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In this blog post, I will discuss places where you can bring a woman on dates, both first and the consecutive ones.
There will be both the “classics” as well as new ones.

Dating When You Don’t Know Her
Dating when you don’t know a woman might be tough to come up with ideas for a good first date, the classic ones like going to a nice restaurant, the cinema or even just to a café is a good practice for getting to know her a bit better.
If you already know her a bit, it will be a lot better since you will pinpoint her interests down and cultivate them.
If you are in the U.S, you will celebrate the 4th of July today (or the Independence Day as it’s also known).
Take your date to a special event that happens in your town today, like fireworks or a parade or similar stuff.

Dating When You Know Her
If you know what she likes and what you don’t like, dating becomes a lot easier.
If you know what she is passionate about, like a photo exhibition, art exhibition, opera, theatre, try to fix some event tickets.
If she like films then going to the cinema is never wrong, right?.
If you’re both fans of a special sport or a particular sports team, fix tickets to the game and make her awestruck.
You can use this to impress her, especially if these tickets are hard to get because of a sudden peak of interest or a game between rivals.
I had used this tactic myself when I dated a girl that was a sports-nerd.
The sky is really the limit, and you as a man should show her that you have an interest in her by doing things with her that she is interested in.
You need to do interesting things and find common interests together.
This is a powerful and proven tactic to make her even more interested in you than she hopefully already is.
Here are more tips on where you can go on first dates with a new girl/woman.
If you have some interests that you share, it’s important to know that you should cultivate them together.
You should know this: Shared experiences between humans strengthen the bond between them and the more experiences you share, the greater are the chances that you might end up as husband and wife.
This is all that I had to share with you for this time.
Next blog post
My next blog post will be published on Wednesday the 8th of July.
It will be about what you should not ask a woman on a first date.
See you then,
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