An Interview with Dating Coach Rickard




An Interview with The Dating Coach


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Dating Coach Rickard Spills The Beans

This article is different since it contains an interview by April D. Long. She has taken the time and interviewing our Dating Coach Rickard.

April: Hi, and welcome to this interview, Rickard. How are you doing?

Rickard: Thanks a lot, April. I am doing just fine.

April: Glad to hear it. I asked you because we all could read about the seasonal-based depression you’re suffering.

Rickard: Yes, I do, April, and I’m a private person, so I needed to step out of my comfort zone and be open about it, and it was pretty hard for me.

April: We appreciate your openness, Rickard and I think I speak for all readers as well as myself when I say: Thank you!

Rickard: Thanks a lot, April. I appreciate your support.

April: You are not only blogging on Chi Rho Dating, right? How can you get the time to do it?

Rickard: You’re right; I’m also blogging at How to Text a Girl but mostly on Chi Rho Dating.

April: Yes. What would you say is the most significant difference between the two?

Rickard: I would say that How to Text a Girl is more targeted toward a male audience, while Chi Rho Dating is more general and targets both men and women. It also focuses on reviews which How to Text a Girl does not.

April: But you are investigating something new as well as we speak. Why are you doing it?

Rickard: Yes, I am, but I can’t reveal every detail now since everything isn’t clear just yet, but I can reveal that we are facing significant changes.

I am doing that because of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will take effect on the 25th of May, 2018.

April: What is this GDPR, and how will it affect us?

Rickard: The GDPR is a new law that will protect the privacy of each individual.

They will have the right to know what kind of information businesses and organizations has collected or will collect and the purpose for the collection of data. Every customer also has the right to be forgotten.

April: It sounds like an extensive law but does it apply to everybody everywhere?

Rickard: No, it doesn’t. It only affects people living in the European Union or singles who are citizens of a country that is a member of the Union. So, it affects everybody everywhere, while there are exceptions.

April: So I, as an American, won’t be affected?

Rickard: If you sign up for a European website or newsletter, you will be affected by the GDPR. Websites also need to clarify where information is stored. In Chi Rho Dating’s case, it is on websites located in the United States of America.

April: How will this affect us?

Rickard: We need to clarify every policy and terms of services that we have. We will also delete everybody’s email address we collected before the GDPR. We will do it this coming weekend.

April: Why would we do that?

Rickard: So that every individual will consent to share their information with us again. We will update the information in our newsletters so each individual knows what they have agreed to share with us.

Dating Profiles, Coaching, and Dating Security

April: It seems to me that you like dating profiles, coaching, and security.

Rickard: I do. I’m almost obsessed with helping individuals to create a profile.

April: If an individual signs up for a coaching call with you, what would the outcome be?

Rickard: There are two general scenarios: Either we would decide that this is a client of mine and take it from there, or we would agree that I can’t help this person.

If we decide that I can help this client, I will interview them to figure out precisely what this individual needs help with and help them with that.

April: Based on your own experience, would you say there are any differences between men and women?

Rickard: Absolutely. Most women seem to be more willing to listen to my advice, while most men think that they know everything and that I am stupid and disagree with them and give them tips that I know will work.

April: Wow! Do you know why men don’t want to listen to you?

Rickard: Yes, I think we men have a core belief that we know everything and can handle everything ourselves. We don’t need anybody’s help. This is, unfortunately, why most men fail.

April: Quite recently, you discussed why most women fail in online dating, didn’t you?

Rickard: Yes, I did, and I learned a lot in the research process that I didn’t expect, but I can reveal that it’s not for the same reason men fail in online dating.

April: Will you cover this topic as well?

Rickard: Yes, I think that article will be released in mid-June.

April: What are you currently researching?

Rickard: Gift ideas for first dates; I hope to write an article about this in June or July.

April: So there are many things we can look forward to reading about on this blog, then?

Rickard: Absolutely. I’m always trying to do my best.

April: If I were a single woman, I might want to read about the men’s need for intimacy which I discussed in one of my articles on Chi Rho Dating. Would you be open to suggestions?

Rickard: I’m always open to suggestions; you can email me your suggestions for articles. I will read every mail I get, but not every email might be a suitable topic for this blog.

April: Would you mind sharing an example?

Rickard: Yes, one that comes to mind is, “What can I do to find love?” This is too generic, and I can’t tell a person I don’t know and haven’t interviewed what this person can do to find love.

April: It makes perfect sense to me, at least. Security seems to be another of your favorite topics. Why do you like it so much?

Rickard: Yes, it is. I think the reason that I like to discuss security issues is the right to privacy and also that I think that dating should be a fun experience, not a dreadful one.

April: I agree. I had many friends who had bad experiences when they dated men. Even men they thought they knew, like colleagues.

Rickard: Even though it’s easier to scam singles online, I still think that you should keep your distance first and then agree to meet in a public place like a café or a restaurant.

April: You always seem to emphasize this. You also don’t think it’s a great idea for singles to meet at somebody’s home.

Rickard: No, because you’re inviting a stranger into your home. So my advice is to keep your distance and go home yourself for the first two to three dates.

The Future of Chi Rho Dating

April: Finally, we need to address the future. But first, Rickard isn’t an English name. Where are you from?

Rickard: I’m Swedish and still live in Sweden, but I blog in English.

April: So Swedish is your first language. How old were you when you began studying English?

Rickard: I was about ten years old. English is mandatory in Swedish schools and the first foreign language we learn.

April: Before this interview began, you told me that languages are your passion. Do you speak other languages as well?

Rickard: I also speak some German and have also studied two biblical languages at the University, more specifically, Hebrew and Greek.

April: You are indeed a very educated man. Why did you study these languages?

Rickard: I hope to become a minister one day, and I have always loved languages. Studying Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek made a lot of sense to me, and I even have a Master of Theology in Old Testament Hebrew.

April: Wow, was this why you joined Chi Rho Dating?

Rickard: Yes, it also led me to discover the best book about relationships was already written.

April: Which book is that?

Rickard: The Holy Bible.

April: Lastly, I want to ask you a question that every female reader of this blog wants to hear: How is your current relationship status?

Rickard: I’m currently single, and I’m not focusing on finding a girlfriend, but I don’t know when God decides to change it. Now, I’m focusing on serving other singles the best dating advice.

April: Thanks a lot for your time, Rickard. I appreciate it.

Rickard: You’re welcome, April; always a pleasure to talk to you.

Following Articles by Rickard and April D. Long

Rickard’s next article will be published on the 26th of May, 2018.

It will discuss how men should flirt with a girl.

April’s next article will be published on the 7th of July, 2018.

It will discuss whether a woman should ask a man out on a date.

Have a great week,

Rickard and April D. Long.

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