What She Wants in a Man




what she wants in a man


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Do you want to know what she wants in a man?

If you do, here is the right article for you since I will cover everything she wants in you, so you don’t have to spend more time researching the Internet.

Here is what you will discover about what a woman wants in a man like you:

  • The qualities she wants in a man
  • What she claims she wants vs. what she wants in a man
  • What you should do to find high-quality women

If that is interesting, keep reading this article, and you will discover all of the above PLUS what she wants in a man in a relationship.

What Women Want 101: Respect, Honesty, and Trust

It should be no surprise that women want the same thing in their ideal partner as most men.

Respect, trust, and honesty are all integral parts of a relationship and something everyone wants in their ideal partner, whether you’re a man or a woman.

Women also want a couple of other things in a relationship.

Since I have already discussed them in greater detail in the past, I will not discuss them any further, and if you are interested you can read the 6 things that reveals what women want in men.

These are the real things women want, and not some made up thing that she claims she wants.

couple in love embracing at the beach
Silhouette of smiling couple in love embrace each other at the beach against sun. Summer flirt in shorts and bikini.

What a Woman Wants in a Man vs. What She Claims She Wants in a Man

There is a huge difference between what a woman wants in a man and what she claims she wants in a man.

Depending on where you are in your relationship, she will expect different things.

It all depends on how long you have been dating her and where you are at the timeline of your relationship.

At first she will not demand a lot from you, but further down her demands on you will increase.

A general rule of thumb here is that the longer the two of you have been dating, the more she will demand from you.

It might be confusing from time to time, especially in the beginning.

Sometimes she does say one thing that she wants, but when you’ve done that she claims that she doesn’t wanted that, but something difference.

So, how can you be sure to satisfy her needs before she knows what she wants from you?

There are a couple of ways to know what she wants in a man before she knows it herself, and here is one of them that will help you do that.

What You Should Do to Find High Quality Women

if you want to find high quality women, there is no shortage of options.

Sometimes that is the reason why you haven’t found yourself a girlfriend yet, since there is too much to choose from.

With all the dating websites and apps out there, you literally have a huge smorgasbord to pick and choose from at anything that satisfies your “tastebuds”. You can meet and find high quality women anywhere these days.

Needless to say, it can be hard to identify a high quality woman on a dating website.

The best way is to get her out on a date and look for the tell-tale signs that will help you decide not only if she’s the right woman for you, but also a high quality woman or not.

If you don’t know how to identify a high-quality woman, you should look for these signs.

dance date

Is She into Me or Is She Just Going out on a Date with Me to Get Something for Free?

Surely, there are some women who are going out on a date with men to get something for free, no matter if it is treating herself a visit to a nice restaurant at your expense, or enjoying herself instead of being at home and lonely on a weekend.

However, it would be best to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that most women who are going out with you have a romantic interest in you unless she’s emotionally immature.

I would estimate the percentage of women who take advantage of men like this as less than 1%.

I have never experienced that a woman who hasn’t got the slightest interest in me have accepted going out on a date with me. Maybe I have just been lucky, but none of my friends have experienced it either.

If you are uncertain, here are the tell-tale signs that gives away whether she’s into you or not.

What to Do to Make a Woman Attracted to You

If you spot any of the signs that she’s into you, there is no need to do anything, since she already finds you attractive.

However, there are three things I would still recommend you to do:

  • Be open and try to show her that you’re a fun guy to hang around.
  • Prioritize her needs and make her needs your priority. That will make you even more attractive in her eyes.
  • Lastly, you should increase your attractiveness.

That will help you become even more attractive to her, and become her ideal partner who knows what she wants before she knows it herself.

If you want, here are five tips to increase your attractiveness.

young woman looking at a young man 1

Chances are pretty high that she has already shown you that she’s into you if you know how she reveals herself.

Most women will never make the first move.

They want you, as a man to make the first move and get her out on a date, and a woman who is into you will encourage you in subtle ways.

If you’re not sure, here are some of the most obvious, yet subtle signs that she’s into you.

What a Woman Wants in a Man in a Relationship

As you now know after reading the entire article, she wants, and expects that you…

  • Treat her with the utmost respect
  • Show her that you are trustworthy
  • Know what she wants before she knows it herself
  • Show her that you are a high-quality man who can take care of her
  • Understand what she wants in a relationship, and give it to her

It might sound hard to do, but trust me, it’s worth it if she’s a woman you already have emotions for, and wants to date.

Here’s a cheat-sheet that will help you understand what she wants in a man.

Now that you know how to properly identify what she wants in a man, and how she shows that she likes you there is no longer any excuse, but making your move ASAP, and asking her out on a date.

I wish you all the best!


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