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If you have no confidence in finding girls or women to date, you might find this article quite helpful since we all know that trust is one thing that attracts women to men.
The Confident Man
When you are confident, you are beautiful to girls/women, but you make them run the other way when you lack confidence.
Building confidence is, in fact, something you should do every day to become more attractive to women and become more confident.
When you lack confidence, you may look down on the floor instead of looking women in the eyes and showing with your body language, which women pay a lot of attention to, that you lack it.
You are shy; everyone will know it just by looking at you.
Luckily for you, I am offering a helping hand in this article.
Shyness is not a permanent state of mind; it is something you will overcome.
You might have been shy since you were a little child, so it might feel like a part of your personality but trust me, it is not.
I have been shy, but I have learned to become more confident and improve myself every day with some things I have learned, and I will share them with you in a little while.

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Some experts offer hypnosis as a solution to men who lacks confidence with girls/women.
I don’t.
My method is way more straightforward and will save you a lot of money since it is free.
I will discuss this in the full article below.
Confidence Man, Men Confidence
Shyness is your enemy if you want to boost your confidence and become more attractive to women.
You need to learn how to boost your self-esteem every day.
As I told you, I will share a super simple method with you today to increase your confidence immediately.
Being shy is not a natural state as an adult, but it is entirely understandable why you become nervous when looking at an attractive woman.
After all, talking to a woman can be challenging, but it becomes even worse if you find her attractive.
You don’t know what to say. You panic, sweat, look down at the floor, and all you can say is “Hi!” or something similar that will immediately blow your chances with the woman.
For this reason, I recommend a method that I find much better than all other tips and tricks that pickup artists offer, which you have to pay for with a lot of your hard-earned money.
Many of the methods they offer do not work or will only work for a short period.
My method begins in your home and continues with you approaching real-life women, and eventually, you will get your chance to talk to a beautiful, attractive woman and ask her out on a date.
The first step to talking with women is to look in the bathroom mirror and say: “Today, I am going to speak with a woman.
Just any woman, even someone I will not find attractive.
It is okay since I will practice my communication skills and learn what to say without becoming shy or awkward.”
After that, you will say: “I am an attractive man, a real catch.
Women will be happy to get to know me.” Repeat this at least three times every day.
Now you can leave your bathroom and go out and talk to the first woman you meet.
It can be your neighbor. It doesn’t matter.
Her age doesn’t matter, either.
The most important thing is that you should practice your communication skills.
Just talk with her about general things like the weather, which has just happened.
Be friendly and polite and respect her privacy by keeping a respectful distance from her.
Just keep talking to her for a while, and then excuse yourself.
Now, you have taken a baby step, but it is a significant step in your road to continue to talk with women.
If you work with women, you can approach them and talk about the same things.
Discuss something that happened recently at your workplace or ask her what department she works in and continue to talk about that.
Your conversation will end when you walk to your different departments/desktops.
Continue to do this as much as possible but change the women you approach now and then, so you will come across women closer to your age and women you find more attractive.
Eventually, you have built your self-esteem and will feel confident enough to ask an attractive woman out on a date.
Confidence with Women Hypnosis
Although I do not recommend it, I know that hypnosis has helped men overcome their shyness in some cases.
If you want to try it, I recommend a program that offers the best confidence with women hypnosis* right now and for a reasonably low price.
Note: The link marked with an asterisk (*) above is an affiliate link.
If you decide to buy it, I will receive a small commission from your purchase which I hope is okay. Read about the usage of affiliate links on this blog here.
Next Article
My next article will discuss how women can boost their self-confidence, which you can read from the 12th of July 2017.
Have a great week,
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