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Why are people shy?
It might sound like a silly question at first, but the answer you might come up with are probably unique to you.
For some people, it seems like shyness is something that only children have when they are in a new setting or a new social environment and is primarily based on their insecurity or when they meet strangers.

This is one model of explanation that I have found on the Internet. People who like this model also apply it to adults since we are just a bigger version of children. Especially we men, ask any woman you know, and she will tell you that right to your face!
Don’t worry, and stop comparing yourself to others. I am sure that you have a lot of negative thoughts running through your head, which is okay because I will teach you an easy technique to stop this thinking.
Let me tell you that being shy in front of someone you like is perfectly natural. I have been like that in the past, but I have developed a method that works for me.
I will teach you two methods in this article that hopefully will teach you how to overcome being shy.
So basically, you will learn to be confident and not scared if you continue reading below.
However, I want to put a little disclaimer here that the technique I will describe might not work for you, so maybe you want to try this method instead.
How to Overcome Shyness
Start by taking a deep breath. I know this sounds ridiculous, but do it and feel you are a bit more relaxed now than when you first started.
Now, start by thinking about your inner qualities. We all have them.
What are you good at?
What is it that you know a lot of, and in what fields can you call yourself an expert? I am sure you are good at something; you need to start thinking positively!
Let’s analyze what you are bad at.
You might feel awkward or that you can’t express yourself when there are people that you are attracted to, but that is okay. Please don’t talk with them for now. Find someone you are not the slightest attracted to. I don’t care if that is a person twice your age.
Start talking to them about the first thing in your head.
Yes, you might think you are making a fool out of yourself but trust me, this is a good thing. You need to talk and engage socially with people of all different ages before you can start to discuss a conversation with people you find attractive. This is how to build confidence and social skill 101!
I know that shyness is in no way restricted to men, so if you are a woman and want some tips, I recommend reading the article How to Be a Confident Woman.
By doing this, you will learn to master social skills and trust me, you will not feel as awkward as you think you were, and you will boost your confidence. As I see it, there are two ways of increasing your faith, the first one is by simply reading my article 5 ways to boost your confidence, and the second way is by watching a short video.
Now, I can never guarantee that you will become less shy by reading an article or watching a video.
I honestly can’t give you any promise because doing so would be wrong and misleading. What I can offer you is to describe my journey from being shy to becoming someone who can talk to women of all ages and be confident to do so.
I started thinking all these negative thoughts that I was awkward and so on. Still, I realized that if I began to talk about things that I was comfortable talking about, I started to be more relaxed, and many attractive women started noticing me.
This was at a former workplace where there were many women so that I could practice and perfect this skill. I now can state that I am a master of it.
This IS NOT MANIPULATION. It is all about using God’s gift of speech as a natural and non-provoking way to attract love. For this reason, you owe it to yourself, not to anybody else, and learn how to overcome shyness because you deserve love, don’t you?
Another thing I would like you to do is to read about what different interests men and women have. This is something else that I figured out myself. I will give you one thing for free: Flowers are something women like. I bet you know that one already, don’t you?
Start learning about these topics, and before you know it, you can not only participate in a friendly way in these discussions, but you will also find out that people will like you a lot better, making attractive people notice you.
Everybody can overcome shyness; trust me, I wouldn’t believe I could do it, but I have proven myself wrong by doing the abovementioned things. Shyness, in most cases, is caused by a lack of confidence, whether you are a child or an adult individual.
How to Get Rid of Shyness
I hope you have learned something about my journey.
Now it is time for you to learn how to become less shy yourself. You can use my method if you want, or you can use the other way. There is no guarantee that either approach will work.
However, the only proof I can give you is that nothing will change if you do not do anything.
You will not overcome being shy by not doing anything about it. Maybe you will use another method that will work much better for you.
One thing is sure whenever negative thoughts come to mind, I always think about the latest conversation I had, and you know what? It works! I wish you all the best and hope you share what helped you.
Suppose you want to learn how to become less shy. In that case, the video I have discussed in this post might help you, especially if you are a man and want to learn how to talk with women in a natural and relaxed way because, let’s face it, women like men who are confident because a confident man is more attractive to a woman compared to a man who lacks confidence.
For this reason, I would like to end this article by giving you friendly advice: Boost your confidence now!
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Next Article
My next article will discuss funny conversation starters.
It will be published on the 12th of September 2017.
Have a great weekend,
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