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There are several ways to trigger a man’s “Hero Instinct” through texting.
Do you want to make your man feel like a hero?
One way to do that is by tapping into his “hero instinct” through text.
Communicating correctly can trigger intense feelings of purpose, protection, and satisfaction – strengthen your relationship and enjoy a deeper connection with him.
Text messaging is one of the most potent tools for sparking and maintaining a romantic connection with your man. But if you want to excite his inner-hero and trigger his “hero instinct,” you need to know the right kinds of messages to send.
Here are seven tips for starting the hero instinct through text messages!
- Ask him for help.
- Show appreciation.
- Acknowledge his achievements.
- Build intrigue and mystery.
- Let him know you’re willing to arm wrestle for it.
- Make him feel needed and wanted.
- Tell him how happy he makes you.
If you want to get all the details of the seven tips I share in this article, please keep reading.
How to Trigger Hero Instinct Through Text
Triggering the hero instinct through text is easier than you think.
All you need to do is to send the texts that trigger his hero instinct, which James Bauer talks about in his excellent free video.*
Throughout the article, I discuss seven easy ways that help you trigger that hidden desire in your man.
However, I don’t want to leave you empty-handed, so I will share three examples that might help trigger your man’s hidden instincts before I give you seven practical tips on how to put them into practice in your everyday life.
Here are three simple texts that might help trigger it:
- Thanks for cooking last night. It was like you – delicious. 😉 You’re always spoiling me.
- Let me help you with that. You are working so hard, love. ❤️
- What is it that makes me tingle? Is it that I’m with you and not single?
I can not guarantee that they work, but I can guarantee that he will be more positive and appreciate you more – and not take you for granted.
You will be rewarded with a better relationship when you’re dating him.
If you want to know the 12-word text that triggers his “hero instinct,” you’d better watch this video where James discusses how it can help you improve your relationship.*
Please note that the video is free to watch.
If you want more texts to send to the man you love, sign up for my newsletter below, which also is free.
Ask Him for Help
The best way to trigger his hero instinct through text is to ask him for help with something.
Men love to help women since it makes them feel needed and valuable in a woman’s life. That makes him feel useful and appreciated by the woman he loves.
The easiest way is to say these words to him, which activates his “hero instinct.”
Show Appreciation
Appreciation is a great way to trigger a man’s hero instinct.
Showing your appreciation for what he does for you will make him feel valued and respected, which is precisely how you want him to handle it! To show your gratitude through text messages, thank him occasionally for any small or big act of kindness he shows you.
This will help create an emotional connection between the two of you and remind him that his efforts don’t go unnoticed by you.
A simple message of appreciation conveys your feelings without the need for words and shows him how special he is to you.
This is one of the best ways to tap into his hero instinct and show him you care. You are letting him know that his sacrifices have not gone unnoticed, acting as a major confidence booster and encouraging him to be even more heroic.

Acknowledge His Achievements
Men have a deep-rooted need to be acknowledged for their achievements and accomplishments.
If your man is going above and beyond in life and career, tell him that you are proud of him by sending an encouraging text.
Acknowledge his successes in the small things he does to remind him of his worth in your life, which will ultimately strengthen your relationship with him!
Of course, please don’t do it excessively since that will make him intolerable.
Build Intrigue & Mystery
Texting has unlimited possibilities, so why not use that to your advantage? Be unpredictable and generate a mystery around yourself by hinting at things you like, something you’re planning to do, or even telling stories that keep him guessing.
This will ensure he’s engaged even when the conversation isn’t about him, and he doesn’t get bored of you.
Let Him Know You’re Willing to Arm Wrestle For It
Don’t be afraid to show him you’re capable of standing up your ground and standing for what you believe in. When he sees that you won’t let anything stop you, it will fulfill his hero instinct and make him feel highly protective of you.
You can also tell him stories about times you stood up to someone or something, hinting that should he ever need help.
He has an ally in you. It will trigger his heroic instincts and make him more attracted to you than ever!
Make Him Feel Needed and Wanted
Let him know that you need and want him in your life.
It is one of the most effective things you can do to trigger his hero instinct, yet one of the things women seldom do, and there’s a reason you should do it.
It is a great way to make him feel needed and desired without being overly direct or creepy.
Tell him how grateful you are for the things he did today, and be sure to show additional appreciation if he goes out of his way to do something special to make you happy.
Shining gratitude over his actions will help increase his self-worth and make him feel like his hero.

His small actions to show his love, care, and affection for you can be a powerful way to trigger his hero instinct.
Recognize him for those little things that make your life together more manageable and happier.
Text him, thanking him for taking out the trash or giving you a shoulder to cry on during an emotional day.
This will let him know how much you appreciate all he does, creating a solid bond between you two based on mutual respect and admiration.
Tell Him How Happy He Makes You
He will appreciate you even more, when you tell him how happy he makes you.
It will help him become a better partner who will do everything he can to make you happy, give you a better quality of life and make you his life-long love.
Another benefit is that it also improves the overall quality of your relationship.
Sometimes the easiest way to get what you want is by saying it since that will help him understand what you need and quit any guesswork that he might not be good at, especially if you are in a new relationship.
Compliments that focus on his strength, accomplishments, and abilities show him that you admire and recognize his grit.
From telling him how proud you are of something he’s done to expressing how overwhelmed you are with what he just achieved – mentioning his successes in your messages will trigger his hero instinct and make him feel valued.
Laughter helps to lighten the tone of any conversation and make it more enjoyable.
Your text messages should include humorous banter to make him smile as well as witty comebacks that are not too serious.
Ask questions about his day or share funny stories you’ve heard. These good vibes will help your man feel relaxed and comfortable with you, further triggering his hero instinct.
Here are two examples:
“I’m so proud of you for taking on that project and seeing it through to the end. You’re so strong and capable!”
“You always amaze me with your ability to stay focused and get things done. You’re an inspiration!”
What Are the 7 Ways to Trigger a Man’s Hero Instinct?
Throughout this article, I have shared what I think are the seven most straightforward ways to trigger a man’s hero instinct so that you can get the relationship you deserve with the man you love.
I even went so far as to reveal three texts that might help you trigger it in the man you live with and love.
The seven ways to trigger a man’s hero instinct are:
- Ask him for help.
- Show appreciation.
- Acknowledge his achievements.
- Build intrigue and mystery.
- Let him know you’re willing to arm wrestle for it.
- Make him feel needed and wanted.
- Tell him how happy he makes you.
If you want all the detail on how to trigger his hero instinct through text, you must watch the video.
In the free video, James will go through all the simple ways you can trigger it to get a more loving relationship with the man you love.
As James explains, it is something that every woman will benefit from knowing.
Whether you are at the beginning of a new relationship, in an established one, or fearing that you might end up because the man you love has grown distant from you and started to pull away.
The hero instinct works because it triggers a hidden psychological need in every man.
It is a need that most men are not aware of and don’t even know exists themselves since it is not what interests most men.
The hero instinct is so effective since it flies under most men’s “radar” for the reason I discussed.
When you can fulfill that hidden desire in a man, he will stay with you, and you will immediately notice an improvement in your relationship.
It is no coincidence that I have discussed this many times on my blog.
If you like what I share above, you may want to share this article and help me spread the word about what I think is the most potent way to make a man stay with you and improve the quality of relationships with your man.

For better relationships,
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