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In this blog post, we will discuss another of the important aspects of online dating, namely humor.
There is nothing funny about this blog post, so we’ll start by defining it and after that, we will discuss how it can have an impact on your dating life.
Humor comes from the Latin word humores which mean liquids. It is based on the sublime, the ridiculous or the rules of the society and its flaws as well as many other things according to Wikipedia.
Now, we have a definition of what humor can be so now we may turn our attention to discussing how humor will have an effect in your life, especially when it comes to online dating.

How Humour May Play An Important Role In Online Dating
Since you have a profile on the dating website of your choice, you can write something from a humerus way, especially a trait in your personality that you aren’t proud of or writing that sharing the same sense of humor is something you are looking for in a potential partner.
Here are one example: “I like to keep my home tidy and clean. In fact, I love it so much that you have to walk on your hands the entire time if we will stay at my place.”
This example is, of course, a bit extreme but it was written just to give you an example of how you could write a witty and funny text in your dating profile. We cannot guarantee that it will make you find your true match or your soulmate but we can guarantee that it will give a lot of people a great time of laughter.
Science has shown that when you laugh at something the barrier you might have had that particular thing may be lowered or totally broken apart.
Other Ways To Use Humour In Online Dating
It is of course not only when you write your dating online but also when you are chatting with someone, no matter if you are using text or video to communicate with that person.
To avoid this from happening you should not use humor the entire time.
We can of course not give you an exact, scientific method when you should use humor, you have to feel it yourself. Trust your feelings and let them guide you, then you’ll know exactly when you will be able to use it for the best purpose.
Next blog post
Our next blog post will be published on Saturday the 18th of April 2015.
It will be about Rickard, our dating coach, and our website.
Until then,
The Chi Rho Dating Group
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