below).

The Myth of Chad That Destroys Your Chances with Women (and Especially Hot Ones)

One of the things I have recently encountered when coaching male clients is the myth of a made-up guy usually referred to as “Chad Thundercock).”

It originated in forums that are for and celebrates the Incel-culture.

If you’re unaware of what the word “incel” refers to, it is a word that describes men who want to have sex with women but can’t get laid and live in involuntary celibacy.

For the record, I should state that there are female incels too.

However, suppose you are a man hanging out on these forums. In that case, I have some news that I want to share with you today, and as a dating coach who is a man myself, let me tell you one thing: I understand the way you feel, and I am offering my help to you and men who are in a similar situation like yourself.

For that reason, I would encourage you to spread this article and share it since I will share some truths about women that you might not believe and tell you where you can get more knowledge.

I always suggest that you never take the information you read or watch at face value, but do your research.

If you want to become irresistible to women, I will share a ton of stuff at the end of this article to help you find out more about what women want and what they are attracted to in a man, and the best program I know of that enables you to get women.

I recommend that program because women will share the secrets of what turns on women.

If you are sick and tired of not getting laid, I highly recommend watching that video and getting the information straight from the source.

Watching the video is free, but I will get a small commission from your purchase if you purchase the program.

As I already shared with you initially, women don’t matter how wealthy you are, and they don’t care about your looks either.

All women care about is how you make them feel about themselves and when they are around you.

Women want to feel a connection, so you need to use words. They don’t have to be fancy, but words that create the right emotions in her for you, which I will cover now.

Start a Conversation and Become Irresistible to Her

To become irresistible to women, you need to make them feel the right way when she’s around you.

You see, women NEVER care about how good-looking you are or how BIG your PAYCHECK is, and all they care about is your ability to satisfy them emotionally.

The best way to do it, and I have coached 100s of men, is to start the right way according to my own experience.

If you want to make the woman you desire feel fabulous and become irresistible to her, you need to start with a great opener and then follow up with questions that show her that you want to get to know her better.

Here are my best conversation openers to becoming irresistible to women.

Some men think that calling women names and degrading them will increase their self-worth. Let me tell you that it is a surefire way to get rejected by her.

Women who accept that are NOT women you want, and if you think otherwise, you don’t deserve any woman.

As I told you, I have coaches 100s of men, and no man who has ever got a woman has ever called her names or degraded her, but all men without accepting have used my attraction formula.

If you want to increase your chances of getting a woman, here is how you can attract hot women.

ways to turn her into your next girlfriend

As I already told you, it is all about how you make her feel when she’s around you.

That will determine whether she will sleep with you or not, and now I think that you deserve to know my three-step attraction formula to become irresistible to women.

3 Steps to Get Women (and How You Can Become Irresistible to Women)

As promised, I will give you my three attraction formula and a recommended system.

Here is an overview of my attraction formula consisting of the following steps:

  1. Create the right emotions in her
  2. Show a keen interest in her
  3. Establish trust, and activate this emotion in her

If you want all the details of my attraction formula, keep reading, and I will reveal everything to you.

Become Irresistible to Women Step #1: Creating the Right Emotions in Her

Since women are more emotional than men, you need to create the right emotions to attract them.

My attraction formula is all about emotions, and might help you get a new girlfriend in your bedroom fast, maybe even tonight.

If you have read my blog before, you might know that I sometimes refer to my attraction formula as HIT.

The first letter is “H,” and it stands for both honesty and humor, and that is the emotion you should go for since it will make her feel good about herself, and in turn, start to like to hang around you.

A woman who likes to hang around you will be more likely to say “Yes” when you ask her out on a date.

Step #2: Show a Keen Interest in Her

The second letter of the acronym “HIT” is “I,” which stands for intrigue and interest.

You need to be an interesting person, be interested in her passions and interests, and create intrigue in her by being a bit mysterious.

The best way to do it is to ask her one of these questions.

Creating intrigue in her can be challenging, but not if you follow what Marni describes in her video above since it is all about escalating things and doing it at the right time.

Otherwise, you will kill her attraction for you, and thereby any chances you have to make her your next girlfriend.

Become Irresistible to Women Step #3: Establish Trust, and Create This Emotion

The last letter of my attraction formula is “T,” which stands for trust and one other emotion.

To create trust in her, all you need to do is:

  • Show up in time (Call her if you will be late)
  • Keep your promises to her (Apologize if you don’t)
  • Talk to her like she’s an actual human being (Respect her)

If you treat her like a real human being, you will stand out from the losers she has stopped seeing since they called her names and tried to choke her in the bedroom.

There is a time and a place for dirty talk, but it’s not on a date.

Trust me, by playing the long game here. You will be more likely to turn a woman you already have a crush on into your next girlfriend.

However, you also need to know how to escalate things or lose her forever.

Luckily for you, Marni will be able to help you with that, and if that is something you want to know more about (and I honestly don’t know why you shouldn’t be interested in that).

Click here and watch the video explaining how you can turn any woman into your next girlfriend.*

Watching the video is completely free, but if you decide to join Marni’s program after watching her video and purchasing her complete coaching program, I will earn a small commission from your purchase.

More Resources for Further Reading

As I promised you at the beginning of this article, I will share seven resources to get more information about what women want in men and why men find it increasingly difficult to get laid.

Why Men Are Having a Hard Time Getting Laid Than Ever Before.

How to Attract a Woman in 3 Easy Steps.

3 Things All Women Want in Men.

Funny Pick Up Lines for Her.

65 Fantastic Compliments for Her.

45 Interesting Questions to Ask Her on the First Date.

How to Turn a Female Friend into Your Next Girlfriend.

Easy Self-Care Tips for Today’s Busy Man.

I hope you find all of these resources helpful and that you consider reading them for your further research.

I wish you a fantastic day, and the best of luck to you, my friend, because you are on your way to getting a new girlfriend.

To your success,


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