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Self Esteem or Self Confidence Is Important In Dating
As I have stressed before, confidence is essential in dating, especially your self-esteem or self-confidence, of course.
Because if you want to be an attractive man, you need it to attract women.

From time to time, though, it can be low, especially when it comes to your love life.
So what can you do to boost it?
In this article, I will share five simple ways to boost your confidence and become more attractive to women instantly.
When you gain that level of self-confidence, she won’t turn you down.
If you want to boost your confidence, starting tonight, you should read the full article below…
How to Build Your Confidence
When you are struggling with low self-esteem, you need to give it a boost, to gain some self-confidence and be able to ask a girl you have a secret crush on out on a first date.
She will already notice whether you have a low sense of self-confidence or not when you approach her.
If that’s the case, then start boosting your confidence immediately.
Otherwise, you may be too afraid or make mistakes that will make you lose all the self-confidence, and self-esteem that you had gained before you had the guts to approach her and to ask her out on a date.
If you fail at it, you risk ending up in the friend zone with her, and that’s not a place you want to go to if you have a crush on her.
How do I know this?
The painful truth is that it happened to me a couple of years back, and even if it is hard to admit it, it turned out pretty well for me.

How I Discovered the Best Way to Boost My Self-Confidence
As I revealed to you, and this is hard for me to admit, I haven’t always had the best self-confidence, and especially not when it is about approaching women who I find attractive.
I usually approached her, and in my head, I already had something witty and fun to say to her.
However, that was how things always played out in my head.
In real life, when I approached her, it only had two outcomes that weren’t precisely beneficial for me.
I would either approach her, and say “Hi!” or some other lame thing or I would approach her, and when I would start to ask her out, I would become mute or start to stutter something like “W-W-Would you, eh…”.
I could see the disappointment in her eyes already in my mind.
Then, I would tell her something along the lines of “I’m sorry I’d bothered you” and leave with a massive sense of disappointment since I would realise that I screwed up this one too.
My self-esteem, as well as my ego, would drop to an all-time low immediately and stay there for a while.
I would think that I would never be able to ask a girl out on a date.
However, I was closer to boost my confidence and ask her out on a date than I could imagine back then.
I, of course, already knew about the things I am about to reveal to you.
There were, however, still the best way to boost your confidence, which was the missing piece of the puzzle that I lacked, but that I will share with you in a short moment from now.
Here are my five best ways to build confidence immediately:
Take a shower and shave.
As I have written before, turning yourself into the best version of you, is essential in dating.
When you feel refreshed, it will boost your confidence.
If you give yourself the time to take a shower and shave or groom your beard, it will help you.
Not only will it help you, but you will also become more confident.
You will feel unique and fresh, which also is a great way to make her more attracted to you.
Think positive!
I can’t stress this enough.
Thinking vivacious is the key to successful dates, and it starts with you!
By thinking positive, you are leaving no room for negativity in your life, and if you want some help, here are some tips to attract more positivity into your life right now.
Focus on the things you enjoy.
Pray to feel God’s guidance in your life even more present and know that you are loved even if you feel unworthy.
Get prepared for your date.
Just as the two first bullet points to stress: Preparation is the key to success.
Read through your conversation (if you’ve met her online) or think about what you know about her already.
Repeat those things in your head before the two of you meet.
Know what you want and prepare yourself by imagining her, sitting in front of you.
Think about what questions you want to ask her in advance.
If you can’t think about anyone, I want to help you out by sharing these fifteen outstanding questions with you right now.
You can practice asking her the questions you already know you want to ask her by merely talking to your mirror image or by talking to an empty chair.
Even if you don’t have a date tonight, you can still start to practice doing it, which will instantly boost your confidence.
Know yourself.
You probably know yourself enough to figure out how you would react in different situations.
However, now and then, you will surprise yourself.
Try to think through different situations that may occur during your date, and how you would respond to them.
There are, of course, situations you can’t prepare for since unexpected things sometimes will happen to you, and in your life that will be out of your control.
If you know yourself well enough, there will not be a lot that will make you act or make decisions based on fear.
However, sometimes rash decisions are necessary.
Decisions you make out of fear, rather than logic, are probably not the best that you will make.
Fear is a primal force that will make you act and react before thinking.
Your principles matters.
Live by them and let your principles guide you in your love life.
You already know what you want and how to get it.
So go for it!
Let them affect who you are and how you date!
Because this is what matters the most.
A man who can stand tall and look into a woman’s eyes with confidence, knowing that he will abide by his principles will undoubtedly act more confident naturally, and trust attracts women like a magnet!
Boost Your Confidence/Boost Your Self Esteem
To boost your confidence or self-esteem, there are more things you can do.
Above I have listed my five personal favourites that help me boost my confidence every single day.
Would you like to know how I use it to date, beautiful women?
Click here to discover the one thing that will help you boost your confidence with women immediately.*
Thanks to that little thing, my dating, and love-life changed overnight.
Now, I don’t have any problems walking up to a stunning, hot woman, and ask her out on a date.
I can’t guarantee that it will work the same way for you, of course, but if you have tried the same methodology that worked for you before, but haven’t delivered you any positive results, why not watch that video?
However, there is one thing you can do now to boost your self-esteem now.
The way I boost my self-esteem daily is to set a goal and then try to achieve all of them.
Sometimes I will succeed, while other times, I fail to accomplish it.
It helps me boost my confidence at the same time, so I know that it works for me, and I honestly hope that it will work for you too.
I hope you have enjoyed this article as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
If you want to become more confident and be an attractive man, a natural girl magnet, you will find some great tips in those articles.
Next Article
My next article will be published on the 22nd of June, 2017.
It will be a review of a dating product that promises to make men attractive.
Have a great week,
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