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If you want to know what to do to make him want you more, you must read this article since you will get the one thing you missed.
In this article, you will also get the following:
- What can you do to make him want you more?
- The best ways to make him want you
- A simple method to make your man crave you and will give you his undivided attention
If you’re interested, read this entire article to get all the details.
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Now, I will discuss how to make him want you more and the best ways to make it happen so that you can improve your relationship, future or current.
What Can You Do to Make Him Want You More?
You can do a couple of things to make a man want you, whether he’s in your life already or not.
If you have a crush or starting to get romantic feelings for a man, you need to get his attention first and then start flirting, which will encourage him to take the first step.
Men are more hesitant to approach and chase after women today than ever before.
Partially, it is due to the #MeToo-movement, which was a good thing in many cases but also started witch-hunts on innocent men who never mistreated women.
Another reason is that men have lost their position in society as the sole provider and feel lost.
So, the best thing you, as a woman, can do to make him want you more is to capture his attention by flirting with him.
Men love when beautiful women give them attention and flirt with them.
I realize that it might seem kind of desperate to you or put you way out of your comfort zone when you start to give a man some attention but trust me – they enjoy it, even if they will never openly admit it to you.
As a man myself, I want you to know that.
However, I think more women should try to take the initiative and start flirting with the man first since that will help you boost his ego, which is one of the things I will discuss in the next section of the article.
If you want flirting tips, read my article “How to Get Him Interested.”
In that article, I share eleven surefire ways to flirt with a man and why it is essential that you take the initiative first, and it’s a revelation that leaves most women dumbfounded.
If you are already in a relationship, you already have his attention.
Sometimes, however, he will become distant, and when you ask him about it and try to find out what it is, he tells you that “it’s nothing” or “none of your concern,” which I understand can be very frustrating.
As a man, I understand why he is doing it and what you must do to get him to open up.
You see, there is one thing men want more than food, more than money, and more than sex, and it is a hidden instinct in men that few women know about and how it can be satisfied.
When you notice that he becomes distant, do this to activate and satisfy his hidden instinct.
21 Ways to Make Him Want You More
So, what can you do to make him want you more?
I have already shared one proven method with you that I will elaborate on further.
However, there are 20 other ways to make him want you more that I want to share with you in this article, and all of them are:
- Love yourself
- Focus on yourself first
- Be flirtatious
- Be a challenge
- Be mysterious
- Embrace your femininity
- Don’t text or call him all day long
- Make him jealous
- Highlight all of your attractive features
- Nurture his ego
- Avoid being needy or clingy.
- Be confident
- Support him during difficult times
- Be patient
- Be fun in bed
- Leaving him wanting your attention more
- Tease him
- Don’t take no for an answer.
- Don’t chase him
- Don’t tell him how you feel too soon.
- Trigger the hidden desire he craves.
Here you have all 21 of the best ways to make him want you more that are proven to work, but if you want some details, please continue to read that or those sections that are interesting to you.

Love Yourself
Before you can love another human being, it is essential that you love yourself first.
Indeed, there are things that you don’t like about yourself, and it is normal to feel this way about certain things in your life.
The most challenging yet most important part is to forgive yourself for your shortcomings.
When you can do that, you will become more open and forgive others who might have done something wrong against you in the past.

Love your neighbour as yourself. (Lev. 19:18, RSV)
Focus on Yourself First
You have goals and ambitions for your life.
Many women make the mistake of down-prioritizing or stopping focusing on them entirely when they’re in a new relationship with a man.
It is a huge mistake, something I have seen happens to many of my female friends and clients.
Instead, I strongly advise you to focus more energy on yourself, your goals, passions, and life ambitions since the worst thing you can do is to have all your free time to spend on him.
Be Flirtatious
I’ve already discussed why it is crucial that you take the first step and start flirting above, and I want to emphasize the importance once more.
Men love it and don’t see it as an act of desperation.
So, take the initiative and flirt with men you find attractive. When you do that, they will come over to you and start conversations, hopefully leading to a date with that guy.
If you’re already in a relationship, flirt with him to make him feel appreciated.
It will help the quality of your relationship improve in the short and long term and make him feel more wanted, making him want you more.

Be A Challenge
Contrary to what you might think, a man doesn’t like a woman who doesn’t present him with a challenge.
Men want women to be a challenge, or else they will lose interest since they will get what he wants from her, and then they can dump her and move on to their next “conquest.”
So, don’t let him have an easy time doing everything he tells you to do.
Instead of immediately giving him everything he wants, play a bit hard to get and make him “work” for you before he can call you his woman.
It will help your relationship in the long term since he will think of you as a high-quality woman.
It also helps position you as a prize he must “win.” He will value you more and treat you better since he had to fight for you.
If you want tips, please consider reading “How to catch a man and keep him.”
In that article, I share five valuable tips to help you catch the man you like and how to keep him attached to you and get the best possible relationship that hopefully will last a lifetime.
Be Mysterious
Don’t tell him everything there is to know when you are on a date with him.
Adding a bit of mystique into the mix of who you are and making it difficult for him to find out who you are will make him put more effort into finding out more about you, and he will love it.
The reason it is so effective is that humans love to solve mysteries.
It is something that everybody loves, and it is also why we find people who we can’t figure out right away so exciting and intriguing, and that’s why we are drawn to them naturally.
I discuss this phenomenon in one of my first articles published on this blog.
I noticed that people find people of the opposite sex attractive that have certain specific personality traits. I labeled the stereotype I associated with women as the “mysterious stranger.”
However, I recently changed my opinion about this matter and think it also works for men.

Embrace Your Femininity
Men like women who embrace their femininity.
Typical female traits that men still appreciate are women who show nurturing qualities combined with expressiveness, sweetness, kindness, tenderness, gentleness, warmness, modesty, passivity, empathy, and affection.
The cultural, societal, religious, and communal factors vary depending on where you live.
For instance, in some societies, it is considered not to be feminine to be a stay-at-home mom since that is regarded as a remnant of a patriarchal society norm that is outdated.
In those societies, self-sufficient women and stay-at-home dads are highly regarded.
Nurturance, sweetness, empathy, and affection are among the top feminine traits a man loves in a woman he wants.
Don’t Text or Call Him All Day Long
Would you like to get texts or calls from him all day long?
Of course not, and neither will he. A quick way to make him run from you instead of to you is by texting or calling him once every hour or half-hour.
If you do that, you risk losing him altogether and appear desperate.
You will develop a texting or calling pattern as your relationship progress, but if you want him to pursue you and get out on a date, you need to be innovative and encourage him differently.
Here are the best texting “rules” to follow if you want some tips.
As I explain in the article, there are more best practices than rules set in stone that you can choose to follow. I leave that up to your better judgment to decide on that.

Make Him Jealous
Jealousy can be both a blessing and a curse.
It is a curse when you do it wrong and makes him think you are having an affair with another man because you want him to take action.
Jealousy is only a blessing when you use it to make him more interested in you.
The best way to do it is by talking about a celebrity you find attractive or mentioning a friend you recently hung out with and talking about one thing you find attractive in men and attributing it to your friend.
You don’t want to make him punch your friend in the face or badmouth him.
You want to make the guy you like jealous enough that he realizes he likes you and finally asks you for a date.
Highlight Your Attractive Attributes
If you will see him, or do a video call with him, make sure you put on some makeup to highlight your attractive attributes.
Some lipgloss or lipstick on your lips combined with mascara to highlight your eyebrows do wonders.
Men are visual creatures by nature, and anything you can do to highlight those features will help you get his attention and stand out in a crowd.
You already know what your most attractive attributes are.
Work with what you have to highlight your most attractive attributes since it will make him want you more.

Nurture His Ego
The male ego is highly-sensitive by nature, yet very easy to influence and affect if you know which “buttons” you need to push to follow you.
Men love compliments and will do anything to please a woman who compliments them.
It might sound shocking to you that a man like myself would confess it, but I want to share it with you since it is true.
The best way to do it is to find something he values or knows and compliment him on that.
Men who like model trains might want some compliments regarding that, while men who are academics might appreciate a compliment regarding their knowledge or intellect.
You can always use these compliments he can’t resist.
Since I write them, and they are a compilation of what has worked on me, you can use them as examples to compliment and woo him.

Avoid Being Needy or Clingy
Nobody likes a clingy or needy person.
That is one of the major turn-offs for both genders, so you should avoid it when you start dating or are in the early stages of your relationship.
The only thing you will accomplish is that you scare him away, which I know is not what you want to do.
So, I would advise you to stay confident and make him want you more by trusting your intuition and not letting your nerves or mind play tricks on you.
Be Confident
Confidence is another of the traits most men feel sexy.
Most men perceive confident women as high-quality women, and women who appear self-reliant will naturally attract more men.
To be confident and self-reliant, you can practice mindfulness or affirmations.
Affirmations are small, positive sentences that often start with “I am” followed by the thing you want to identify with to grow confidence.
Here are some examples of affirmations that you can use.
It might feel awkward initially, but giving yourself a self-confidence boost daily and saying good things about yourself will help your confidence grow faster, highlighting your best qualities.
Support Him Through Difficult Times
A man will look to you for emotional support in relationships.
To make him rely on you, make sure you support him when he has rough days. Text or call him if you can’t attend in person.
If possible, be close to him, hold him and offer your unwavering support.
By being there when he faces hardships, whether professional or private and always showing your emotional support, he will soon realize that you are the woman for him who he can trust and always rely on, and will quickly fall in love with you.
Send him this short text if you can’t be there in person.*
Be Patient
Men often don’t “get it” instantly.
Since men are not used to identifying or talking about our emotions often, it is much harder to realize that a woman has romantic feelings for us than it is for you to understand that a guy has a thing for you.
So, please be patient and remind yourself that he isn’t catching on to it yet.
Don’t give up, but stay patient, and even start flirting by encouraging him to take contact and start talking with you. Soon enough, he can’t get enough of you.

Be Fun in Bed
When you’re in the bedroom, you will get a routine that will soon become old and boring.
Spice things up by trying some roleplay, remotely controlled sex toys, new positions, or doing it at places outside your bedroom, like the shower, bondage, or masochism.
Other suggestions might include public restrooms or your car if you want to do it more publicly.
Of course, ensure that no kids are around when you try to spice up your love life since that will traumatize them, and their parents will be pretty angry at you.
So, please ensure that you follow the law and public perception of morals when you do it.

Make Him Want More of You
Don’t tell him everything there is to know about you right away. Instead, drop some information about yourself now, and then when you see him, tell him there is more to know about you.
It will help make him intrigued and spend more time with you to learn more about you.
Another thing you might want not to do right away is to sleep with him because if you do it too soon, he might get the wrong idea of you and move on to the next woman.
Tease Him
Teasing can be fun when done correctly, especially if he teases you too.
When you tease him, he will have more fun around you, which will make him like you more and will make you more attractive to him.
You can jokingly tell him that you know something about him but don’t want to say it to him.
That will make him interested to know if you have noticed something he isn’t aware of and if he gives away that he likes you.

Don’t Take No for an Answer
I don’t mean that you should force yourself on him, by no means.
What I do mean is that you shouldn’t give up easily. Remember what I discussed above when I said men don’t catch on very quickly when I emphasized that you must be patient?
If you want him to become less “slow” and act faster, you might have to trigger his hidden desire.
That will help you become his guilty pleasure and give you the best relationship you might not imagine, but it is possible.
Don’t Chase Him
Pursuing him is one thing, but chasing after him is an act of sheer desperation.
If you want to make sure that he ends up with another woman and you want to drive him into the arms of her, you should chase after her.
However, if you don’t want that to happen to you, which I’m sure you don’t, do not chase after him.

Don’t Tell Him How You Feel Too Soon
If you tell him how you feel, he will lose interest in you fast.
A man who knows that you like or even love him might stop answering your texts or picking up the phone when you call him.
He will slowly but steadily become more emotionally distant and lose interest in you.
It might sound strange, but not letting him know about how you feel and letting him be uncertain of you and your emotions for him will make him put more effort into courting and wooing you.
He will perform his best and try to “win over” you.
If you want to know how to make him do his utmost to get you, put on his best behavior, and be a true gentleman who wants to court his lady, here is what you must say next.
I suggest you send that text immediately if you have his phone number.
Trigger the Hidden Desire in a Man – How To Guide
To trigger a hidden desire in a man that is so profound that most men are unaware of it, and even fewer women know about it, all you need to do is to say a few words.
Here is how it should work:
- You text him or say those words to him in person.
- He comes over and starts to talk to you.
- Hopefully, you will eventually become a couple.
What I share with you is a description of the method that makes him want you more.
The video is a how-to guide that describes the process in greater detail than I did above.

A Simple Method to Make Your Man Crave You More
If you want to make him crave you more, there are a couple of things that you can do.
One of the best ways is to send him a short text that activates his hidden desire that he can’t resist, which will make him want you more and want to spend more time with you.
It is a 12-word text of everyday words that will make him crave you and your attention more.
The text will trigger the hidden desire, the missing ingredient most relationships lack, but all must have to become fulfilling and loving.
Remember that you must carry each other’s burdens but also each other’s joyful and blissful moments.
If you want your current relationship to become more loving and fulfilling, you need to send him that text immediately.

Make Him Want You More – 21 Helpful Tips That Work
If you want to make him want you more, the 21 helpful tips that work are the following:
- Love yourself
- Focus on yourself first
- Be flirtatious
- Be a challenge
- Be mysterious
- Embrace your femininity
- Don’t text or call him all day long
- Make him jealous
- Highlight all of your attractive features
- Nurture his ego
- Avoid being needy or clingy.
- Be confident
- Support him during difficult times
- Be patient
- Be fun in bed
- Leaving him wanting your attention more
- Tease him
- Don’t take no for an answer.
- Don’t chase him
- Don’t tell him how you feel too soon.
- Trigger the hidden desire he craves more than food, money, or sex.
Now you have all the 21 helpful tips that work and will help you improve the quality of your relationship.
I wish you a blissful day and hope that this helps you get more loving and fulfilling relationships,
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