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Nobody discusses the truth about attraction.
The best way to attract somebody for a romantic relationship are these three things:
- To be the best possible version of yourself.
- Acknowledge your flaws and mistakes you’ve done in the past and FORGIVE yourself for them as well as the people who have done you wrong in the past.
- The secret that nobody discusses in public, but I will reveal to you in a moment.
It all comes down to ONE THING – Love
Below, I will share more insights with you about how love can transform your life as well as some more details about the truth about attraction.
Love Is The Secret Ingredient to Attraction
Love has the power to give you a clear insight about every aspect of your life, forgive everybody who has left a scar in your heart, mind, and soul.
It will allow you to move on to the greatness you were meant to achieve.
Still, the most important thing is the ONE nobody talks about in public.
Love can transform you, and make you into the best version of yourself, and forgive yourself for everything you have done wrong, and it can make you love AGAIN.
If you have children, it is pivotal that you are able to be the best version of yourself.
For your own sake as well as for their sake.
If you are in a romantic relationship right now, you need to be the best version of yourself too.
I’m sure that you feel that the person you are with makes you better, and it’s true that it does since love forces us to up our ”game” when we are around people who we love and who love us back.
If you’re single right now and haven’t found someone you love, don’t let it stop you from experiencing this.
The truth of the matter is that love will transform you.
The Truth About Attraction: Forgiveness
Forgiveness should be the attitude.
But first and foremost — You should love yourself, genuinely and honestly every single day.
Love will never brag or boast, only loneliness will.
Make it a habit, a daily routine of yours.
Make sure you repeat it at least once a day and experience the difference yourself.
Tell yourself how much you love yourself.
It might sound like self-love is another word for boasting or being egocentric.
However, it is NOT.
A sound dose of self-love will allow you to appreciate the things you like about yourself, and become the best version of you that you possibly can hope to achieve.
The Butterfly Is Your Guide to Success
Remember that a butterfly needs to be a larvae first.
Then it needs to transform, so it can develop wings and fly away as a butterfly.
If the larvae wouldn’t be transformed into a crysalis it wouldn’t be possible.
Then the larvae would stay a larvae and never become the butterfly it was meant to be.
It is the truth about attraction as well.
To achieve greatness, you need to undergo a transformation and meet adversaries and learn valuable lessons along the way.
Then, and only then, can you become the person you were meant to be.

Positivity vs Negativity
Positivity indeed attracts positivity, as well as negativity also attracts more negativity.
Here are some more in-depth information about positivity and love.
However, hate and anger only leads to more of the same kind, and will only cause you and the society you live in more trouble than you wanted.
Love, on the other hand, will transform you, help you transform others, and help you become the best version of yourself, and a great raw model for people around you, both in your society, as for your children.
Love will never brag but will allow you to sacrifice everything, even your life in the name of love.
Nothing else matters.
If you ever want to achieve greatness, you can do it, but ONLY if you have been at your lowest point first.
To go up, you first need to go deep down.
I recently discovered this myself, and let me tell you that the rewards I’m reaping right now are FANTASTIC.
Things that I never thought was possible has become a reality.
I am grateful for this, as well as the ability to pass it forward because I know that love can transform the world and I know that it can transform you.
How I Discovered The Truth About Attraction
All I did to discover it was to read.
I read a certain book, that I think you might have heard about.
It is a book that can transform you if you allow it to change you, as well as the world through love.
In fact, it has done so many times in the past, and it will do it again.
You will find many stories within that book that discusses hate, passion, violence, war, betrayal, sacrifice, and most importantly – LOVE.
It doesn’t matter what gifts your claim to have, it doesn’t matter who you are, but love is the relationship builder, as well as the vehicle that drives the transformation from within you.
As you can read yourself in that book, if you lack passion, you require EVERYTHING.
Because that book is all about relationships.
In that book, you can read a powerful story that will make you discover the true meaning of love.
ONE MAN who was challenged by the religious authorities in his society to summarize the message of this book in a few sentences.
These words was his answer to them:
You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And your neighbour as yourself. (Deuteronomy 6:5; Leviticus 19:18)
That man is, of course, Jesus Christ.
Many names know the book I referred to, but most people call it by its Greek title:
Τα Βιβλια or The Bible in plain English.
Click or tap here, and watch a free video now, and be transformed through the message of love.
I wish you a blessed day filled with love,
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