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If you want to catch a woman and keep her, you need to know three things:
- How to flatter her the right way
- How to catch her without saying a word
- How to keep her and make her feel safe
If you want to know all of them, you are in luck since I will share how my attraction formula ties to these three steps and what you can do to catch her even on the first date.
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Without further ado, let’s begin this journey that will hopefully help you to keep her.
How to Flatter a Woman the Right Way
First things first. If you want to flatter a woman, you need to know how to flatter her the right way.
Let’s face it. Most of us suck at flattering women because we are too busy thinking about how we should get her in our bedroom.
I was like you, and my luck with women was low. I sucked more than I had any luck, honestly.
I decided to try something that I discovered back in high school, which I knew by experience would make her laugh, so I cracked a joke, and it made her laugh.
Humor is the first step on your way to catch a lady.
Creating the right emotions in her is key since that is how she will remember her date with you, and if you can create that connection on a first date, you are already increasing your chance to get a second date with her.
Honesty is something that you need to show her as well.
If you want to keep her, then you should focus on being honest with her and talk about things that happened in your life before you met her.
The easiest way to do it is by answering all her questions as honestly as you possibly can.
As I already have shared with you, creating the right emotions in her and make her associate those feelings with you are important in this stage of your relationship.
For that reason, you need to tell her something about her that you like.
Be as honest as you possibly can be since she will see right through you if you are lying to her because the chances are that you are a bad liar, and that is something good.
If you want to know how to flatter a woman the right way, you should compliment her.
In that article, you will get 65 compliments that you can tell her that will work well for a first date or even when you are in a committed relationship.

How to Catch Her without Saying Anything
There are two ways to approach the next step on catching her, and one is with words, and the other one is without using any words.
One way to impress a woman on a date is to use fancy words.
Some women will love it, while others will think you are bragging, which is risky, but they can help you have more interesting discussions with her.
Women love interesting discussions, according to my own experience.
You could also try to intrigue her by using words, thereby creating an interest in her and a hunger to know more about you if you do it the right way.
Another approach is not to speak a lot or be silent altogether.
If you do that, you will become the dark mystique stranger that some women love and find so hard to resist even if she tries to do it initially.
Here are my best tips for catching a woman without uttering a word.
Then, you need to start building trust and show her that you are a guy she can rely on when she shares her secrets with you by keeping them.
It is the last part of my attraction formula.
How to Keep Her and Make Her Feel Safe
Don’t forget to tease her a bit since that will attract her to you emotionally and physically.
To get her attracted to you psychologically, she will identify you as her soulmate, her man, her everything you need to show her the more logical side.
That is the key to create an emotional and psychological bond that will create a long-lasting relationship.
If you want to keep her, you need to get all the six different parts of the puzzle together to get the relationship that you want with her, even if she’s your crush right now.
Remember that you need to make her feel safe too.
A woman doesn’t want to feel insecure when she is around you, and she needs to be able to trust you before she spread her legs with her arms wrapped around you.
There are many ways to do it, and my attraction formula is one way.
If you know that she is into you already, I suggest you act a lot faster and take action since women love men who aren’t waiting but act fast.
Watch this video to get what both of you want now.*
In the video, you will discover seven scientifically proven ways to catch a woman and keep her even if you don’t have a degree in female psychology.
After watching the video, I will earn a small commission from your purchase if you decide to purchase.
I hope you realize that making her attracted to you and your ability to keep her all depends on what you make her feel.
Her feelings for you will determine whether you will catch her, keep her, or be in a relationship with her. It is not about you.
The video will help you with the attraction stage, but you need to keep her, which is harder but not impossible.
What decides whether she stays with you or not is an emotional decision by her.
For that reason, you need to create the right emotions in her, and then you need to “convince” her that you are the right guy for her.
She will put you through a lot of tests to make you “worthy” of her.
I know how annoying it is, but the truth is that she needs to put you through these tests so that she knows that you are a guy who is “right” for her.
Here are my best tips for passing her tests.
After reading it, you will know exactly what you should do to pass her tests and get the kind of relationship you want to have with her.
If you want to catch a woman, you need to focus on her.
I know that you are thinking about what you will get from it, and the truth is that you will get exactly what you want if you catch her, and then it is not hard to pass her tests.
A woman will test your honesty and trustworthiness.
She has to put you through them, and it is only when you know how to pass them that you can catch a woman and keep her.

The Three Things You Need to Catch a Woman and Keep Her
To summarize, there are three things you need to catch a woman and keep her.
First, you need to create the right emotions in her for you. When you know how to do it, you will catch her and keep her without much effort.
Secondly, you need to pass her tests.
Lastly, you need to know how to keep her. The trick is to make her feel something rather than anything.
Throughout this article, I have shared a couple of helpful links that allow you to catch a woman and keep her even if you don’t want to say anything to her.
If you haven’t read or watched everything I suggested to you, you will not be able to catch her or even keep her.
But, since I know you don’t want to scroll up all the way to read it, I will share one of the links here with you again so that you will be able to catch her and keep her.
Watch this video and discover the 7 scientific tricks to catch a woman and keep her.*
Watching the video will take 30 minutes of your time, but if you want her to be in a relationship with you, I think you will get the best jam-packed half-an-hour information video that reveals something important about women.
If you decide to purchase after watching the entire video, I will earn a small commission.
That commission will help me create more quality content like this article and help other men like you catch the woman of their dreams.
To your success,
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