Why Do We Celebrate Easter: The Resurrection (Part 2 Of 3)




I Am The Resurrection and Life


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In this blog post, we will discuss the most important celebration in Christianity. It’s Easter Day and we celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

This is, of course, one of the longest articles we have ever written, as it should be.

Pictures courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.NET and the video used in this article was found on YouTube.

The Tide Has Turned: Death Has Lost, He Is Risen!

The Light Shines Through Darkness

Today we bring you the True Good News: He is not in the tomb, he has risen from the dead! Jesus Christ is risen!

According to all four Gospels, the women came to the tomb after the Sabbath to anoint the body of Jesus just to find out that he wasn’t there. The heavy stone that was put before the entrance had been moved, the guards that the Romans put there to guard it were not to be found, they had fled.

Of course, there are some discrepancies but the most important fact is stated by all four Gospels: Jesus is risen!

The shock and horror they must have felt, we could only imagine. At first, they come to the logical conclusion that somebody has snatched the body from the tomb and surely they would ask themselves: Who would have done such a horrible act?

All of a sudden they are struck to the ground by a light and a voice telling them: “He is not here but is risen!” (Luke 24:6)

They covered their eyes and faces since they instinctively knew that it was God that talked with them from heaven and knew that no person could see God and live.

Death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? (1 Cor. 15:55) Paul would ask rhetorically in his letter to the Corinthians when he recalled this historical event.

This is exactly what it is: A historical fact, not historical fiction as some people claim it to be.

We are not afraid of death, we know that it has not got the final word in our life, Jesus will and he is risen!

Let’s return to the shocked women. First, they were afraid that the body had been snatched away, now they got a second shock: He is risen! He is not dead!

But they saw him die, how could they not believe their own eyes? The man drew nearer to them: They now see that it is a young man. He is an angel, a messenger of God.

He has another message to them. They should go and tell the disciples about what he told them and also that they shall meet the risen Jesus once more before he returns to his father.

They hurry, gather their belongings and returns to Jerusalem where the disciples are hidden in a private home. Afraid that they too should be arrested and killed, in discourage of what Jesus had told them so many times before: That he had to die so that he could rise again.

They are hiding from the authorities because of their fear. That is the reality and the state of mind to the first people that heard the wonderful news.

The Resurrection: The Belief Of Women, Discourage Among The Men

Jesus Is Love

When the women came and told the disciples, the men doubted. It is even told that Peter, the beloved disciple ran to the tomb himself to see it with his own eyes.

The men doubted and were discouraged, the women believed what they had been told! This is really something marvelous, considered that it was a patriarchic society they lived in where women were considered to be a belonging to her father, and later on husband and oldest son.

The Bible is the truth, no matter which part of the Bible we speak of and it mirrors the society when it was written down, this is fact and we can’t change it but there is a big punch to all modern day people that are using modern day ideologies to read the Bible.

At Chi Rho Dating.COM we believe that the Bible should be read and that the text itself should guide you. By doing so, the Bible always tends to surprise modern day man.

Showing men as weak isn’t something flattering in the society where it was written and neither the fact that it is women that are the first witnesses, who according to Jewish law at the time were just considered half the credibility of a man in a court.

So for those that thinks that the resurrection is fake we have something to say to you: If it would have been a fake story, wouldn’t they had come up with a better, more credible story than doing everything wrong.

Tomas, one of the disciples of Jesus, even wanted to feel Jesus wounds when he returned to them. By doing so, Tomas is the precursor of many modern day humans since they want proof and evidence if they are going to believe.

Why We Celebrate Easter: The Resurrection

As we wrote above, the resurrection is the greatest of all celebrations in Christianity. It is a celebration of life, a life that never stops but continues beyond death who is a mere gateway to eternal life.


The most wonderful words in the entire year of any Church is said by an angel today: He is not here but is risen!

We would like to share a video with you that we found on YouTube. It explains our faith in a nutshell for those that want to know what Christianity is all about:

Now it is time to end this long article with a prayer:

Blessed are You, Lord our God,

who has sanctified us through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

He who were dead but rose again from the grave on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.


Next blog post

Our next blog post will be published tomorrow on Easter Monday (the 6th of April).

It will be the conclusion of our Why do we celebrate Easter-series.

Until then,
The Chi Rho Dating Group

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