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Today, I will reveal the wrong way to approach women on social media.
I want to give you a background to why I decided to write about this.
Normally, I always discuss how to approach women on social media but today, I am doing the opposite.
Why am I doing it?
Because I discussed this issue with one of my female friends and I also had other women who approached me and showed me their social media newsfeed.
Needless to say, I was shocked about what they showed me.
I could compare this to my own social media newsfeed that never contains that kind of inappropriate words or behaviours.
Needless to say, I felt ashamed for being a man.
So, I decided to discuss it on my blog.
Guys, this is NOT how you want to approach women on any social media platform and I mean it.
But I will reveal the right way to approach women on social media below.
Without any further ado, let’s dive right in the content…

Social Media and Women’s Body Image
A woman was posting a picture on one of the most popular social media platforms, I won’t tell you which one because I have seen similar behaviour from men on different social media platforms.
She had clearly stated that she wouldn’t send any nude pictures.
Despite this fact, there was a man who posted this comment on one of her pictures: “Don’t like sending nude pictures. But you never said you won’t. Just teasing. Baby.“
There was another man who commented the same picture with this: Why you block me?
A third man who said: You are beautiful and a fourth guy who said: Hi send me a request, please.
Here are some other comments that I selected from other men on the same picture:
- I would love too.
- Can I come?
- Am interested.
Now these aren’t the worst comments. There were others that I would
But I can tell you one thing…
One of the things I realized is how many times a woman gets comments of her body or her looks, even when she doesn’t ask for it.
Comments like Hey beautiful woman was one of the most common comments that I noticed just for posting a picture and guys, she didn’t even asked for it!
Come on, guys!
That’s not the proper way to behave on social media.
I mean, there were even guys who commented a picture Sexy. Just out of the blue.
Guys, there is a time to comment that but it’s not when you’re just approaching her on social media, okay?
I wouldn’t approach her to just leave inappropriate comments.
The right time is much, much later when you have been going out on a couple of dates.
Of course, you can leave her comments like looking nice, looking good, wow, amazing, and so on if you have talked with her for a while but make sure you use the right compliments at the right time.
If you don’t know what to say, here are 65 awesome compliments for her.
I am currently writing on something that my research has indicated that most guys would be interested in.
For now, I won’t reveal what it is.
As soon as it is released, I will share it with you on all social media channels.
I promise.
What I mean is treat her like an actual human being and you will stand out from the rest of men who approaches her.
She will be much more likely to engage with you then.
Remember that dating is a marathon, not a quick run!

Social Media Comments on Women’s Body Image
Did you know that when you enter the phrase “social media comments on women’s body image” on Google, you will get quite a depressing insight.
Many women are posting these photos on social media and it affects them.
This kind of behaviour, although it might be for appreciation also causes diseases like anorexia, bulimia, mental illness, and an unhealthy body fixation to a lot of women.
Surely, it is women themselves who are causing this but would you be helped by comments from random men who just start to follow you and leave comments like “Send me nudies, please”?
If you say yes, you seriously need some professional help or you need to get the right strategy to approach women on social media.*
Every woman that I have asked have told me the same thing loud and clear:
We do not wish “appreciation” from unknown men with totally inappropriate comments about our looks and bodies or what they want from us or do to us.
This is a summary that took me about 10 seconds to write and this is from asking one question “Do you like unknown men to comment on your looks or the shape of your body?”
The most common answer was just one word: NO.
Guys, be gentlemen and don’t act like morons. I know that most of us are much better than this.
If you met her on a dating site, you might give her comments like “I like your profile picture” and so on but it’s still a long way to go to ask for nude pictures from any random girl, right?
The Best Strategy to Use on Social Media
The best strategy that you can use on social media in regard to approaching women is a bit different.
This is the best strategy by far to approach women on social media.*
I know I have been ranting a lot but I would never suggest someone treat another human being as a piece of meat.
Would you comment her body if you met her on the street?
Guys, I am on your side here but I would suggest that you “man up” and take responsibility for your actions on social media.
Be a man and act like one. Don’t be a bad guy, be the best version always!
The rule I am always using on social media is never telling someone anything you wouldn’t tell the same person if you were in the same room as she was.
I will now take a planned leave of absence from blogging and work on my side projects.
Leave a comment and tell me what you thought about it.
Next Article
My next article will be published on the 11th of March 2019.
It will discuss the law of attraction in dating.
Have a great day,
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