All Rickard’s Reviews That Were Published in 2017




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As an affiliate, we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. We get commissions for purchases made through links on this website from Amazon and other third parties.

We are a professional review company that receives compensation from companies whose products we review. We test each product thoroughly and give high marks only to the ones that are the very best. We are independently owned, and the opinions expressed here are our own.

If you wish to read which articles were published in 2017, I recommend reading the article published yesterday, “A summary of 2017“. This article will only discuss the reviews of 2017 and give a sneak-peak into 2018.

During the entire year, there were 11 reviews published. May was the only month where there was no review published.

In the next paragraph, I will discuss all 11 reviews and then reveal something about 2018. I hope you continue to read this article…

Note: There are no links to actual products; all links go to the reviews themselves.

All Reviews in 2017 Summarized

The year began in January with a review of “Expert Online Dating’s Online Dating to Get the Girl,” which resulted in the newsletter” Get the girl now” later this year.

I reviewed Amy North’s dating product” Devotion system” in February.

The” Massaging your date” review is the most-read review of all studies published on the blog in 2017 (145 unique visitors). It was published in March.

In April, the review was about” Russian brides” and certain things you should consider if you want to engage in international or interracial dating.

The review in June was “How to Be an Attractive Man.”

My review in July was of Bobby Rio’s “Magnetic Messaging” product for men who want to use texting as pickup lines to get a girl out on a first date. I would write another review of another product of his later on in 2017.

The review in August was published not as a review but as “How to Get a Thai Girlfriend.” This was the second review of international dating this year.

My review in September was the first article published that month, named “Casanova Protocol.” I also shared some insights about who Casanova was.

In October, I reviewed the third of Bobby Rio’s products: “Unlock Her Legs,” which will be discussed more in 2018 from different perspectives.

The review in November was for women who want to attract a particular man: “Hypnotic Body Language.”

The final review was published in December 2017: Infatuation Instinct. It is for women who will find a man and attract him. You can even look at this in the recently published video on Youtube.

For Men:7
For Women:4
Total Reviews:11

Fewer Reviews Will Be Published in 2018

I can already tell you that you will get fewer reviews in 2018. I am thinking about only publishing one every quarter (once every three months) and making videos and writing more articles on the topics of the products I will review.

You can rest assured that I will never allow my judgment to be clouded by the fact that I will get a small monetary compensation.

I value your trust in me and my impartiality far more significantly than any money in the world.

For this reason, I will write an affiliate disclosure in compliance with the FTC guidelines. Even though I don’t live in the U.S., I still think it’s the best thing to do since I know that most of my readers are from the United States.

I will link all my new and old reviews to that page as soon as it’s published.

Whenever I make videos and publish them on YouTube (unless they’re on the website or general dating tips), you will find a link to the description of that video and to that page.

The first review in 2018 will be about a product named “Forever Yours.” That review will be published sometime after Valentine’s day.

This wraps up the final article published in 2017.

Next Article

My next article will be published on the 1st of January, 2018.

It will discuss online dating day.

The happy ending of 2017 and happy new year in 2018,


About the author

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