3 Ways to Make a Relationship Last for Life




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How to Have a Healthy Relationship

If you want to learn the secret to long-term relationships, this article is for you.

I know it might sound a bit odd to claim that an article can reveal all the keys to a healthy relationship but today, you will get some valuable insights.

Just read this article to the end to get them.

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Women often describe that the main key to a good relationship is what they refer to as “chemistry”. What women actually mean is that you should have a “connection” to one another, an invisible bond.

Allow me to clarify one thing: The key to a successful romantic relationship is chemistry but not the way women commonly refer to it.

There are real processes in our bodies that happens when we are involved in a romantic relationship. Men and women alike experience them.

Relationship Advice for Healthy Relationships

A great relationship advice for couples would be that you should connect with each other by doing things both of you enjoy. By doing so, you will get a strong relationship that is beneficial for both.

There are three chemical substances in our bodies that you need to learn about and how they will help you build a long-lasting relationship. They are:

  1. Testosterone is important. Not just for the sex-drive of both men and women but also to keep and control the lust. This is the most important thing to control if you want a long-term relationship.
  2. Dopamine is a chemical substance that helps you feel love and well-being. It is often referred to as “the body’s own narcotics”. This is what helps you control the lust. When dopamine is released into your brain it makes you feel satisfied and help you remain faithful to the other person in the relationship.
  3. Oxytocin is the third chemical substance that helps you with the long-term commitment, reproduction, and bonding with the baby. It also helps women with birth and the milk production. This is the “bonding” chemical that makes you “connect” with both the person as well as your offspring.

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As you clearly can identify above, these chemical substances that we all have in our body naturally occurring.

But how do these chemicals help you in a relationship?

How to Have a Good Relationship

In all relationships, it is important to set your long-term relationship goals. This is something you should do together and it is also important that both of you agree with them. Otherwise, your relationship is doomed to fail.

These tips can work for relationships as well as marriages.

I typically do not give marriage tips on this blog since its main focus is dating and to some extent relationships.

However, what I will share with you works both in marriage and relationships:

In order to make these chemicals work as an ally and strengthen your relationship, you need to make certain that both you and the other person in the relationship gets dopamine and oxytocin release in your brains every now and then.

The simplest way to do this is by doing things that you share or something that frightens you and creates a strong bond between the two of you.

Then you first experience a rush of adrenaline and testosterone, followed by dopamine when you have overcome the experience and finally oxytocin will be released and help form a “we” as well as a mutual experience.

It doesn’t even have to be a real experience. A film can help you achieve the same effect as well.

Not two couples are exactly the same, so you might not be able to use my advice below:

A simple way to do it is to watch a horror film or go to the local amusement park and first visit the haunted house or riding the roller coaster followed by a romantic boat ride.

This is just two examples of many choices.

I don’t know you and I don’t know what is available in your local area.

If you know that these tips will not work in your relationship or you try them out and they don’t work, then simply don’t use them.

Use your own imagination and if you already know what will work for your relationship then use that.

The examples are just examples and you can do whatever you want with them.


Next Article

My next article will be published on Monday the 20th of November 2017.

It will discuss how guys spoil relationships before they even start.


Have an awesome weekend,


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