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In this blog post, I will discuss one of the things I normally have avoided on this blog and that is why relationships come to an end.
When, a relationship ends with someone you once held dear to you, especially a romantic one you always keep asking yourself: Where did it go wrong? Was it something that I did or something the other person did?
One thing is for sure and that is the sad fact that it’s often not just one person’s fault that a relationship ends. I have listed some advice for you below. If you like it, please comment or share it with your friends.
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Fact: A Relationship Is Constantly Changing
This is one thing that most people seem to know but constantly forgets. A relationship is never the same in the beginning and in the end; it is constantly changing a little bit each and every day and sometimes the people in that relationship doesn’t notice it.
If someone lost a loved one that might be a relationship changer or they have become a parent and one of the adults is feeling that he or she is getting less attention from the other adult it will surely change the dynamic between the two.

I would like to write and this might seem harsh to some of you but if one or both persons have been cheating on each other that is not just a changer, infidelity is a relationship ender. The reasons for infidelity are many but it’s never OK to cheat on a loved one.
Infidelity is one of the most common reasons why people break up from a relationship but the cause is often the lack of attention from one person toward the other person’s need for comfort, compassion, affirmation and love.
Two persons might grow apart, especially if they are young when they fall in love with each other.
We must recognize that we are constantly changing ourselves since we will share some mutual experiences while we will make some of our own by ourselves and that a relationship also needs and demands it’s time, full commitment from both and a great deal of communication between the two of you.
If you don’t communicate with each other your relationship might fail because of the lack of it. If some of you are a narcissist, which is a personality disorder that might be one cause for a relationship to end.
However, the person who is a narcissist is more likely to blame the other person since they most often lack the necessary insight that they are suffering from a disorder.
Abusiveness, Drugs, And Other Things That Might AffectThe Dynamics Of The Relationship
If your lover, husband or wife has a drug addiction or aggressiveness problem and is abusive toward you or your children it might affect the dynamics of the relationship and this is also a very good reason to break up with the person.
The person that doesn’t have the addiction or those problems should leave and there are many networks for people that have to leave. I have to add that most networks are for women but there are also some for men.
It doesn’t need to be that he or she is addicted to drugs necessarily, other forms of addiction could also be the cause, like gambling, eating and the worst one is, of course, sex addiction since that is both infidelity and an addiction as well as a basic human need.
One thing you should remember is that you are not doing it because you don’t love the person any longer, you do it because you love that person and wants that person to recover or realize that the person might have some problems. Your local church or the authorities in your city or town might help you.
I don’t know if it’s true but an unequally distributed amount of household work might also have an effect on the dynamics of your relationship. If someone is taking care of the entire home and still works full time it might be a cause for breakup eventually. There are some scientific studies that seem to support this claim.
Next blog post
My next blog post will be published on March the 9th 2016.
It will be about the 3 most common things people do on first dates.
See you then,
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