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It is devastating, to say the least when you find out that the man or woman you are in love with has been cheating on you.
How can someone really surviving infidelity?
One of the things I will address in this article why some guys do cheat on the woman they love.
I, as a man, strongly oppose this behavior myself.
You are wondering why he cheated on you and I will do my best to explain this to you and then I will give you a suggestion that allows you to heal before you can get into a new fulfilling and romantic relationship.
In this article, you might find some answers and if you want more help, I will leave you a link that will direct you to the best resource on the Internet.
However, that will only be delivered at the end of this article.
There is a fine line between infidelity and emotional infidelity that I have discussed in the past.
The only true difference between the two is that emotional infidelity is when you’re cheating on your spouse emotionally only while the other kind of infidelity is the active physical infidelity most people think of.
Now, I will discuss why men cheat and then share where you can get some help.
Why Do Men Cheat?
First, and foremost you have to realize that it is not your fault that he cheated on you.
I really thought it was pivotal to address this.
There are women who cheat on their husbands as well, something which I will discuss in my next article.
Some men excuses their cheating as a “get out of jail”-card.
These men focus on themselves and their own emotions and are quite selfish and want to get out of their relationship they’re currently in.

To me, this is an irresponsible and immature behavior.
Why do they act like this?
Because they don’t have any courage to confront the woman they are currently in a relationship with and tell her that they aren’t happy in the relationship.
This leads me to the second reason why men cheat.
Some men think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and think that they will be happy in their next relationship.
This is the kind of men I would refer to as “happiness chasers”.
These men are miserable in their current relationship and think that a relationship with a particular woman will make them happy but then they see another woman and think she will make it instead.
They are in pursuit of happiness, thinking that another woman will make them happy, always chasing the next woman.
You need to understand that the reason why these two categories of men are cheating on you do not have anything to do about you but is all about them.
Honestly, those guys will never stay in a relationship for very long and you need to realize that you deserve something better.
However, I still understand that you are feeling miserable.
Just remember that it is his fault and has nothing to do with the wonderful and amazing person you are, he doesn’t appreciate you but is chasing some fantasy of the happy relationship.
The truth is that these men will always be chasing the impossible dream.
Some men are so cynical that they actually think that cheating makes them more of a man, and they love the thrill of it.
It’s like eating the forbidden fruit for them.
As I said before, I don’t understand how anyone can be as cynical as this unless they are narcissists.
Since I have discussed what signifies a narcissist before, I won’t repeat myself but rather strongly encourage you to read my article about the 7 tell-tale signs of a narcissist.
Then we have some men who like to both have the cake and eating the cake, which just is a sign of emotional immaturity.
Another reason why some men cheat is that they think they can get away with it, even though narcissists truly believe it, most men whether narcissists or not will be caught red-handed.
I understand that this is of no comfort to you if the man you love has been cheating on you, however, you deserve someone better right?
Instead of staying with a cheater, you deserve to be with a mature person.
I think that you deserve a man who cares about your feelings too and doesn’t act egoistically, which basically, is the way men who cheat acts.
Yet another reason why some men cheat is that they have low-esteem.
When an attractive woman becomes flirtatious with a man who suffers from low self-esteem, she boosts his ego.
Of course, she will do this with any man.
Most men, however, who has a true and deep emotional connection with a woman, won’t act on a whim such as this.
Another common denominator that guys who cheat on the woman they love have is that they blame on the woman that the spark has gone out of the relationship but won’t do anything to rekindle it.
They do not take any kind of responsibility to rekindle the relationship spark again, which they should.
After all, in a relationship there are two adult humans, right?
Some guys have a false belief that they deserve to cheat, while other men are not built for monogamy.
Since I am an advocate for monogamy myself, I do not know how they think or why they would think like this since this is the main idea how the society we all live in is built upon.

He should feel sorry that he ever cheated on you, right?
Men Who Cheat
Men who cheat are following a particular behavioral pattern.
If you know this pattern, you will be able to identify any man who will cheat on you so you can avoid being in a relationship with him.
I have covered this in painstakingly detail above and below.
However, I am not an expert on how to help you recover after the affair, so I would recommend that you seek the expertise needed to heal and moving on with your life so that you can finally get the relationship you deserve.
Because men who cheat won’t stop cheating until they change their behavio
This is the honest truth but there is help to heal for you.
The people at After the Affair are true experts who will help you, and focus on allowing you to heal.
If you have recently found out that the man you love has cheated on you, I would recommend that you have a look at their website since they have a lot of great resources that will help you recover from infidelity.
Is He Having an Affair? Here Are The Signs to Look Out For
One of the tell-tale signs that he is cheating on you is that he has to work late hours or put in a lot of overtime.
He might blame his boss or the company that he is working on.
This is one of the classic behavioural patterns that men who cheat are following.
When you discover his infidelity, he will blame the other person, and pleading that he loves you and wants to be with you and that he will never repeat the same mistake again.
My advice to you, and this is a harsh one, is to dump him.
However, if you want to take him back, you can read my article on how to get him back to get some tips.

But if you want to follow my advice and honestly believe that you are bound for an awesome relationship with a man who deserves you there is something else you need to do.
Because a man never deserves such a wonderful and amazing woman as yourself if he cheated on you.
In that case, I recommend that you visit the experts over at After the Affair, so you can recover and finally get the relationship you deserve.
These are three successful women, who knows a lot about this.
They know this from their own personal experience because they have been cheated upon themselves.
I normally wouldn’t recommend other services unless I believe that they are helpful to you and can deliver on their promise, but these women I would recommend any day, any time.
There are two main reasons why I recommend this:
- They have suffered the consequences of being cheated on themselves
- They are trained professionals who will deliver you the best tips on how you can recover after finding out about an affair.
As you may also notice, I do not get anything out of this.
If you want to have a look at their website and the services they offer, feel free to check out After the Affair’s website which also includes an excellent blog.
On the blog you can read the story of at least one of the ladies behind this article, Melissa.
Have a look at it, maybe read their blog, and sign up to their newsletter.
Let me emphasize that I don’t believe that anyone deserves to be cheated on, especially not you.
However, if this happened to you, it is pivotal that you heal.
Heal first before you jump into the next relationship, this is the wrong thing most people do after finding out about an affair.
Don’t do this, because you will end up even more miserable than before if you do this and this is also the mistake that a lot of men actually are doing, so don’t repeat it, okay?
Be better than him and head over to After the Affair right now.
Because you deserve a better and emotional fulfilling relationship, right?
Next Article
My next article will be published on the 8th of June 2019.
It will discuss why fear is holding singles back of getting into a relationship.
You are an awesome person, deserving an awesome relationship,
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