Tips on How to Text a Guy to Create Instant Attraction for You




how to text a guy


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If you want to know the five best tips on how to text a guy to create an instant attraction for you, you have come to the right article.

However, that is not the only thing I will address here.

Below, you will find answers to some of the questions you might have on your mind right now, including:

  • Is it ok to text him first?
  • What to text a guy you just met.
  • When to text a guy after sleeping with him.
  • How to text a guy who is ignoring you.
  • How to text a guy without looking desperate.

I will also reveal the simple little text he can’t resist.

If this sounds interesting to you, don’t hesitate to read the entire article, and if you like it, you might even want to share it by tapping on one of the buttons below, since sharing is caring, right?

Is It OK to Text Him First?

Let’s begin with the most obvious question, which women such as yourself are asking yourself: Is it ok to text him first?

Of course, it is okay to text him first.

Even if women still, at least, for the most part, want a guy to text you first, there is no law you are breaking, and addressing another common question, No, you don’t seem like less attractive from his point-of-view.

As a matter of fact, you might seem even more attractive to him since you are taking the initiative here.

Here is what it secretly tells him…

It tells him that he needs to step up and act quickly if he is ever going to have a chance to get a date with you.

Below, I will share some examples with you on what you should text him.

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How to Text a Guy You Just Met

When you text a guy you just met, it is best to keep things casual.

If you aren’t sure that you like the guy and want to be involved in a romantic relationship with him, it is best to keep things casual.

Ask him things about what is going on in his life.

By keeping things casual, you can discover if he is into you or not without risking revealing your true intentions with him.

I will share five texts you can send a guy without looking desperate below.

You can be pretty blunt and ask him about what kind of woman he prefers as his girlfriend if you want to know, and you like him.

That way you can find out what he thinks about you.

How to Text a Guy Without Looking Desperate

If you think that texting a guy will make you look desperate, let me tell you that as a man myself, I had always thought it to be extremely sexy when a woman texted me first.

It revealed that she was curious about me and wanted to get to know me better to determine whether I am her “type” or not.

Here are 5 examples you can text a guy without looking desperate:

  1. What is on your mind right now?
  2. Why do I always have a BIG smile whenever I text you?
  3. Is it true that men are never thinking about shopping? How can you NOT do that? What is your opinion about it?
  4. Is your name Laughlin? Because you always make me laugh.
  5. What are the things you want in a woman?

Even if these texts are good and will help you get to know him better, there is one text you should send him if you want him to be your next boyfriend.

Click or tap here to get the ONE text he can’t resist.*

Of course, that text is something you should send him if you already know that you like him and want to be involved in a romantic relationship with him.

How to Text a Guy Who Is Ignoring You

If a guy is ignoring you, there are two obvious reasons for that, which I address in the article “Why Is He Ignoring Me?” on this blog.

However, there might be a third option, which is a heartbreaking one.

If he isn’t interested in being in a relationship with you or got sick and tired of you, that might be the reason why he never texts you back.

Can I do anything about it?

Yes, you can. If you want to be in a romantic relationship with a man who is constantly ignoring you and doesn’t respond to your texts, there is one text that will get his attention and make him text you back.

Send him this text that he can’t resist right now.*

Watch the video that will begin to play, and listen to what she says, and hopefully, it will help you as well.

The text works because it has hidden psychological triggers in his mind that gets his attention, keep it, and make him more eager to text you back whenever you are having a text conversation with him.

man wearing white shirt kissing woman in her nose
Photo by Jasmine Carter on

When to Text a Guy After Sleeping with Him

When you have slept with a guy, you still need to text him.

If you want a guy to keep coming back for more after sleeping with you, you need to send him the sneaky text men can’t resist.

It will make him more interested in you naturally.

Get the Sneaky Text Men Can’t Resist Here >>>*

However, I know that women have needs, too and that not every woman wants to be in a committed relationship with a man.

I recommend that you text him something like:

  • Last night was amazing. Want to do it all over tonight?
  • Is it just me, or were you in heaven too?
  • I am hungry. I want to eat ice-cream from your hot body tonight.

Those texts will keep him hungry for more and almost guarantee that he will text you back, especially if he appreciated what you did to him and how you made him feel last night.

If you want to make him love you after he has slept with you, you need to text him. The sneaky text men can’t resist.

when to text a guy after sleeping with him

Send him that text, and get the relationship you deserve,


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