Texting Tips: How Do I Get a Response?




what to text a guy, what to text a girl, texting a girl


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What to Text to Get a Response

Today I will discuss what to text anyone to get a response.

It doesn’t matter if you are a guy or girl.

Everyone can benefit from what I am about to reveal to you.

You see, I’ve got an email last week that asked me: “What do I get him to answer me? How do I get him to talk?

I answered this email.

As you now understand, the answer to both questions is the same: Ask him a question.

We as human beings are taught from childhood to ask questions to learn new things, discover new areas of the society we live in and we continue to do this in school and in our adult lives as well.

It is by asking questions that we learn new things.

Even by asking simple yes or no questions, right?

I’ve got you to answer a question a couple of seconds ago, didn’t I?

You have probably already said “Yes” twice without even realizing it because that is the way we humans are wired.

This is what makes this technique powerful.

I will now give you 5 examples for women and 5 examples for men on what to text a guy or a girl to get a response back to your text.

After each section, I will give you a chance to sign up for free coaching.

All you need to do to claim your 100% free coaching is to click the link that is located after the 5 text examples that I will give you right now.

I will begin with the ladies first…

What to Text a Guy

Let’s begin with the email I received and ask ourselves what kind of questions you could ask a guy. Here are 5 examples:

  1. Sup? Wanna hang out?
  2. What are you doing?
  3. Do you have any plans for this weekend? Want to hang out with me?
  4. Hey, I was thinking about you. What are you up to right now?
  5. I have an idea. Let’s talk about it. When will you have time to see me?

As you can see, the first three questions are what I would call direct questions while the other two intice first and then asks the question but all 5 asks questions and this is really important.

Because, as I explained at the beginning of this article, this taps into one of the things that we are taught from early childhood.

We ask questions to learn things.

Even a simple “How do you do?” is a question to find out if the person is well or not and shows that you care about this person, right?

This is also important because to attract a man, you need to show that you are caring.

It is, in fact, one of the personality traits that men are looking for in a woman.

But now at the end of the article, I will give you the opportunity to answer three questions and offer you a chance to get 100% free coaching, as I promised at the beginning of this article.

Do you want to attract a man?

Do you want to attract men using texts?

Do you wish to get free coaching starting today?

Click here to get the 15 best texts to send to a guy to get a response back.

Texting a Girl

As I explained at the beginning of this article, we are taught to ask and answer questions.

I can almost with 100% certainty say that you have googled something you have had a question about sometimes during this week.

Because this is how we do things today.

However, the concept hasn’t changed. It is still Q&A.

Just as the ladies, every man who reads this article, will get an opportunity to get 100% free coaching from me, not personally but through emails which is the next best thing.

But before I offer you that, I still owe you the 5 best texts to trigger a response from her, right?

These texts are the 5 best texts to send to a girl and get an answer from her:

  1. What’s up?
  2. What are you doing right now? Are you day-dreaming again?
  3. I was thinking of going out but I don’t feel for dining out alone. Want to tag along?
  4. Wanna hang out tonight? I know a great place that is nice.
  5. Do you want to see me? Now, you have a great opportunity to do so. When can I come over?

The first and second ones are simple questions but I have also added a little twist to the second question. By accusing her of doing something that is a bit awkward, you will trigger an emotional response in her.

The third question is what I would call an “undercover date”. You are actually asking her out on a date without revealing it.

 Most girls and women will figure this out anyway.

The fourth question is similar to the third but less direct. The approach is more careful and works better with shy girls than the previous question.

The fifth question has a more bold approach. It too will trigger an emotional response in her.

She might even laugh and it is a good thing.

Because humour is one of the key factors in attraction.

If you want some fun, intriguing and teasing text examples to spark attraction in a girl, you will soon get an opportunity to get it.

Have I mentioned that these text examples are free too?

If I haven’t mentioned it before, I apologize. It wasn’t meant to be a secret.

I don’t really want to give you an image in your head but…

There is one thing you need to know before you decide whether or not you should take advantage of the free opportunity that I will offer you now:

Would you like to know a sneaky little secret about attraction?

The sneaky little secret that turns a female friend into your girlfriend?

Do you also want to get free coaching by me as a bonus?

Click the link below and enter your best email address to

Discover the 7 texts that turn a female friend into your girlfriend.

That is all you need to do, click the link above to get free instant access. As a bonus, you will also get my free report about the 7 texts that turn a female friend into your girlfriend.

Everything is free, of course, and will be delivered within 1 hour after sign-up.


Now I have revealed the 5 best texts to send to each gender.

I have also offered every reader of this article a chance to participate in a 100% free coaching course.

Another fact that was discussed throughout this article was the Q&A-effect.

The thing that we are taught at a very young age that if you ask, you will receive an answer and that is something we continue to do even in our adult life.

We might change the way we do it from human-to-human to human-to-computer and from verbal to text-based communication, however, it still is based on the same idea, ask and you shall get answered.

I even gave you a free bonus, in case you are already in my coaching course, by revealing the Q&A-effect.

At the end of this article, which is structured a bit differently than I normally structure my articles, I just want to add that if you have any questions or suggestions about what you want to read about, just send me an email.

I normally respond to you within 24-48 hours.

There is just one more thing to reveal to you and that is…

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 25th of July 2018.

It will discuss what I discovered from watching an old TV-series about dating and relationships and how things have changed in the last 50 years.

Have a great week,


About the author

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