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What Can a Man Do to Attract Women?

What Can a Man Do to Attract a Woman

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What Attracts a Woman?

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Unfortunately, all women or girls have not been shaped in the same way.

Different things attract different girls.

However, one of the things that always seem to work to attract a woman is self-esteem.

Does this sound contradictory to you? It’s actually not!

Let’s face it: Every living person is attracted to someone or something that doesn’t matter as much to the next person as it does to you.

Allow me to share an example with you right now:

You might like fast cars while someone else likes horses, but the similarity between the two of you is that you like things, right?

Self-esteem is something that attracts all kinds of women.

But each woman is attracted to it differently.

For this reason, you must have a different strategy for each type of girl you want to attract. This is something most bloggers won’t reveal to you.

They will just run with the “one method works on any girl”-type.

But since I am an advocate of honesty, I decided to be 100% honest with you and tell you upfront one of the most important lessons that life has taught me:

I can tell you that I am always using different ways to attract different girls.

Because you need to use a different strategy for attracting a nerdy girl compared to a daddy’s little girl type of girl, does this make sense to you?

Now, I am a dating coach and not a pickup artist, and I am also a Godfearing man myself, so I would never use my own methods to get a girl for the night, although these methods can be used for these purposes as well.

It also depends on where she lives in the world!

Her culture will influence how well she reacts to the methods I am using to convince her to be my girlfriend, unconsciously.

You will use a different strategy to date a girl from the US and Western Europe compared to Eastern Europe and a completely different strategy if you would date an Asian girl or an African girl, right?

Each culture has a certain set of behaviours that are viewed as acceptable and not acceptable, and there are also differences within each country.

I know that most guys prefer to date women in their own country and within their own culture.

There is nothing wrong with dating girls in your own country.

This is, in fact, how most singles find love—no matter what kind of technique or piece of technology they are using.

Dating is more about using technology than meeting her in real life today.

Since every girl is different, I will now share 25 different strategies to get a girl to like you.

If you don’t want to read all the information, you can watch a video that reveals

One of the best methods to create instant attraction in any girl.*

25 Unique Ways to Get a Girl to Like You.

Being unique is the key to get any girl to like you.

It would be best if you used a different strategy for each girl.

Remember that there is a season for everything, like the book of Proverbs says.

For this reason, I decided to share 25 different ways to get a girl to like you:

  1. Make each moment unique and make it worth her time.
  2. If she’s a nerdy girl, you should go nerdy too. Share her interests!
  3. Order a pizza to her home and leave a fun message on the lid for her.
  4. Write on anything and everything but make sure she gets your message 😉
  5. If she loves coffee, order a cup of coffee for her and write your message on the cup!
  6. Dating is different during every season, right? So use it to your advantage!
  7. Take her phone and change your contact information to say something like “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” or “Do you want to go out on a date with me” or another message that you want to give her.
  8. Any combination of food or drink combined with your message will be fun.
  9. Make sure your message follows the attraction formula to increase your chances of success.
  10. Impress her with your unique skills. Do you have anything you’re good at that you know will impress her? Use it to your advantage!
  11. Try to look your best! I don’t mean that you need to have muscles like a bodybuilder. Just trying to stay fit by avoiding junk food will make you more attractive. Remember: We are shallow and how you look will always make a first impression that lasts for a while.
  12. Always try to make her laugh. This is the reason why I always recommend all guys to use the attraction formula.
  13. Avoid the friend-zone. Make sure she gets it. You don’t want to be her friend. You want to be her boyfriend! 
  14. Be flirty. Make flirty comments about her looks or what she’s wearing.
  15. Complement her and how she looks. This is something girls can’t get enough of!
  16. Be romantic. Yes, this is old-fashioned, but this always works. Flowers, poems, teddy bears, everything you can imagine if you have watched a romantic film works like a charm.
  17. Be polite. Hold up the door for her, if she’s cold, offer her your jacket. These nice gestures will tell her that you care about her well-being.
  18. Please give her a unique gift to tell her that you care about her unconsciously. I will write a whole other article on this topic to give you more inspiration.
  19. Share your secrets with her. I always do this to tell her that she means more to me than just a random friend.
  20. Always be yourself! You are good enough for her.
  21. Be confident. Confidence matters, so build your self-esteem as I discussed above.
  22. Spend time together. If you don’t spend time, you can’t ask her out on a date. It’s as simple as that!
  23. Don’t ask her if she likes you when you meet her. Instead, use micro-commitments. Make her commitments small and ramp it up as you go.
  24. Be a bit edgy too. Women don’t want a relationship to be the same way all the time,  make sure she experiencing all feelings to increase your chances.
  25. Be a challenge to her. If she gets you immediately, she will lose interest in you.

This was the 25 different ways to get a girl to like you in unique ways.

If you want the 26th, you have to watch this video.*

What Do Women Want?

As I revealed to you above, girls don’t want you to be nice to her all the time.

Remember, some girls like bad boys. But you should never mistreat her!

You may interrupt her thoughts by “accusing” her of something to make her think about you differently. By being mysterious and a bit enigmatic, you will be more attractive to her.

You should do it, so she knows that you aren’t serious. Make her laugh!

Here are 5 things all women want:

  1. A mysterious man. This is stereotypical, but it works like a charm.
  2. A nice man who knows how to treat her like a lady. Being nice and polite will make you go a long way, as I discussed above.
  3. A confident man. For this reason, self-esteem and confidence matters.
  4. A fun guy who makes her laugh. Remember the HIT-formula.
  5. A guy who will share her inner thoughts and her secrets but at the same time is himself and will take care of her, no matter what happens.

If you want more details, you can read my article about what women want.

If you rather would prefer to get your crush to fall in love with you, the video will help you discover a method that literally makes her chase you!

Watch this video and discover how to make any girl chase you.*

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 21st of May 2018.

It will be an interview with me. April D. Long will interview me, and I will reveal certain changes.

Have a great weekend,


About the author: Rickard Is The Head Blogger Of Chi Rho Dating Since Summer 2015 And Is Also The Dating Coach Of The Dating Website ChristianDatingInternational.Com.

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