How to Fix Infidelity in a Man




words to fix infidelity


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If you want to fix infidelity and make him commit to you wholly and whole-heartedly, you have landed on the right article since I will reveal a simple solution to help you achieve it.

Here are the things I will cover:

  • The real reasons men cheat on you, and on women they claim to love
  • How to fix infidelity (it’s easy, but not quick)
  • What to do to fix infidelity forever

After reading the entire article, you will know how to make any man stop cheating on you.

If you think these things are interesting, don’t know how to find a boyfriend, or want to get some inspiration, this article will be an excellent resource for you.

The Real Reasons Men Cheat on You (and Women They Claim to Love)

Let me start by telling you that even if some men cheat, not all men will cheat on you.

However, those men who do cheat do it for a couple of reasons, and I will share some of the most common reasons these men cheat.

Once you know how to identify a cheater, you will also realize how to fix it, which I will address in the next section.

While some men claim they are “evolutionary bound” to spread their seed, which is BS, that is only a lame excuse for their cheating.

As a man myself, I can tell you that sex has nothing to do with it.

Women cheat as often as men do, so it doesn’t have anything to do with your sex or gender, but it is another profound issue that goes beyond the need for pure lust.

A recent study by Credit Donkey found that 15% of American women cheat, while 21% of men do the same.

The same study revealed that 68% of women and 71% of men would cheat on their partner if they could get away with it. So women are a bit less likely to cheat than men.

If you want to read the complete study, click here.

The truth is that all cheaters, men, and women alike have an emotional disconnection and dissatisfaction with their partners.

To put it in plain English: He cheated on you because he didn’t feel appreciated by you.

How to Fix Infidelity Permanently (It’s Not Quick, But Still Easy to Do)

I get it, even if I understand that you are sad, angry, and heartbroken right now.

Thinking that he made fun of you while cheating on that other woman isn’t painting a great picture in your mind right now, is it?

I realize that it is hard to hear.

Being the laughingstock of others never makes you feel well, and even worse is the justification in modern-day society that as long as he cheated with a “hot” woman, it is still okay, which it’s not.

Sex is NOT an issue, or the real reason men cheat on women.

As a man myself, I can tell you that a guy doesn’t pride himself on thinking with his large brain and not his little one.


I am not trying to justify his behavior.

What he did to you is unforgivable, I get that, but what if I told you that there is an easy trick to fix his infidelity for good. Would that help you?

You see, a man’s happiness is tied to your happiness.

Women don’t know about this simple fact, but most men feel HUGE surges of pride, self-esteem, triumph, strength, success, and sheer, face-splitting joy every single time they make you smile.

If he doesn’t think or feel that he can satisfy you, that is a HUGE concern for him.

He is mentally hardwired to please you and your needs because it’s only then he will feel genuinely appeased and satisfied.

When he can satisfy you, he will feel like a real man.

There isn’t a man out there who wouldn’t love you if you can make him feel like a real man, and giving you pleasure will undoubtedly do the trick.

The Real Reason He Cheated on You

As I already covered above, sex is not the reason he cheated on you in the first place.

A man might cheat on an uglier woman, not because he finds her more attractive than you, but because she could make him feel like a real man when he is with her.

She will win his heart.

However, what you need to do right now is to make up your mind whether you want to be with him or not by asking yourself three profound questions:

  1. Can I forgive him?
  2. Does he makes me feel like a real woman?
  3. Do I know how to make him feel like a real man?

No matter what you decide, you still have one thing you need to do after answering these questions.

You need to sit down and have a long, awkward conversation with him and decide where your relationship will be going from now on.

Will cheating break you apart?

Maybe. Maybe not. But as a relationship coach, I can tell you that I’ve seen relationships bounce back from an affair and improve as a direct result of one or both partners having an experience.

What to Do to Fix Infidelity Permanently – 8 Simple Word That Patches Your Relationship Back Together

So, what will be the real deal maker or breaker for you?

It is the words you will be saying when you have the conversation with him, especially if it already happened or you are only suspecting him cheating on you.

I understand that it can be challenging.

Society is judgemental and always blames you as a woman when the relationship ends, even if it is unfair since that is the myth spread throughout social media filters.

Let me ask you three dead-serious questions now:

  • Worried he’ll cheat?
  • Maybe he already has, and you don’t know what to do?
  • Maybe YOU were the one who cheated, and you’re terrified you made a colossal mistake he’ll never forgive you for doing?

In this cartoon video, my friend Mirabelle will teach you the simple word that fixes infidelity forever.*

If you answered any of the three questions I recently asked you with a “yes,” then I suggest you take a couple of minutes and watch that video.

So, why do these eight words work so well?

These eight tiny little words inspire a level of desire and connection in any man and will drag his attention 100% onto YOU (where it belongs.)

The video is free to watch, but if you purchase Mirabelle’s course, I will earn a small commission from it.

Infidelity breaks any trust you had with him in the past, and it does take time to rebuild it, and you might never trust him fully ever again.

I am not claiming that these eight words will fix the trust issues you might experience.

If you want him to change his behavior permanently, you need to know about the eight words that Mirabelle discusses in her video.

The video might feel a bit goofy, but what she says is far from it.

So, click here to watch her video and listen to what she says.*

If you are serious about changing your success with men and getting men to do more of the things, you WANT them to do.

If you want genuine men who will love you, shower you with attention, and give you the commitment you

Then, you owe it to yourself to watch this entire video until the end.*

The video is free to watch, but if you purchase Mirabelle’s program, I will get a small commission from your commission.

However, I don’t do it for the money. I do it because I honestly want to help you out.

If you found this helpful article or know of a woman who needs to read this information, I ask you a small favor.

Please share this video by hitting one of the share buttons below.

Help me spread the word and help other women permanently fix infidelity in a man because honestly, no woman deserves to be taken advantage of, cheated on, or lied to, right?

I don’t think anybody deserves it, and that is the only reason I wrote this article.

For a brighter tomorrow and a better world,


About the author

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