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Are you wondering what to text men in who you have a romantic interest?
If you do, you need to look no further than this article since that is precisely what is covered in this article. That will also give you some examples, so you don’t have to think about it alone.
Texting men can be challenging for you as a woman.
We all have our unique texting style; some prefer short text messages while others send long novels, yet others vary.
Therefore, I think you will appreciate what I share in this article.
If you want more in-depth knowledge, the links in this article will be helpful since they all link to different tools and reports that allow you to learn the best practices of texting men.
Here is a quick overview of what you will read about in the article:
- 8 Examples of What to Text Men You Like
- 7 Other Examples of What to Text Men You Have a Crush On
- Should I Ever Stop Texting Him?
- 5 Simple Messages That Will Change Your Love Life Forever
- How to Know When He’s Flirting with You
If you are new to my blog, you might want to know the texting “etiquette” that women should follow, which is a fancier word saying best-practice guide.
I left a link to it above, and you can read it when you are done reading this article which continues below.
8 Examples of What to Text Men You Like
Texting men can be tricky, as everyone has their communication style and preferences. However, here are some general examples of what to text men:
- Ask about their day: “Hey, how was your day today?”
- Make plans: “Do you want to grab dinner tomorrow night?”
- Show interest: “I saw a movie trailer today that I think you would love. Have you seen it?”
- Send a funny meme or joke: “I just saw this hilarious meme and thought of you!”
- Compliment them: “I just wanted to say that I think you’re talented/smart/funny/etc.”
- Start a conversation: “Have you heard about the new restaurant that opened in town?”
- Check-in: “Hey, I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”
- Flirt a little: “I can’t stop thinking about our amazing date. When can we do it again?”
Remember to be yourself and use your own words to convey your message. Please pay attention to their response and adjust your communication accordingly.
Here is an excellent texting technique that works on any man you like.

Other Examples of What to Text Men You Have a Crush On
Now, I will share some other examples of what-to-text men you have a thing for, but it is still vital that you keep a fun and light tone in your text and make them as personal as possible to him.
For convenience, I share seven examples of what you can text your crush:
- Send a flirty text: “Hey, I just wanted to say hi and let you know I’m thinking about you today.”
- Compliment him: “You looked handsome today. I just had to let you know.”
- Ask him about his interests: “What are your favorite hobbies? I’m always looking for new things to try.”
- Share something interesting you just learned: “Did you know octopuses have three hearts? I just learned that and thought you might find it cool.”
- Make a playful joke: “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute cumber.”
- Send a cute photo of yourself (nothing inappropriate): “I just took this selfie and thought I’d share it with you. Hope you’re having a great day!”
- Suggest a fun activity together: “Hey, have you ever tried mini-golfing? It’s a blast, and I think we should go some time.”
Remember to keep things light and casual, as you don’t want to come on too strong. That will only scare him away, which isn’t what you want. And most importantly, be yourself and have fun with it!
Here are some examples of texts that no man can resist.

Should I Ever Stop Texting Him?
Stopping communication with a guy, especially after months of chatting, can feel like a significant loss. Everything was going well at the beginning of your correspondence, and you enjoyed talking to him.
However, something has changed along the way.
The conversations have become shorter, and he seems less interested. Perhaps he’s been distracted or has lost interest. Now, you’re left with the question of when to call it quits.
You can start a new conversation, share a funny joke or story, and try to re-engage him.
Alternatively, you can choose to bow out and end the conversation forever. Unfortunately, in most cases, if a guy is bored or uninterested in a text conversation, he won’t come back.
So, when do you know it’s time to call it quits for good?
Some situations should be a clear red flag, indicating it’s time to say goodbye. These situations are a sign from above, or whatever you want.
If you’re unsure when to stop texting a guy, click here to learn more.*

5 Simple Messages That Will Change Your Love Life Forever
Now after sharing a couple of best practices on what you should text men you like or have a crush on, it is finally time to share the five simple messages that will (hopefully) change your love life forever.
I can’t guarantee that these texts will work on all men and in all situations.
However, these text messages are your best hope of rekindling the relationship since trying to become more attractive to him is a losing battle and will have little to no effect on him.
Read about why these five short messages will significantly impact your love life.*
These texts work because they are so simple yet effective since they trigger five different hormones in all men that will make them more committed to your relationship, more attentive to you, and more open.
It will be the best five minutes you spend on your relationship today.
How to Know When He’s Flirting with You
Texting can sometimes be confusing, with all the subtle emotional shifts and carefully chosen words that can imply something different than intended. It’s easy to miss signals and miscommunicate, leading to frustration and misunderstandings.
For that reason, you might want to know these sure signs that he’s flirting with you over text.
Emojis can help, but they’re not enough.
Sometimes, it’s challenging to express your feelings accurately through text, and it can be tough to gauge someone else’s emotions when you’re not in person.
But don’t worry!
There are ways to decode what a guy is saying behind all those confusing, innocent, and often weird texts.
You already have all the secrets of understanding guy texts, and I’m here to help you decipher nine texting signs that the guy you like is crushing on you and potentially even flirting with you.*
To take your texting game to the next level and better understand the guy you’re talking to, you must access the tools and expertise to help, available if you tap or click the link above.
Of course, it is not a quick fix or something that always works, but these texts will help you.
Remember that the ultimate goal is to turn your texting conversations into real-life dates, and that is what can help you get there.
So, don’t hesitate to learn more about decoding guy texts and taking your relationship to the next level.
Stop Wondering What to Text a Man You Like Now
As you probably realize by now, texting men can be challenging since we all have unique styles and words we prefer to use.
Unfortunately, this leaves room for misinterpretations and missing the signals he’s using.
Sometimes you will eventually conclude that the best thing is to stop texting him and move on to another guy since he isn’t the right man for you.
Even if it hurts, you will be better off and hopefully gain something from your bad experience.
Throughout this article, I have shared fifteen different examples of what to text men you like or have a crush on above and the best practices to follow when texting guys.
They work and will help you activate the five essential hormones to make him fall in love with you.
However, since less is more when texting a guy, you might want to send him the five short texts that I also discussed in this article.
These texts will give you results faster and works on most men.
Of course, I can not guarantee that they will work on your man since he might have lost his ability to show his love for you, or he might not understand your signals.

Happy texting!
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