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Do you know what attracts women to men?
I have discussed it many times on my blog, but if this is the first time you are reading my blog, you need to know that:
- Women are attracted to men for various reasons, most of them are things you wouldn’t find attractive
- Your smell and looks matter, and also how you treat her and others around you
- What you don’t say to her subjects more than which words you use
That was the crash course; if you want more details, you will find them in this article.
Without further ado, let’s begin.

How to Attract Women
In my previous article, I discussed what you could do to find women, but in this article, I will focus on how to attract women*.
It will work best if you’re a shy guy who has never had a girlfriend before, but even if you are more experienced than that, you might pick up a few things that might be beneficial for you too.
What Can I Do to Attract Women?
First, you need to know what attracts a man to a woman.
I recommend reading this article first since you will get a lot of good advice on what women want in a man.
However, it is not as simple as just reading an article.
The hard part is that you need to look decent on the outside. However, you might also need a change on the inside as well.
How you feel and view yourself affects your confidence.
For this reason, you need to learn how to attract women* and keep them attracted to you in the long run*.
Humor is a great way to attract women.
Of course, you should not use humor every time. Instead, you should use it wisely to avoid falling into the “fun guy trap.”
Your behavior matters, too, so try to be friendly and polite when you are on a date.
It is something women notice about men but will never tell them about it.
Women notice this and how you treat others, so your behavior, such as the waiter/waitress, matters too.
If you treat them like a doormat, they will think you will treat them the same way.
It is as simple as that.
It is known as social interaction, which women appreciate and value a lot since it unconsciously tells them how they will treat her.
[Tweet “Your behavior and social interactions on a date matter. – Dating Coach Rickard #quote #FirstDates #DatingAdvice”]
Remember that women pay close attention to the body language of the man she is dating very closely, which I will discuss in the next section of this article.

How to Talk to Girls
Communication matters in dating, and needless to say, you need to know how to talk to girls to be successful in your dating.
I have discussed this in many articles on this blog for a good reason.
Women focus on their body language*, which makes up about 60% of what you are “saying” and reveals your feelings and intentions, as does the fact that you discuss.
Make sure you keep your voice in the lower pitch since this makes women more relaxed and comfortable.
If you use a high-pitched voice, she might think you are stressed.
Get more tips on what to do to get the girl.*

What to Say to Make Her Attracted to You
Would you like some ideas for topics to discuss on a date?
No problem!
All you need to do right now is to read one of, or preferably all three, articles that cover this in greater detail:
- 45 Questions for the First Date
- 7 Questions for the Second Date
- Date Night Ideas, where you also will get some ideas about what you can do to make a date memorable for her.
If you don’t know how to talk to girls, you need help, especially shy and introverted.
I understand what you’re going through.
I was once exactly like you.
I was insecure and awkward when I saw an attractive woman.
Back then, I would love to learn the secret of how to be attractive to women*, which is just one click away for you today.
Time has changed the day we are dating nowadays!
I am, in fact, a bit jealous of you, I might add, since you can watch a video and get the blueprint to talk with any girl you want.
Which guy in his right mind wouldn’t be that?
I overcame my shyness by forcing myself to talk with women with which I did not have the slightest romantic interest or wanted to become my next girlfriend.
Guess what? It helped!
Then I increased the “hotness” level, and today, I can confidently acknowledge that I can talk with beautiful women effortlessly.
Would you like to do it too?
Then, I highly recommend you watch this video and learn how to talk to girls.*
Have a great week,
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