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Are you worried that you might not pass the tests the girl you have had a secret crush on for months will put you through to determine whether you’re the “right” guy for her?
Don’t worry; I got you covered!
In this article, I will reveal how to pass a woman’s tests and how women use them, and show the best method to pass her tests.
It is a little secret technique that I recently discovered myself.
After I discovered it, I decided to put it to the test myself and use it to see if it worked, and I will share my results with you in this article.

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What I will cover in the full version of the article is:
- How to pass a woman’s tests
- The attraction signs you should be looking for in her
- What can you do to attract her without speaking a single word to her
- How to get a girlfriend fast
- How you should approach a hot woman quickly
If it sounds interesting, you can keep reading about how to pass a woman’s test and effortlessly attract hot women.
How to Pass a Woman’s Tests
Regarding relationships, both men and women may have expectations and “tests” to see if the other person is compatible with them. Here are a few reasons why men may fail women’s tests:
- Lack of empathy: Women often look for men who understand and empathize with their emotions. If a man fails to show compassion or disregards her feelings, he may fail her test.
- Communication breakdown: Communication is vital in any relationship, and if a man fails to communicate effectively, it can cause frustration and misunderstandings. This can lead to failing a woman’s test.
- Inability to handle conflict: A woman may test a man to see how he takes the situation. He may fail her test if he becomes defensive, aggressive, or avoids the issue altogether.
- Inconsistent behavior: Women often look for consistency in a man’s words and actions. If a man’s behavior is unpredictable or unreliable, it can cause confusion and distrust.
- Lack of commitment: Women may test a man’s level of commitment by seeing if he is willing to put in the effort to maintain the relationship. If a man fails to show promise, he may fail her test.
The Guppy is a fish, a very popular aquarium fish, in fact. I had an aquarium once and yes, there were guppies in it.
Some people might object to the fact that I’m comparing humans with guppies, which is fine, but I do this because I observed behavior that is very similar to humans.
The male Guppies would start chasing the females after the lights were turned on.
It would continue the entire day until the lights were turned off.
In 99% of the cases, when a male approached a female, trying to mate with her, she would swim away and turn him down.
Trust me; male Guppies are very persistent in their “courting” of females.
The females are just as persistent in turning them down.
Women, the human females, are hardwired in the exact same way as Guppy females.
Most of the time, however, we fail her tests.
They are never spoken, it’s not an oral exam.
It’s an subconscious one and it all comes down to…
Our body language.
If you have read my blog over the past month, I have discussed the importance of using your body correctly to attract her.
This becomes quite annoying to us, right?
We never know what we did “wrong” but we will just realize it when she becomes pissed off (pardon my French).
There is a hidden attraction killer here. But wouldn’t you love to know:
The one-liner answer is: Because she needs to do it.
Sorry to disappoint you but this is the truth. Her biology is telling her to do it.
All because you failed her tests miserably.
To pass her three critical tests, there is one thing you need to do.
If you do this right, women will start to chase you!
Make women chase you and attract her as if it’s second nature to you.*

The Attraction Trigger You Should Look For Before You Try to Pass Her Tests
Don’t just glance at her mouth, look at it!
You should be looking at her mouth because it is a secret attraction trigger to her.
Just think about it for a while.
Why else do you think she puts lipstick on her mouth and spend several hours in front of the mirror putting on makeup?
Just to look good and feel good about herself?
This is partly true, but it’s just a lie most women tell you because the truth is that they do it to attract guys, men like you and me.
If she wears a red lipstick it will naturally draw your eyes to her mouth.
This is the first attraction trigger that Joshua
The truth is that Joshua reveals three different attraction triggers.
You might not get it right the first time, so keep trying.

The Importance of Pre-Framing Her
In order to get a girl interested in you, you need to pre-frame her.
This is another thing that I picked up from his YouTube channel.
It is powerful, and although it sounds very mysterious, it’s actually not!
I will give you an example:
Whatever you do: Don’t think about a blond, attractive woman now.
Did you think about a woman as I described her? You probably did.
This is how we humans function. If someone tells us not to think about something and then describes it in detail, then you are thinking about it.
It’s like when you were a little child, and your parents told you not to do it. Did you do it? Did you felt that it was something exciting to do? Did you feel good about yourself although you promised your parents not to do it?
I guess you did!
That’s precisely how pre-framing works.
It’s also the very reason why she spends so many hours in front of the mirror trying to capture a guy.
If she’s into you, she probably had spotted you long before you did notice her.
She might be the one who made the first move.
Maybe you saw a pretty girl or woman smiling at you one day and thought: I want to date her.
She probably had her eyes on you for months without you ever realizing it.
Because women are good at looking at men without us noticing it.
When you finally find out that she has been looking at you, she has been doing this for months in and months out already.
Everybody else around you knows about it too, but haven’t told.
It means she’s ahead of you a couple of months into the relationship before you discover it.
This has happened to me on more than one occasion.
She has been using what I describe as the Guppy method above, and here are my tips to you when you discover that she smiles at you:
If you notice that a woman or girl is looking at you and smiling, take action!
Approach her and engage in a conversation with her, and if you don’t know what to say, here are a couple of conversation starters that will help the conversation-starting.
Wordless Flirting Is Key to Passing Women’s Tests
Whatever you do, do not procrastinate because that might just bring you down a path of sorrows and regrets.
Your life is too precious for that.
If she looks you in the eyes, looks down, and then looks back at you, she says she wants to go out on a date with you.
Have you ever heard that the eyes are the mirror of the soul?
It’s true, and she is pre-framing you to have the guts to approach her and ask her out on a date.
She is already giving you permission to do it.
If you want to date her, don’t ignore it because you would miss an excellent opportunity to date a girl who’s already in relationship mode, and it’s a good thing.
Of course, if you, for some reason, don’t like her, it is beautiful to ignore her completely and not take any action.
It’s always you who make the final decision if you want to date her or not.
Now you know a couple of tips I have shared with you for the first time on this blog.
What I have described above will help you to date her.
But if you want a relationship with her or anything else except dating, you must follow the attraction blueprint.
Get the next step and understand how pre-selection works.*
This will give you a jumpstart
Because she’s already into you, which makes Joshua Pellicer’s goldfish technique so powerful.
It will help you get a girlfriend more effortlessly than any other technique I have shared.
How do I know this?
Because I have been testing it on one particular girl, and much to my surprise, this technique actually works.
I was skeptical at first, but I decided to give it a go myself.
There are a lot of “junk products” out on the Internet that teaches you things that don’t work, but this is not one of them.
I will make a more extensive review of this product shortly.
Dating is easy when you know how to do it the right way, right?
But it’s also important to know what to look for, right?
Here are some other attraction signs to be on the lookout.

Get a Girlfriend By Passing Her Tests
Earlier in this article, I described some attraction signs she uses to capture your interest and subtly give you “permission” to date her.
You now know the 3-part test that every guy needs to pass to date a girl and the three attraction triggers that will “tell” you instantly if she’s into you.
Don’t know them already? Watch this video and get them instantly.*
The method he describes is what I like to call “get a girlfriend 101”.
[Tweet “Do you want a girlfriend? Discover What a Goldfish Can Teach You About It Now #DatingTips #DatingAdvice”]
Practice makes perfect, right?
Here’s another technique that is working pretty well for most men:
If it’s loud and crowded around you, don’t raise your voice. Instead, talk in a soft, low-pitched voice which will force her to move closer to you.
Then wrap one of your arms around her, preferably the one that is closest to her, and lightly touch her shoulder. It should not be a firm grip, just very gently.
Don’t waste your time on small talk now, which will only put you in the friend zone. Yikes! Use your body language to reveal that you are into her.
Practice to do this a couple of times.
Just do it for 30-40 seconds. She will be attracted to you since most women are attracted to men that talk with a low-pitched voice.
This is considered masculine and you want to do it, right?
Use this unique get-girlfriend technique tonight.*

Want to Approach a Hot Girl? Then Do This…
All women subject men to tests and there’s a simple reason for it.
She needs to do this to figure out whether you’re compliant or not, whether you’re a suitable mate for her and a good father for her offspring.
This is something that is hardwired into women.
It’s what the female fishes do to the male fishes as well.
In order to get a hot girl to become your girlfriend, you need to know that even average looking girls do this but there is a difference.
Hot girls are doing it more ferociously and more aggressive than other girls.
They are also giving you a complete set of other tests that most of us would fail miserably unless you know how to pass them.
Discover the test that most guys fail with hot girls and how to pass it.*

Next Article
My next article will discuss how to get a hot girlfriend.
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Have a great day,
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