How to Make Her Miss You




how to make her miss you, make her miss you, make her love you


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To figure out how to make her miss you is NOT easy.

But it is probably one of the things that will have the most significant impact on your love life.

When you miss another human being, you fall in love with that person.

In this article, I will cover how to make her miss you by using a special mind-hack that will create this important feeling in her.

Below, I will share the exact blueprint you need to follow…

How to Get a Girl to Miss You

To get a girl to miss you is crucial if the two of you will get into a serious relationship.

For this recommendation, I recommend that you limit your phone time.

Be firm and let her know that you have limited time, a set schedule, just as she has, and that you can only talk with her for so long.

Another thing is to limit the time you spend together.

Both of these tips can be summarized as less is more in a relationship since you will limit the time to make this girl miss you.

Don’t forget to spend time with your friends as well.

It is one of the apparent reasons why you should limit the time you see or chat with this girl because you need to hang out with your friends too.

By giving each other time on your own, you will naturally start to miss her.

If she contacts you, don’t answer straight away but instead wait for a couple of minutes before you answer her.

A “natural pause” in your conversation with her will make her miss you.

Don’t spill all your beans straight away and tell her everything there is to know about you.

Instead, keep it a bit mysterious.

Did you know that the archetype of man that most women do naturally find attractive is the “mysterious stranger”?

Click or tap here to read more about the mysterious stranger.

how to

As I told you above, you need to make her miss you as well.

One of the best ways to do this is to send her a handwritten letter or a long text where you explain the things she likes about you and how she makes you feel when the two of you are together.

You also need to treat her the way she deserves.

Don’t be afraid of showering her with compliments, some romantic gifts now and then, and make sure to text her before she falls asleep.

It will make her miss you too.

Another thing you can do to make her miss you is to take one day off and don’t contact her.

If she then tells you that she missed you, you can say to her that you missed her too and that you have been thinking about her in a text that you send to her.

Everything I have covered so far is pretty basic stuff, and it will make her miss you.

However, there is one other thing you can do right now.

If you want to create a longing for you, a desire so deep that she will find you completely irresistible and get a girl to miss you instantly after you kissed her goodnight, there is just one thing you should do right now…

Click/Tap here to get the instant attraction mind-hack now.*

This mind hack is based on hardcore science, so it is not something I have come up with myself.

Believe me, that presentation will blow your mind!

How to Make Your Girlfriend Miss You

If you want to know how to make your girlfriend miss you, everything I have covered so far will work on her too.

However, I do want to share one BIG secret with you here.

To make her miss you, you need to build attraction over and over again with your girlfriend, and it all boils down to one thing:

Your mindset.

If you don’t know how to make your girlfriend miss you, I have found a great solution that I know will help you.

I know this because I have used it on my girlfriend with great success.

Click/Tap here to push her attraction button and make your girlfriend miss you like crazy instantly.*

Spend time away from her is crucial if you want her to miss you.

Do something you like and appreciate like a hobby of yours that she might not like at all.

By doing so, you will:

  • Become happier and more satisfied in the relationship
  • Develop new skills
  • Do something on your own that you are passionate about

Now, ask yourself: What will make me feel all of the above?

Please leave a comment below and tell me what it is that you are passionate about and that has nothing to do with your girlfriend.

Then tell yourself out loud: I am so grateful for… (your passion).

It will help you create more positivity into your life, and you will feel a lot better and less worried about anything troubling you.

Positivity will then automatically create more positivity in your life.

Click/Tap here to get more insights about the power of positivity in relationships.

power of positivity, positivity self help, law of attraction positivity
You can study many self-help books before you understand the power of positivity. However, the best way is to say positive things about yourself daily.

I know that this sounds a bit weird, and it will feel weird too when you start doing it but, after a while, it will become as natural to you as breathing, and you will also begin to notice that positive things will happen to you.

It isn’t something magical or fake.

Even if you don’t follow my advice here, I strongly suggest that you do something you love to do and get some time for yourself.

I have discussed how important this is in a relationship before.

If you want to make your girlfriend miss you and fall in love with you, this is the exact blueprint that I promised you above.*

My friend, Kate Spring, will reveal everything you need to know.

In the video, she will reveal a secret method to make any girl addicted to you psychologically, that will make your girlfriend utterly obsessed about you just because you will know how to “speak” her secret language.

You will be able to attract your girlfriend and have the confidence you need to attract her by hacking into her brain.

Click here to learn how to speak her secret language now.*

The best part is that this works even if you are a shy guy and don’t know what to say to a stunning girl when you approach her.

As Kate will tell you, it is a lot better if you’re mute.

Click here to understand why talking without words will attract her even more to you.*

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 11th of November 2019.

It will discuss dating for shy people.

I wish you an awesome day,


About the author

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