Take Caution, Trust Your Gut, and Trust Your Intuition




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We are a professional review company that receives compensation from companies whose products we review. We test each product thoroughly and give high marks only to the ones that are the very best. We are independently owned, and the opinions expressed here are our own.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance to take caution, and trust your gut or trust your intuition when you are dating online.

Now you might be wondering why this is so important.

The answer is that there is one thing that affects all dating sites, small and big ones alike: People who are trying to scam others.

You can think of these scammers as the modern version of a pick-pocket.

The best method is to always take caution and go on gut feeling as you will read below.

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A Word of Advice: Take Caution and Go On Gut Feeling

This might feel like a very basic thing to say, however, it needs to be said: When you are on dating sites, no matter how hard we work we can’t guarantee that there won’t be scammers.

It isn’t just a problem for small dating sites, it’s a problem for the big sites too.

What we always recommend is to use common sense and listen to what your gut or intuition tells you.

The best practice that we can share with you is:
If something or someone sounds too good to be true, that is often the case.
This is a principle that you can use online as well as offline.

You may have looked at our website’s Frequently Asked Questions and discovered some of our security tips.

It is a problem that there are people that try to scam others on the Internet.

No matter if it’s on different social media platforms or dating websites.

Scammers, as well as pick-pockets and con artists, tend to be where people gather together.

We always advise our members to take caution and go on gut feeling (or intuition depending on their gender).

If someone sounds too good to be true, it’s probably the case too.

Always trust your feelings and instincts, no matter if you’re a man and woman.

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We Try As Much As It’s Humanly Possible

We try to “clean” our website from profiles that we think might be scammers every day.

We do this as often as humanly possible.

However, we’re only humans and can never guarantee that we are 100% successful with doing so.

Our goal is to try to keep our website as secure as well as safe as possible but and this is important we can’t guarantee that we succeed every time.

If you have been scammed or believe that the profile that has contacted you are a scammer then you need to contact our customer service.

Don’t engage that person yourself, let our customer service handle it.

You can contact them by clicking on the flap “Contact Us“.

We will co-operate fully with the authorities if necessary and we won’t hesitate to use the full extent of the law if it is necessary.

Profiles that don’t behave properly may be cancelled without further notice.

Our member’s safety is always our top priority and we will protect them if we deem it necessary to do so.

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Our next blog post

Next blog post will be available on October the 8th 2014.

It will be about our new recommended products that we will add next week.

If you’re a member of our website, you’ll know them already but if not you will be able to read about their names but the reviews will be added at the end of this month.

Until then,

The Chi Rho Dating Team

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