How Women Test Men: Understanding and Navigating Shit Tests




how women test men


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In the early stages of dating, women often engage in what is commonly called “shit tests” or “congruence tests.”

These tests are a way for women to assess a man’s character, compatibility, and ability to handle adversity. Understanding how women test men can help you navigate these situations and strengthen your connection.

In this article, I will delve into the dynamics of relationship tests and provide valuable insights to help you pass with flying colors.

Recognizing Relationship Tests

What Are Shit Tests and Why Women Use Them

Shit tests are essentially tests or challenges that women unconsciously or consciously put men through during the early stages of dating. They typically involve provocative or irrelevant questions or comments designed to assess a man’s reaction and gauge his ability to handle adversity.

I’ve previously discussed it in less detail in the article Want to Know How to Pass a Woman’s Tests?

These tests serve multiple purposes for women, including:

Evaluating Confidence and Compatibility

Women use shit tests to assess a man’s confidence, emotional strength, and compatibility.

By observing how a man responds to their tests, they can determine if he possesses the qualities they seek in a partner. It allows women to weed out men who may lack self-assurance or emotional resilience, focusing on those who can handle the challenges in a relationship.

man looking at himself in the mirror

Establishing Sexual Tension

Shit tests also serve as a tool to create sexual tension and intrigue. Women engage in playful banter and witty challenges to generate excitement and attraction.

These tests often involve teasing or provocative comments, allowing women to gauge a man’s ability to respond with humor, confidence, and charm. Successfully navigating these tests can help build a strong connection and heighten the chemistry between both individuals.

Here are more tips on how to create sexual tension with her.

Protection and Insecurities

Even the most confident and beautiful women harbor insecurities and concerns about being hurt or rejected.

Shit tests are a protective mechanism for women to assess a man’s intentions and reliability. By setting up small pitfalls, women can gauge whether a man is genuinely interested and willing to understand and support them beyond surface-level attraction.

Responding positively to these tests demonstrates empathy, understanding, and the potential to be a reliable partner.

woman looking away removebg preview

The Purpose of Relationship Tests

Relationship tests serve multiple purposes for women.

They not only help them assess a man’s confidence, integrity, and compatibility but also provide an opportunity to raise their self-assurance. Even the most intelligent and beautiful women may have their insecurities.

By setting up these small pitfalls, women gauge a man’s ability to handle insecurities and provide emotional support.

Responding to Relationship Tests

Now that we understand the underlying motivations behind shit tests, let’s explore practical strategies for handling them:

Stay Calm and Confident

When faced with a shit test, the key is to remain calm and confident.

Avoid becoming defensive or embarrassed. Instead, respond with humor, wit, and a touch of charm. This showcases your self-assurance and ability to handle challenging situations, impressing the woman and raising her confidence.

You can say these things to stay calm and confident throughout the date.

Embrace the Challenge

Rather than viewing shit tests as a nuisance, embrace them as opportunities to showcase your personality and compatibility.

See them as playful exchanges that contribute to building a deeper connection.

Respond in a way that reflects your true self while also uplifting and supporting the woman. This demonstrates your ability to navigate complex dynamics and create a positive atmosphere.

man and woman facing each other
Photo by Ba Tik on

Show Empathy and Understanding

Shit tests often emerge from a woman’s insecurities and past experiences.

Display empathy and understanding towards her underlying concerns. Instead of dismissing or ignoring the test, respond with kindness and reassurance. Show that you genuinely care about her well-being and will address her fears and insecurities.

You can do other things to show her that you genuinely care about her.

Maintain a Balance

While it’s essential to respond to shit tests, it’s equally crucial to strike a balance. Avoid getting caught up in a cycle of constant testing.

A woman consistently employing excessive or disrespectful tests may indicate deeper compatibility issues. Trust your instincts and assess whether the relationship is healthy and mutually respectful.

Building a Genuine Connection

Remember that the goal is to establish a genuine connection, not just to pass the tests.

While some suggest ignoring the tests or changing the subject, this approach may only lead to short-term gains. To build a lasting connection, embrace the tests as opportunities to showcase your character and compatibility.

Understanding how women test men is essential for successfully navigating the early stages of dating.

How Women Test Men and How to Pass Them

By recognizing relationship tests and responding with confidence, empathy, and genuine interest, you can pass these tests and build a deeper connection. Relationship tests are about proving yourself and creating a solid foundation of trust and understanding.

If you want more advice on how women test men and how to pass them fast, watch this video.*

In the free video, a woman will reveal how you can pass any woman’s test with flying colors, so even if you don’t think what I suggested will work, you might appreciate getting it from the horse’s mouth.

If you purchase through the link, Rickard will earn a few dollars without extra cost.

To your success,


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