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Seasonal Dating: Tis’ The Season to Be Stressed

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We Are Now in The Season of Love

I would say that the season of love is soon upon us. This is when we show one another love and compassion more than during the rest of the year, isn’t it?

Have you ever asked yourself why we are never discussing it? We seem to complain more than cherishing the time we spend with friends and family during the winter and the holiday season.

Why is it so?

Maybe, we like to complain or maybe we tend to forget those who we actually should spend a lot of time with, our families.

We often feel guilty for not spending enough time with our dear ones.

But when we do, we actually complain about it. Here’s some food for thought: It might not be our relatives we are complaining about in reality. Maybe, it’s our own lives that we complain about.

Maybe, it’s our own lives that we complain about.

There might be things we are disgruntled with and we blame our relatives and our immediate family for our failures and misery.

What can we do about it?

In this article, I am going to give you some ideas on how you can cope with the stress we are feeling and become a happier human being in the process.

I will list 3 stress factors and give you constructive advice on how to deal with each and every one of the three things that I believe stress us the most during the holiday season.


3 Stress Factors and What to Do to Get Rid of Them

Stress Factor #1: Christmas Shopping

For many of us, this is the most stressful thing, especially around Christmas. We spend hours in different shops trying to get a certain item or some other thing.

Luckily, there’s a great solution which you already know.

It’s called the Internet and you can find most things you are looking for online. Online shopping is great because it saves time and allows us to spend it on other things.

I know one website where you can buy most things, both physical products, and electronic devices. I bet you already have an account on this website.

It’s Amazon.com.

This is one of the sites where I personally shop my Christmas gifts for myself and my family alike.

I have a busy life myself so I need to be as time-efficient as possible.


Stress Factor #2: Spending Time with Family and Dealing with Guilt

I have touched this briefly at the beginning of this article.

We actually feel guilty when we spend time with our relatives that should be referred to as our loved ones.

Maybe it’s because we don’t see one another too often or maybe it’s because we feel that we have better things to do or people we rather “hang out” with. If you feel like this, invite them to your home during the holidays.

If it’s not possible, call them and talk with them for a while.

It will relieve the guilt you might feel if you’re not able to meet them in person.

Social media can help but as you’re about to find out, it can also be one of the stress factors that modern people experience. Isn’t that a strange coincidence? It can be both beneficial and a stressful thing at the same time.

Try to cherish the moment and think about the fact that you now have to spend time with people you actually care a lot about, your family.


Stress Factor #3: Maintaining Your Social Media Presence

Most women feel stressed over maintaining a social media presence and be “active” and “talk” with their friends during the holidays.

Guys too, of course, but for some reason, it’s mostly women that feel stressed about their social media presence.

If you feel that your mind is drifting away and start thinking about people that are not present in your current location, you might feel stressed and a need or an urge to contact them.

If it’s a long discussion, rather call them if you have their phone number but if you don’t I would rather advise you not to go online.

You will actually get more energy and feel less stressed.

However, I do understand if you wish to just go online for a minute or two to say happy holidays.

I am happy to give away a secret that I personally use to do this: I write these tweets/Facebook-updates in advance.

Now, you might think it’s not possible to do it but I can tell you that it really is, it’s even free for most of us. What am I thinking about? Well, there’s a website where you can write these messages in advance.

I would like to mention two websites: buffer.com and dlvr.it.

They can help you write these greetings in advance and maintaining a social media presence during the holidays.

If you don’t have the need for more than 10 tweets/posts per day, you don’t need to purchase anything but if you do need it, they cost around $10 for 100 posts/tweets and you can gather all your social media presence in 1 place.

Go and have a look at them. I personally think they’re awesome!


A Summary of The Stress Factors and How to Deal with Them

At the end of this article, I feel obligated to give you a quick overview as well as a short summary of the whole article. Here it is:


Stress Factor #1: Christmas Shopping

Do your Christmas shopping online as much as possible. This saves time that you can spend with your loved ones. Amazon.com is a great place for shopping!


Stress Factor #2: Spending Time with Your Family

This can be a stress factor too but try to be present and spend as much quality time as possible. You might even appreciate it.


Stress Factor #3: Maintaining a Social Media Presence

This can be a stress factor as well as the other two. Get a free account at buffer.com or dlvr.it and write your tweets/posts in advance.


Next Article

My next article will be published on the 11th of December 2017.

It will discuss how infatuation attracts men to women.


I wish you a stress-free Christmas,


About the author: Rickard has been the chief blogger of Chi Rho Dating since the summer of 2015 and the dating coach of the dating website ChristianDatingInternational.Com since 2013. Rickard has been featured on DatingNews.Com.

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