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In this blog post, I will discuss that every person you date will have a history.
People today are most certainly not inexperienced when it comes to dating.
Many women start when they are as young as 14 to date guys, and when they are in their late teens, they might even have relationships with them and may also have lived together with their first partner for a couple of years before breaking up.
So, of course, they would have done things that might not be acceptable in some cultures but haven’t you done something likewise?
You have a history, so why should you not think that the person you’re dating has one too?

Everybody Has a History and An Emotional “Backpack”
Everybody has a history. It is an inevitable fact in the Modern World. We all carry around an emotional “backpack” constantly.
Often, it’s not something we share or show the humans we meet daily.
Everybody does not need to know every detail of your entire life so far. Sure, your friends might know about it but not your boss, your colleagues, and probably not your own family. It would help if you kept it that way too.
The symbolic “backpack” with all of our feelings, our previous experiences of broken relationships, failures and mistakes we made in our love life, our heartaches, and all other things we have done are the things we always carry with us and will not be able to shake off that easily.
People learn by making mistakes and sometimes even by repeating them! It is something genuinely true, no matter where you live. You constantly make mistakes. We need to be able to forgive others for their mistakes so that we can forgive ourselves as well.
It is the case for you and everyone you’re dating, especially if you are not in your early teens or twenties.
You are not a virgin, and that is one of the things you have to accept if you’re dating in the Western World today.
Most people won’t be sexually inexperienced when dating, not even people who call themselves Christians but have to do more with modern society promoting more promiscuous behavior today than before.
People today have many sexual partners, much more than their parents had. We are not living in this World, but we must face these facts globally and as Christians.
We might not like these facts, and if you disapprove of it, sites like these dating sites are a good starting point since it is Christians from the Western World and countries where virginity still is a seal of dignity and something to be proud of for women.
Remember what Jesus says to the Pharisees that want to stone the woman they accuse of adultery: “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7 ESV).
So, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us follow the example of Jesus and not that of the Pharisees as most people that call themselves Christians do.
They have double standards about how the “others” behave but might have done it themselves too!
Don’t have double standards, but accept that you are two unique individuals with different experiences of relationships.
That will help a man to open up emotionally to the woman he loves and women to trust the man.

The Solution Is Simple
You have to realize how things are.
You should know that you can’t have one standard for yourself and another for everybody else.
That is hypocrisy, dear siblings in Christ Jesus!
If you do, then you have double standards, period. I’m only trying to set all the facts straight for you.
Please use the same standard for yourself and everybody else, and remember the Saviour’s words: “Do not judge”!
You have to realise how things are.
You should know that you can’t have one standard for yourself and another for everybody else.
That is hypocrisy, dear siblings in Christ Jesus!
If you do, then you have double standards, period. I’m only trying to set all the facts straight for you.
Please use the same standard for yourself and everybody else, and remember the Saviour’s words: “Do not judge”!
For this reason, no official representative of christiandatinginternational.com will ever ask you how experienced you are. It is not of any concern to us.
Only one thing truly matters to us if you want to use our dating website: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour? Not how experienced or inexperienced you are.
“Accept that you are accepted although you are unacceptable.”
Paul Tillich
As some Christians still teach, we are saved by God’s grace alone and not by our good acts.
God accepts you despite what you are, and for this reason, He sent His only Son to this World, not to judge it but so that it would be saved through him. (Read John 3:16-17 if you don’t believe me.)
He is the Word of God, eternal as the Father who has no beginning and no end, and everything has been created for eternal glory. Amen.
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