The Reason Men Like Action Movies




Why Men Love Action in Movies and Relationships


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It’s April D. Long here again and in today’s article, I will share some insights about what turns emotions on in a man.

Before I begin, I just want to give you a quick reminder that some of the links in this article are sponsored and that I will get a monetary compensation if you purchase through them. For more information, please read the affiliate disclosure.

It is safe to say that it is not the same thing that works for us.

I recently discovered this when my husband and I went out on a dinner-and-movie date last week and watched the new action film, Black Panther.

After the movie, I noticed that Aaron, as you probably know is my husband’s name, was excited and very emotional but I couldn’t figure out why he reacted like this at first.

Yesterday, when I surfed around the web, I came across some interesting facts that explained it to me.

Men like action films because it releases testosterone in them and triggers an emotional as well as a mental response in men.

It also allows the little boy that all men have deep inside of them to come out and play.

According to a scientific study, while allowing male and female test subjects to watch violent scenes, displayed an increase in the testosterone level on all male subjects by 30% while it was the opposite reaction for the females who participated in the same study.

In fact, we women become emotionally involved in the characters and begin to care for them and what happens to them.

Men can disconnect their emotions, as easy as pushing the off-button on the remote control to the TV.

[Tweet “Men can disconnect their emotions, as easy as pushing the off-button on the remote control to the TV. #DatingTips #DatingAdvice “]

As I wrote in one of my previous articles on this blog, men are action-oriented while we women are emotional-oriented.

This is true both when it comes to what kind of movies we like as well as in relationships.

Relationship Advice for Women: Men Love Action

Aaron always seems to be discontent and a bit worried when he has nothing to do. It doesn’t matter if it is fixing with something in the house or fixing something fun for the entire family to do on a weekend. The same thing is true about my son John, but he’s only four years old!

You would expect that he would be happy when there’s nothing planned but oh no, he’s not!

He needs to do things every single waken moment!

This drives me crazy sometimes.

It really does!

That’s when driving him crazy becomes really fun.

He hates it, I love it!

Just giving him a taste of his own medicine is really fun but he knows why I do this.

If you love a man, you drive him crazy but as long as he’s crazy about you and not insane it’s a good craze“.

These words were spoken to me by my mom after I broke up with Steve and you know what? She’s absolutely right!

If you don’t know what happened between me and Steve, you should read my previous article, since it explains everything in every painstaking detail.

As I discussed above, men love action movies, since it speaks to their inner child and increases their testosterone-level.

This is the real reason why we want to drive a man crazy. Because it increases his testosterone which means that he’s excited and then he is more willing to do other exciting things if you know what I mean.

I already know many “tricks” to drive my husband crazy. Quite recently, I picked up a new kind of skillset for achieving this.

It was when I started to implement the things Carlos Carvallo taught me in his excellent program that I discovered how driving a man crazy actually makes him commit to you more emotionally and deeply than ever before.

Now, I am not mentioning Carlos’ program because I’ll get money if you click the link and buy through the link above.

Oh no, missy! Far from it! I got a lot of great and useful information and I would never make a false claim or “recommendation” just to earn a few bucks!

The only thing I am “guilty” of, is to share my best knowledge with women around the world.

I am very happy to do this and couldn’t care less if I wouldn’t get a single dime.

I truly believe in Carlos’ product and I have got a lot of help from it and my only hope is that you will get the same results as I and many other women have across the globe.

If you wish to have a look at it and discover how you can get a man to commit to you, please do so.

There is, of course, no guarantee that you will get the same results as I did. But…

I hope you now understand the reason why men love action movies as well as action in relationships.

Next week, I have something different that I will discuss.

In the meantime, feel free to discover how Carlos has helped other women and may be able to help you too.

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April D. Long

About the author

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