What Is Cushioning in a Relationship and How to Deal with It




What is cushioning in relationships?


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What is Cushioning in a Relationship?

Cushioning: Balancing Act or Emotional Buffer?

In the world of modern relationships, new dating terms and behaviors seem to surface regularly, reflecting the evolving dynamics between couples. One such term that has gained attention in recent times is “cushioning.”

But what exactly does it mean, and how does it affect relationships?

Defining Cushioning

Cushioning in a relationship refers to keeping romantic alternatives as emotional “cushions” if the current relationship doesn’t work out.

It involves individuals maintaining a network of potential romantic interests, often in the background, to soften the emotional blow if their current relationship ends. It’s a form of moving insurance, simultaneously hedging bets on multiple potential partners.

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Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Signs of Cushioning

Recognizing cushioning can be challenging, as it often occurs behind the scenes. However, there are telltale signs to watch out for:

  1. Secretive Behavior: A cushioner may exhibit secretive tendencies, such as hiding text messages or discreetly maintaining multiple dating profiles.
  2. Inconsistent Commitment: They may appear fully committed to the relationship one moment but distance themselves emotionally when things become uncertain.
  3. Maintaining Other Connections: Cushioners often maintain connections with past romantic interests or engage in flirtatious interactions with others, even while in a committed relationship.
  4. Lack of Vulnerability: They might avoid opening up emotionally or discussing the future of the relationship, maintaining a guarded demeanor.
woman in white button up shirt sitting beside woman in blue denim jacket
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The Emotional Impact of Cushioning

Cushioning’s Ripple Effect on Emotions

The emotional impact of cushioning is multifaceted and can significantly affect individuals involved in the relationship, often extending beyond the couple itself. Here, we explore the profound effects in more detail:

Trust Erosion

Discovering that your partner is engaging in cushioning behavior can lead to a gradual erosion of trust.

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and when it’s compromised, it can be challenging to rebuild. For example, if you discover that your partner is maintaining secret connections with others, you may find it difficult to trust their commitment to the relationship.

My article Building Trust in New Relationships discusses how to build trust instead.

Emotional Distancing

Cushioning often leads to emotional distancing within the current relationship. The cushioner may withhold genuine commitment and vulnerability, creating emotional barriers that hinder the growth of intimacy.

This emotional distance can manifest as a lack of openness about feelings, future plans, or emotional investments in the relationship.


Individuals who discover that they are being cushioned often experience feelings of insecurity and anxiety. They may question their partner’s true feelings and commitment, wondering why they are not enough for them.

This insecurity can lead to self-doubt and negatively impact their self-esteem.

Impact on Future Relationships

The emotional consequences of cushioning can extend beyond the current relationship.

Individuals who have experienced cushioning may carry emotional baggage and trust issues into future romantic endeavors. This can create challenges in establishing trust and emotional intimacy with new partners.

Here is how old relationships impact your future relationships.

How to Deal with Cushioning

Dealing with cushioning in relationships requires a multifaceted approach, often beginning with open and honest communication. It’s crucial to address the behavior constructively, focusing on building understanding and trust rather than escalating conflict.

Initiate a Conversation

Initiating a candid and empathetic conversation with your partner is the first step in addressing cushioning.

Share your feelings and concerns regarding their behavior, emphasizing that the goal is not to blame but to understand each other better.

Express the need for transparency and emotional commitment in the relationship.

For example, you might say, “I’ve noticed that our relationship feels uncertain at times. I’d like us to have an open conversation about our expectations and where we see this going.”

My article Unleash Your Conversation Maestro shares more insights how you can initiate a conversation.

Set Clear Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries within the relationship is essential to ensure that both partners are on the same page.

Define what emotional exclusivity means to you both and discuss your expectations regarding commitment and communication. Communicate openly about what you’re comfortable with and what crosses the line.

For instance, you might say, “Let’s define what emotional commitment means to us. What are our boundaries when it comes to maintaining connections with others?”

For more insights, here is an in-depth article about the importance of boundaries in relationships.

Seek Counseling

If cushioning has caused significant emotional strain in the relationship, seeking professional help can be highly beneficial.

Relationship counseling provides a safe space to address underlying issues, improve communication, and rebuild trust. A qualified therapist can guide both partners in understanding the root causes of cushioning behavior and developing strategies for healthier emotional engagement.

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Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

How to Understand and Navigate Cushioning in Your Relationship

Cushioning in relationships is a complex issue with profound emotional implications. Addressing it requires patience, empathy, and constructive communication.

By initiating open conversations, setting clear boundaries, seeking professional help if necessary, and understanding the emotional impact, individuals can navigate cushioning with greater clarity and make decisions that prioritize their emotional well-being and happiness.

To your success,


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