Online Dating Tips for Men: What to Do to Get the Girl You Like




What to Do to Get the Girl You Like


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Ultimate Online Dating Tips for Men

There is a lot to think about when you write your online dating profile.

You need to select:

  • The right photo. Remember: First impressions are really important!
  • What you wish to share about yourself. Best tip: Create intrigue, remember the “I” in the HIT-formula.
  • What kind of account do you want to get? Ask yourself: Do I want to pay for online dating or not?

As always, honesty and communication are two of the most important things in any kind of dating, online dating included.

Writing about yourself might not be your strong side, but don’t worry about that for now. All you need to do is to write a few lines with properly spelt and grammatically correct English (or whatever language you write in).

About yourself, of course!

I won’t lie to you…

It does take some effort from your side.

Will it be worth it?

Most definitely!

The time you invest in writing a few lines about yourself will “pay” eventually.

By actually taking the time to write a couple of lines about yourself, just a short couple of sentences like you see above will make you “stand out” from your “competition”, i.e. other men.

Most men, I am sad to acknowledge, do not take the time to write a couple of sentences about themselvesThis is a huge mistake!

Don’t think that you should write a whole novel either.

The key is to create intrigue in a woman, enough intrigue that she wishes to send an email or instant message to you.

Add a recent photo of yourself to make your profile stand out even more.

If you just follow these 3 simple steps, you will increase your chances to find love online a lot.

I will write an article soon that explains how Christian Dating International is different from many other dating websites.

This is just to get a date, to get a girlfriend, there are a few more steps..

What to Do to Get the Girl You Like (7 Easy Steps)

If you want to get the girl you are dating to become your actual girlfriend, there are a few more steps you need, in order for this to become a reality.

The first step is, of course, for the two of you to meet and feel that there is a “connection” between the two of you. Something that makes you get along better with this person than with other girls.

The second step is that you are exclusively dating one another.

The third and final step of this phase is that you say the three magic words. You know the words that include the scary word “love”, right?

It’s not scary once you are sure about how you feel for her.

This might sound easy but I do know that it is hard for us guys to actually acknowledge that we are in love with a certain woman and I do mean in love. Deeply emotionally attached to one woman.

The fourth step is the co-depended state, where you become depended on the other person and you develop your trust and deeper emotions for one another.

The fifth step is when you start to think about marrying her.

The sixth step is the actual proposition and marriage preparations.

The seventh step is marriage and starting a family together with your spouse.

If you want more information, please read my article on what you must do to get the girl you like.

[Tweet “The 7 Steps to Get a Girl and to Become Your Wife #DatingTips #RelationshipAdvice #DatingAdvice”]

What to Do to Get the Girl You Like

Now, as you can see above, I discussed what to do to get the girl you like to marry you. But what if you just want to get a relationship with her for now?

The 7 steps above can be summarized in 3 bullet points that describe these steps:

  • Step 1 – 3 is about dating.
  • Step 4 is about relationship building.
  • Step 5 – 7 is about marriage.

Of course, there are two main things you always should do with a girl:

  1. Contact her on a regular basis, be the perfect gentleman and court her.
  2. Do relationship building activities together. I will share some ideas with you soon.

You can choose to contact her by calling her “just to hear your voice”,  texting her “How are you, my love? I do miss you” or sending her an instant message on social media.

It is important to be yourself but also to be the perfect gentleman.

One way to do this is to send her flowers to her home, not her work.

Giving her small gifts as tokens of your appreciation too.

Yes, this is old-fashioned but most girls actually like this.

This is the courting part that many of us seems to have forgotten.

Relationship building activities can be anything from going to watch a film together to just spending time together, perhaps cooking.

Time is, after all the most important asset we have today, so if you decide to spend time with her, you should make each moment count and be special so that she knows that you rather spend time with her than away from her.

[Tweet “Time is the most important asset we have today. If we decide to share it with someone special, we should make each moment count. #DatingAdvice”]

I can, by no means, try to cover the whole journey you need to make, in order to get the girl you like in just one short article.

This is a rough sketch of all the steps and I am aware of it.

However, I did find it necessary to share this information with you.

As always, the best thing is not to read about it but actually go out there and do it.

Remember: You need to take a leap of faith in order to date. You might fail or you might succeed in your efforts. The only thing that matters is that you take action.

If you don’t act nothing will change. This is a sad but true fact.

You might think that you should not do anything.

No matter the reason you have for not taking action, let me tell you something and I am being very blunt here:

You’re making up excuses! If you don’t take action nothing will happen!

I don’t care who you are blaming for this.

This is a sad but true fact.

Just think about it this way:

Has the woman of your dreams came and knocked on your door yet?

I guess she hasn’t because if she had, you wouldn’t be looking for dating advice now, would you?

So do this to get the girl you deserve. 

Next Article

My next article will be published on Saturday the 24th of March 2018.

It will discuss how Christian Dating International is different than other dating websites out there.

Have a great weekend,


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