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How to Ask a Girl Out on a Date
If you really want to ask a girl out on a date, you should, of course, first communicate with her in some manner.
Let me begin by sharing three great examples with you right now:
- Texting,
- Text chat dating
- Instant messaging (IM)
Since I have covered the first one in a previous article, I will focus on the other two methods in this article.
You can use IM on most dating websites as well as on social media.
Keeping it short yet interesting is important.
Use the HIT formula that I discuss in further detail in another blog post and use it.

Cute Ways to Ask a Girl Out
In my free report, “10 best texts to send a girl you like,” I share some examples of cute ways to ask a girl out on a date.
If you want it, it’s available right here.
I will give you 5 more examples in this article in a little while.
The free report is more focused on texting, while the examples that I share with you in this article are more focused on other text-based media.
5 Cute Ways to Ask a Girl Out on a Date
With this being written, let’s check out 5 cute ways to ask a girl out on a date:
- Ask her straight away: “Do you want to hang out?” or “Do you want to go out on a date with me?” This can be made face-to-face, in a chat, or on a note.
- Leave her a hand-written letter asking her out on a date.
- Buy her a cookie and ask her out by telling her, “I promise to be sweet if we go out on a date.”
- Writing “Hi cutie 🙂 You are so sweet. You’re giving me diabetes. I have asked my doctor, and he told me that there is only one cure: Go out on a date with me.” This is a longer version of texting messages and works best on a text chat or in an IM chat.
- Buy her a pizza, deliver it to her door, and write, “I know this might be cheezy, but would you go out on a date with me?” on the lid.
Needless to write, there are many more things you can do.
You can use one of the 5 examples I have listed above or use them as inspiration and do something completely different that you know will work for the girl you like.
The sky is the limit, so use your imagination and come up with your own ideas.
If you want to ask for a girl’s number to text her, then you should read the last paragraph as well.
How to Ask for a Girls Number
There are three common mistakes guys make when they ask a girl for her number.
Most guys:
- Get nervous
- Ask her straight away
- Think that getting a girl’s number is a marriage proposal or a date
So how can you get her number without blowing your chances with her totally?
The best way to do it is to prepare you to ask her. Sometimes asking a friend of yours, preferably a female one, to talk with her is good.
Another guy works fine, too, as long as you know he will not be awkward or interested in her himself.
Let your friend talk with her and subtle bring you up in the conversation.
After a while, go to her and greet her.
This, of course, only works in real life.
The methods described in the rest of the article, though, work just as well online as offline.
Just remember that she will be bolder in a text chat than in real life.
Talk about a lot of different things and try to tell her some jokes.
Does She Like You or Not?
If she laughs at those who aren’t funny, you know that she is interested in you.
If you want some example of things to talk about, you should read my article tomorrow.
After a while, you can ask her for her phone number.
Make sure it sounds natural and mention it when you discuss something that would be nice to hang out with her again.
No rule forces her to give you her phone number so she can turn you down. You have to prepare yourself for that before you approach her.
My Top Recommended Method
If you want to get more insight and get my free report, “10 best texts to send to a girl you like”, all you need to do is visit this site and enter your email.
In it, I reveal the texts themselves and explain why they are so powerful and how they can help get her out on that all-important first date.
Use the HIT formula but before you do that, make sure that you share some interests.
It is not the time to discuss a long-term relationship when you approach her like this. It’s just to figure out if she is interested in you and if you have some common things in interest.
You can do it in texts, as well as in real life.
Next Article
My next article will be published tomorrow, on the 7th of July 2017.
It will discuss conversation topics with someone that you just met.
Have a great day,
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