Shipp Review of a Dating App Where You Don’t Swipe




Shipp Review


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In this review, I will look at the newest, hottest dating app that has seen the light of day since Tinder was first released.

I am, of course, referring to the dating app Shipp.

In this review, I will cover:

  • Who the creators of Shipp are.
  • Why Shipp is different from other dating apps.
  • Why will it be a smart move to join Shipp?
  • Where you can download it.

If this sounds like an exciting app that you would consider trying, please keep reading, and understand how one person’s frustrations led to the creation of this game-changing app.

Who the Creators of Shipp Are.

Shipp was created by Jerush Christopher and Vivek Olumbe, who were sick and tired of constantly getting ghosted. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t find someone to create a genuine connection with.

Why Shipp Is Different Than Other Dating Apps

Shipp is different from other dating apps since you can meet people and have a real face-to-face conversation instead of mindless swiping left and right.

You will get notifications throughout the day when a potential match is nearby.

You only have ten minutes to accept your match, which will speed up the process compared to other apps where you can “save” your matches for days without ever reaching out to them.

Join Shipp Here (App Store)

You will get directions so you can have an honest discussion with the person, making it impossible for fraudsters and love scammers to try to deceive you and help you only meet people nearby.

The full profile will be available once you approach the suggested location.

Why Do I Think It Will Be a Smart Move to Join Shipp?

I see the benefits of having a one-on-one conversation with someone, creating a connection with them by meeting in real-life immediately.

Catfishing and love scams will become almost impossible (unless you use a VPN).

The only downside is that it is only available in the US market for now, but since this is a startup, I am sure they will expand to other markets in no time.

So, now to the obvious question:

Where can I get Shipp?

Click here to download it for free (iOS).

Skip the Swipe, Chat in Real Life!

To your success,


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